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How To Run A 1 On 1 Meeting

To run a 1 on 1 meeting effectively, prepare an agenda in advance, listen actively, ask open-ended questions, and provide constructive feedback, promoting an open exchange of ideas and concerns.

A 1 on 1 meeting is a face-to-face interaction between two individuals, typically a manager and an employee, where they can discuss and provide feedback on work performance, set goals and expectations, address any concerns or issues, and build a relationship. It is a dedicated time for focused and constructive dialogue, where both parties can openly communicate and collaborate to ensure alignment and support each other’s success.

What is the purpose of a 1 On 1 Meeting?

One-on-one meetings are crucial for leaders as they provide a dedicated space and time to build trust, strengthen relationships, provide feedback, address concerns, set goals, and offer guidance. These meetings allow leaders to understand their team members’ needs and aspirations, align expectations, and support their personal and professional development. Ultimately, the purpose of these meetings is to foster effective communication, enhance productivity, and create a positive work environment.

How To Run A 1 On 1 Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Schedule the Meeting

When scheduling a meeting, choose a time and location that works well for both parties. Allow enough time for a comprehensive discussion of all important matters.

Next Step

Step 2: Set the Agenda

Prioritize the key discussion points for the meeting to streamline the conversation. Make sure that all agenda items are well-defined and comprehended by both parties in advance of the meeting initiation for effective communication.

ZipDo, our app, integrates seamlessly with your calendar to consolidate all appointments into a unified collaborative platform. In this space, teams can co-create a shared agenda, allowing every member to contribute their topics. This feature enhances team preparedness and streamlines both meeting preparation and follow-up, leading to more productive meetings.

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Step 3: Preparation

Research and gather all relevant information and documentation required for the upcoming discussion, ensuring you are well-prepared and equipped to address all necessary topics.

ZipDo, our creation, makes team meeting preparations effortless by providing a centralized location for all information from previous meetings. Meeting leads can easily access this data, including agendas and notes, ensuring a well-prepared and comprehensive meeting agenda.


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Next Step

Step 4: Establish Goals

During the meeting, it is essential to identify and understand the specific objectives of each party in order to set the agenda and ensure the discussion aligns with their goals, enabling a focused and productive outcome.

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Step 5: Conduct the Meeting

Begin the meeting by reviewing the agenda and goals, ensuring everyone is aligned. Foster respectful, open dialogue as you discuss each item.

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Step 6: Active Listening

Active listening is crucial in effective communication. Be fully present and focused on the other party, seeking clarification when necessary, and acknowledging and affirming their thoughts and ideas to foster understanding and productive dialogue.

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Step 7: Provide and receive feedback

When sharing your perspectives, it’s important to provide constructive criticism where necessary. Be open-minded and accept feedback from the other party, as it helps build mutual understanding and growth.

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Step 8: Maintain Focus

To ensure maximum productivity, it is important to focus discussions solely on the agenda items and goals at hand and minimize any potential distractions. This will maximize time utilization and lead to more effective outcomes.

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Step 9: Decision Making

Arrive at decisions on discussed matters by seeking consensus whenever feasible. It is crucial to foster a collaborative environment where all parties are involved and their perspectives are taken into consideration before making final choices.

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Step 10: Summary and Conclusion

After the meeting, the key points discussed were summarized, decisions were made, and tasks were identified. The focus now is on executing the assigned tasks, ensuring the decisions are implemented effectively, and achieving the desired outcomes.

Our service, ZipDo, optimizes the management of meeting minutes. By importing meetings into the app and sorting them into channels, team access is simplified. Sharing minutes within the channel’s workspace guarantees that all members have immediate access, keeping the whole team updated.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. How are you feeling about your current workload? (To assess the employee’s workload and ensure it is manageable, preventing burnout or stress.)

2. Is there anything that you need from me in order to be successful? (To understand if the employee requires additional support or resources to accomplish their tasks effectively.)

3. Can you provide an update on your ongoing projects? (To stay informed about the progress, identify any potential roadblocks, and offer guidance if needed.)

4. How are you feeling about your career development? (To assess the employee’s satisfaction and ambition, and explore potential opportunities for growth and learning.)

5. Are you facing any challenges or obstacles that I can help you with? (To offer assistance and guidance in overcoming any hurdles the employee might be facing.)

6. What feedback or suggestions do you have for improving our team or company? (To encourage open communication and gain valuable insights for enhancing the overall work environment.)

7. Are there any concerns or issues that you would like to discuss? (To create a safe space for employees to voice their concerns or raise any issues that might be affecting their performance or satisfaction.)

8. How can I better support you in your role? (To understand the employee’s unique needs and tailor leadership approaches to provide effective support.)

9. What are your goals and aspirations for the future? (To align individual aspirations with organizational objectives and explore ways to help achieve those goals.)

10. Is there anything else you would like to discuss today? (To provide an opportunity for the employee to bring up any additional topics they may have, ensuring a comprehensive conversation.)

To prepare a 1-on-1 meeting agenda as a leader, start by identifying the main objectives and topics to discuss. Prioritize items based on urgency and importance. Include updates on projects, address any concerns or challenges, and provide feedback. Give the employee an opportunity to share their progress and goals. Plan time for open-ended discussion and problem-solving.

Meeting Preparation Icon

During a 1-on-1 meeting, it is important to discuss topics that are relevant to the individual’s performance, development, and overall job satisfaction. This may include goal-setting, progress updates, feedback, challenges, and career aspirations. It is also crucial to give them the opportunity to address any concerns or ask questions.

See Our 1 On 1 Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a 1 On 1 Meeting

Software helps leaders run effective 1-on-1 meetings by providing a centralized platform to organize, schedule, and track conversations. It allows leaders to set agendas, record action items, and share feedback in real-time. Additionally, software enables access to historical data, helping to identify patterns, track progress, and improve communication between both parties. With these tools, leaders can streamline and optimize their 1-on-1 meetings, leading to more productive and meaningful conversations.

Our Recommendations:


In conclusion, running effective 1 on 1 meetings is a crucial skill for any business leader or manager. These meetings provide a valuable opportunity to build trust, strengthen relationships, and address any challenges or concerns that may be hindering individual or team performance. By following the key steps outlined in this blog post – setting clear objectives, creating a comfortable and open environment, actively listening, providing constructive feedback, and establishing action plans – you can ensure that your 1 on 1 meetings are productive, meaningful, and beneficial for both parties involved. Remember, a well-run 1 on 1 meeting can lead to increased employee engagement, improved performance, and a stronger team dynamic. So, go ahead and implement these strategies into your own management style, and watch as your team flourishes and achieves new levels of success!

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of a 1 on 1 meeting?

The purpose of a 1 on 1 meeting is to provide a platform for open communication between two people, typically a manager and an employee. These meetings are meant for feedback, problem-solving, goal setting, and discussing personal or professional development.

How often should 1 on 1 meetings happen?

The frequency of 1 on 1 meetings can vary based on the needs of the team and organisation. However, it’s generally advocated to have them on a weekly or biweekly basis to keep up with regular updates and ongoing developmental conversations.

What are some potential topics to discuss in a 1 on 1 meeting?

In a 1 on 1 meeting, you might discuss items such as current projects, professional development, career goals, potential challenges, employee performance, and feedback on their work. It can also be a time to discuss personal issues affecting work performance.

Who should lead a 1 on 1 meeting?

The person who should lead a 1 on 1 meeting could be either participant, depending on the meeting purpose. Typically, managers or team leaders initiate the meeting, but for developmental or feedback sessions, it might be helpful to let the employee guide the conversation.

How do you make 1 on 1 meetings more effective?

To make 1 on 1 meetings more effective, preparation is crucial. Both participants should think about their agenda and clearly communicate expectations. Keeping the conversation focused, two-way communication, active listening, providing constructive feedback, and determining concrete action steps can help make these meetings more productive.

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