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How To Run An Advisor Meeting

To run an advisor meeting, you should prepare a clear agenda, invite relevant participants, foster open discussion, document key points, and follow-up on any actions agreed upon.

An advisor meeting is a formal gathering where an individual or group consults with an advisor to gain insights, advice, and direction regarding specific matters. This can be in various fields like education, business, or finance. In education, for instance, it typically involves students seeking guidance about their course selection, career paths, or academic issues from a faculty advisor. In business or finance, companies or individuals may consult with an advisor to discuss business strategies, financial planning, or investment decisions. Ultimately, the purpose of an advisor meeting is to aid decision-making processes based on the professional advice given by the advisor.

What is the purpose of a Advisor Meeting?

The purpose of running an advisor meeting as a leader is to gather insights and perspectives from team members, seek their advice and expertise, and make informed decisions based on the collective wisdom of the group. It demonstrates inclusive leadership, fosters collaboration and innovation, and ensures the organization benefits from diverse perspectives.

How To Run An Advisor Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Identifying the need for a meeting

Evaluating if a meeting is necessary or if issues can be resolved by simpler means is crucial. Not every decision necessitates a meeting. Many minor issues can be effectively addressed through emails, quick chats, or collaboration platforms, saving time and resources for all involved.

Next Step

Step 2: Defining the purpose

Clearly define the meeting’s purpose to guide its proceedings. That purpose could be to make key decisions, solve important problems, cultivate stronger relationships among attendees, or share valuable knowledge. Each meeting type requires a different focus, and identifying it early ensures a productive gathering.

Next Step

Step 3: Choosing the participants

When planning a meeting, a vital task is determining the participant list. This list should only encompass individuals who can deliver valuable insights or hold decision-making authority. Including these key persons ensures efficient and effective discussions and prevents productivity loss from involving unnecessary members.


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Next Step

Step 4: Setting the Agenda

Before any meeting, it’s essential to prepare a comprehensive agenda. This should outline topics to be discussed, their sequence, and designate an allocated timeframe each requires. An agenda can guide discussion, maintain focus, ensure time efficiency, and foster productivity within predetermined objectives.

With ZipDo, our innovative app, you can automatically import meetings from your calendar into a collaborative workspace tailored for each event. This enables the creation of a communal agenda by your team, where contributions from all members are welcomed. The result is a significant improvement in meeting preparation, efficiency, and simplification of the pre and post-meeting process.

Next Step

Step 5: Scheduling the Meeting

To successfully schedule a meeting, it’s essential to communicate with all attendees and find an agreeably convenient date and time for everyone. This process may involve several back-and-forth discussions, considering factors like work schedules or personal commitments. If participants are located in different time zones, ensure to accommodate these in your planning to avoid any inconvenience, allowing for a truly collaborative and productive meeting.

Next Step

Step 6: Sending Invitations

Begin the process by sending out an invitation to all attendees. Ensure that this invitation is organized and precise. It must contain a clear subject line that quickly informs recipients about the main topic. The invitation should also outline the agenda or the key items for discussion, so participants know what to expect. Specify the exact date and time of the meeting to eliminate confusion and allow attendees to plan their schedule accordingly. Lastly, mention the platform or location of the meeting, whether it’s a call, a video conference, or a physical meetup. This information ensures everyone can access the meeting without hassle.

Next Step

Step 7: Preparing for the Meeting

Collect all required data prerequisite for the meeting conversations. This comprises detailed reports, visual aids such as charts, briefing papers, or any else pertinent materials. This information should offer vital comprehension, encourage insightful discussion, and aid in making well-versed decisions.

ZipDo, our application, automates the import of calendar meetings, establishing a collaborative workspace for each one. Here, team members can post notes, streamlining both preparation and follow-up processes. This feature fosters improved accountability within the team.

Next Step

Step 8: Facilitating the Meeting

Ensuring the meeting remains on track involves a series of actions. These include adhering to the scheduled time by starting promptly, presenting every item on the agenda explicitly, promoting and managing open discussion for productive exchange of ideas, and guiding the team towards effective decision-making strategies. Managing time effectively and maintaining a focused approach throughout is also critical to ensure a smooth, productive meeting.

Next Step

Step 9: Documentation

Recording key points, decisions, action items, and assigned responsibilities during a meeting is crucial. This comprehensive record serves as a reliable reference for future actions. Additionally, it ensures accountability, aids in tracking progress, and keeps all attendees aligned with the meeting outcomes, thereby enhancing team communication and productivity.

Next Step

Step 10: Follow Up

After the conclusion of the meeting, ensure you follow up with every participant to reinforce their post-meeting tasks, making sure each person is clear on their responsibilities. It’s also essential to share the meeting minutes with all individuals involved. This promotes transparency, clarity, and helps ensure everyone is on the same page going forward. These steps aid in maximizing productivity and efficiency post-meeting.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What are the major challenges and opportunities we currently face as a team/organization?
Explanation: This question helps leaders understand the current landscape and align their strategy accordingly. By identifying challenges and opportunities, leaders can prioritize resources and make informed decisions.

2. What progress have we made since our last meeting?
Explanation: This question allows leaders to assess the team’s performance and track progress towards goals. It helps identify areas of success and those that require further attention or adjustment.

3. Are we effectively utilizing our resources (financial, human, technological) to achieve our objectives?
Explanation: Leaders need to ensure resources are allocated optimally toward achieving goals. This question helps identify any inefficiencies or potential gaps in resource allocation and adjust accordingly.

4. How are we fostering a positive and inclusive team culture?
Explanation: A positive team culture leads to improved productivity and collaboration. By asking this question, leaders can evaluate if initiatives and efforts are effectively nurturing a healthy team culture.

5. What feedback or input have we received from customers/clients/other stakeholders?
Explanation: Leaders should stay informed about external perceptions and feedback. This question helps identify trends, gauge customer satisfaction, and make necessary adjustments to meet stakeholders’ needs.

6. Are there any emerging market trends, technological advancements, or regulatory changes that can impact our strategy?
Explanation: It is crucial to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate external factors that may affect the organization’s success. This question ensures leaders are proactive in adapting to market dynamics and mitigating potential risks.

7. How are we addressing employee development and growth?
Explanation: Leaders need to prioritize the professional growth and well-being of their team members. By asking this question, leaders can assess if there are sufficient opportunities for skill-building and career advancement within the organization.

8. Are we effectively communicating our vision, goals, and progress to all stakeholders?
Explanation: Clear and consistent communication is essential for successful leadership. This question ensures that leaders evaluate the adequacy of their communication strategies, helping to maintain transparency and alignment throughout the organization.

9. What is our plan for managing and mitigating potential risks and uncertainties?
Explanation: Leaders must anticipate and successfully navigate risks and uncertainties. This question prompts a proactive approach to risk management, ensuring the organization is well-prepared to handle any unexpected challenges.

10. How can we continue to innovate and stay ahead in the market?
Explanation: In a competitive environment, leaders must encourage innovation and continuous improvement. This question helps facilitate brainstorming and idea generation, fostering a culture of innovation within the organization.

To effectively prepare an advisor meeting agenda as a leader, start by identifying the key topics or issues to be discussed. Set clear objectives for each item and allocate an appropriate amount of time for discussion. Include any necessary background information and relevant materials. Lastly, share the agenda ahead of time to allow advisors to come prepared and contribute meaningfully to the meeting.

How To Prepare For A Advisor Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During an advisor meeting, it is essential to discuss various topics including financial goals and strategies, investment portfolio performance, risk management, estate planning, tax optimization, and retirement planning. These discussions help to ensure the client’s financial objectives are met and provide them with valuable insights and guidance regarding their financial future.

See Our Advisor Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Advisor Meeting

Software helps leaders run advisor meetings by providing a centralized platform for organizing agendas, scheduling meetings, and tracking action items. It allows for easy collaboration among team members, with features like shared notes and real-time updates. Additionally, software can generate insightful reports and analytics, enabling leaders to make data-driven decisions and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these meetings.

Our Recommendations:


Successfully running an advisor meeting comes down to meticulous preparation, effective communication, and efficient time management. Mastering the protocols, understanding the importance of an agenda, and appreciating the role of the advisors can help to streamline the process and achieve the meeting’s objectives. Remember, the purpose of these gatherings is to leverage the wisdom, expertise, and guidance that advisors can provide. As you fine-tune your approach, you’ll discover that advisor meetings become less of a hurdle and more of a stepping stone to the success and growth of your business. With these recommendations, you should be well on your way to running efficient and productive advisor meetings.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of an advisor meeting?

The main purpose of an advisor meeting is to provide guidance and support, solve issues or clarify doubts. The advisor can give valuable inputs, help set goals, offer resources, and provide suggestions on various projects or work that you are involved in.

How should I prepare for an advisor meeting?

To prepare for an advisor meeting, you should thoroughly review your current project or work status, acknowledge problems and develop questions. Also, consider potential solutions for your problems or opportunities you could discuss. Prioritize what you want to discuss, reserve enough time for the meeting, and approach the meeting with an open and proactive mindset.

How often should we have advisor meetings?

The frequency of advisor meetings varies depending on the work or project status and your need for guidance. Regular meetings (for example, weekly or monthly) are common; however, there might be instances (such as a project launch or problem-solving) where more frequent meetings are needed.

Who should attend the advisor meeting?

Ideally, the key participants should be the person seeking advice and the advisor. Depending on the topic of the meeting, it may also be beneficial to include other relevant stakeholders or team members.

What should be the outcome of an advisor meeting?

The outcome of an advisor meeting should be a clear understanding of the path forward, including actionable steps, firm decisions, strategic plans or solutions to problems. Also, it should leave you feeling more confident, informed, and prepared in your work or projects.

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