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The 10 Best Meeting Agenda Software Tools

In this article, we present our top favorites from the Meeting Agenda Software category.

"ZipDo is a very clean and organized app which focuses on the perfect meeting workflow."
"Fellow.app allows for seamless collaboration, organization, and tracking of meeting agendas, making it a great choice for efficient and productive meetings."
"Adam.ai is a great Meeting Agenda Software because it streamlines meeting preparation, collaboration, and follow-ups effectively."
"Hypercontext is a great Meeting Agenda Software because it streamlines collaboration, enhances productivity, and promotes efficient meetings."
Lucid Meetings
"Lucid Meetings is a great Meeting Agenda software because it offers robust collaboration features and customizable templates to streamline and enhance meeting processes."
"Beenote is a great Meeting Agenda software because it offers collaborative agenda creation, automated follow-ups, and real-time meeting tracking."
"MeetingBooster is a great Meeting Agenda Software because it streamlines meeting prep, organizes agendas efficiently, and simplifies follow-up actions."
"Agreedo is a great meeting agenda software because it simplifies agenda creation, collaboration, and tracking for efficient and productive meetings."

Purchasing a Meeting Agenda Software can increase the productivity and efficiency of meetings. This kind of specialized software streamlines the organization and execution of meetings by providing tools for scheduling, creating and sharing an agenda, setting and tracking objectives, and taking and distributing minutes.

A Meeting Agenda Software also promotes accountability by recording decisions and action items, and ensuring follow-through via automated reminders. Hence, it not only improves collaboration and communication within a team, but also saves valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on planning and conducting meetings, making it a worthwhile investment for any business.

Learn how to write a meeting agenda for you here.

The Best Products

Meeting Agenda Software: Our Recommendations

Pick #1: Our Software


ZipDo is a cloud-based Meeting Agenda Software that transforms team collaboration with its innovative features for capturing, organizing, and sharing meeting notes and the meeting agenda. Its real-time note-taking, cooperative editing, and integration with popular calendars enhance team efficiency.

Unique for its ability to easily categorize notes and streamline searches, ZipDo also ensures secure information sharing with adjustable access controls. This user-friendly software simplifies meeting management, promoting productivity and effective project execution.

Pick #2


Fellow.app is a robust meeting agenda software that streamlines and enhances the productivity of business meetings and collaborations. Serving as a digital collaboration suite, it allows teams to create shared meeting agendas and keep track of discussions through note-taking features. It integrates with various popular tools such as Google Calendar, Outlook, and Slack, enabling users to schedule, plan, and manage meetings from a single platform. Its interactive UI provides a centralized location for action items, feedback, and follow-ups, making it easier for teams to monitor progress and hold each other accountable, ultimately optimizing workplace efficiency and productivity.

Consolidated Meeting Workspace: Fellow.app allows you to consolidate all your meeting information in one place. It enables users to create, share and collaborate on agendas, track meeting decisions, assign action items, and make follow-ups.
Enhanced Collaboration: Fellow.app promotes teamwork by allowing each meeting attendee to contribute to the meeting agenda. Their digital workspace give members a chance to prepare beforehand which leads to more effective discussions.
Note-Taking and Minutes Feature: It offers a feature for note-taking directly within the meeting dashboard, reducing the need to switch between apps during the meeting. It can automatically assign notes to respective tasks, ensuring no critical points are missed post-meeting.
Streamlined Management of Action Items: Fellow.app excels in managing action items arising from your meetings. It features visually appealing and clear lists for tasks so responsibilities can be tracked, followed, and executed easily.
Integration with Other Tools: It seamlessly integrates with other commonly used platform such as Slack, Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams, and more. This integration allows users to manage meetings directly from these platforms and helps streamline workflows.
Limited customization: While Fellow.app does provide basic customization options, it does not offer extensive tailorability in terms of meeting agenda setting or workflow modification, which can be a drawback for companies with unique needs.
Interface usability: Some users have reported that the user interface of Fellow.app can be somewhat difficult to navigate. The platform’s design might not be intuitive enough for a smooth user experience, particularly for non-tech savvy users.
Absence of an Offline Mode: Fellow.app requires continuous internet connection for access. This lack of an offline mode can be problematic when attempting to put together a meeting agenda without internet access, or in poor connectivity areas.
Integration complexity: While Fellow.app does integrate with a number of popular software tools, the integration process can sometimes be tricky especially if the user needs to integrate with an application that is not natively supported.
Limited note management: The software's note sharing and keeping system, while effective for meetings, lacks the depth and functionality that a dedicated note-taking software would offer. This may cause issues if a company is using it as their primary method for note organization.

Pick #3


Adam.ai is a comprehensive meeting agenda software tool that provides users with an all-in-one platform for managing meetings and collaborative endeavors. It enables users to create and share meeting agendas, document meeting minutes, schedule meetings, assign action items, and follow up on tasks. With its advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, Adam.ai ensures smooth and efficient meeting workflows, enhancing productivity and accountability within teams. It also provides valuable insights and analytics on meeting performance as well as storage solutions, making it easier for businesses to organize and retrieve information.

Advanced Agenda Management - Adam.ai offers a comprehensive platform for creating, assigning, and organizing meeting agendas. This allows users to have team input and full visibility on meeting agendas which is not typically provided in other similar tools.
Integration Capabilities - Adam.ai seamlessly integrates with other commonly used productivity tools such as Slack, Google Calendar, and Microsoft Office. This makes it easier to sync your meetings, tasks, and notes across multiple platforms.
AI-based Smart Summarization - By utilizing AI technology, Adam.ai can create smart summaries of the meeting, thus helping to capture key points and decisions made during the meeting which eases post-meeting follow-ups and task assignments.
Real-Time Collaboration - Adam.ai allows all meeting participants to add, update and share their inputs in real-time, making the meetings more interactive and productive.
Comprehensive Meeting Management - Beyond meeting agendas, Adam.ai offers an end-to-end meeting lifecycle management from scheduling meetings, setting agenda, assigning tasks, creating minutes to storing and retrieving meeting-related data. This ensures you have everything you need for a meeting in one place.
Limited Customization: While Adam.ai does provide templates for meeting agendas, the customization options are limited. Users may not be able to create an agenda that fits their unique needs perfectly.
Dependence on Internet Connectivity: Adam.ai is a cloud-based program, therefore it relies heavily on internet connectivity. This poses a problem if you need to access your meeting agenda in places where internet connection is unstable or unavailable.
Lack of Integration with Certain Applications: Adam.ai does not integrate with some popular workplace applications. If your organization uses such applications, information may not flow seamlessly between Adam.ai and those applications, which might complicate the meeting planning process.
Limited Offline Capabilities: If you need to modify the meeting agenda while offline, Adam.ai may not be the best option due to its limited offline capabilities.
Unfamiliar Interface: For those who are used to other meeting agenda software, adapting to the interface and functionality of Adam.ai can pose a challenge. It might take some time for users to get used to the system and fully take advantage of its features.

Pick #4


Hypercontext.com is a critically acclaimed meeting agenda software aimed at improving the structure and efficiency of team meetings. It focuses on fostering a proactive agenda creation process, encouraging team members to contribute beforehand to help streamline discussions. The easy-to-use tool organizes and centralizes agendas, allowing collaborators to plan, discuss, and follow up their meetings with an inbuilt task manager. It also provides meeting analytics to track and enhance engagement and productivity, making it an ideal tool for distributed teams, managers, and professionals seeking a more constructive meeting environment.

Contextual Meetings: Hypercontext.com integrates the agenda items with topics, tools, or previous decisions providing context to the participants prior to even entering the discussion, making the meetings more productive and focused.
Collaborative Agendas: One of the key benefits of Hypercontext.com being used as meeting agenda software is it allows all team members to contribute to the agenda prior to the meeting. This makes everyone feel part of the process and drives more productive engagements.
Goal Management: Hypercontext.com tracks individual and team goals within the same space, providing visibility to all team members. This ensures meetings are directly aligned with these objectives, eliminating pointless meetings and saving valuable time.
Integrated Feedback: It enhances transparency in meetings by providing a mechanism to provide instant feedback, making the discussions more interactive and insightful and fostering continual growth amongst team members.
Incorporation of Various Tools: Hypercontext.com can be integrated with various tools like Google Calendar, Outlook, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. This allows for seamless running of meetings without having to switch between different platforms and software.
Limited Customization: Hypercontext.com is not highly customizable. This means that users might not be able to tailor it to their specific needs, which can be a limitation for organizations with unique meeting structures and processes.
Dependency on Internet: Being a cloud-based application, Hypercontext.com is heavily dependent on internet connectivity. If users face internet issues, they might struggle to access the services properly which can affect their schedules and productivity.
No Offline Mode: Hypercontext.com lack an offline mode. This means that if you lose connection or if you're in a location with poor internet access, you won't be able to access your information or work on your agendas.
Limited Integration Options: Although Hypercontext.com integrates with some other softwares and tools, the options are still limited. The service might not work seamlessly with all the tools a company is using, which can limit its effectiveness.
Steep Learning Curve: Some users might find Hypercontext.com to have a steep learning curve especially for those not tech-savvy. The range of features, while powerful, might seem overwhelming, which can make adoption by team members slow and requiring training.

Pick #5

Lucid Meetings

LucidMeetings.com is a robust meeting agenda software designed to streamline and enhance collaboration and communication in businesses. It provides a comprehensive platform for planning, conducting, and managing effective meetings, with features such as customizable meeting templates, real-time note-taking, integrated scheduling, and automated task assignments. As a central repository, LucidMeetings.com keeps all information, conversation, tasks and decisions tracked and easily accessible, fostering visibility, accountability, and productivity in an organization. It heavily emphasizes on structured meetings of various types – from daily standups and project checkouts to decision-making and problem-solving meetings – and assures they are run efficiently and productively.

Comprehensive Meeting Management: LucidMeetings.com allows for the planning, conducting, and documentation of meetings all in one place. The platform doesn't only let you create agendas, but it takes you through the entire process of holding a successful meeting.
Meeting Facilitation Tools: This software not only lets you create robust agendas but also provides tools to facilitate the meeting itself. For example, real-time shared note-taking, instant polling, and goal tracking can all support the smooth running of meetings.
Custom Agendas and Templates: With LucidMeetings.com, you can customize the agendas according to the needs of your organization or meeting. Moreover, you have a choice of using pre-designed templates which can speed up the agenda setting process and ensure that no important point is left out.
Collaboration and Integration: This platform supports seamless collaboration and works well with other tools you might be using. It's compatible with Google Calendar, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and Slack, ensuring a high level of interconnectivity within your organization's existing digital ecosystem.
Record Keeping and Accountability: LucidMeetings.com keeps all the data linked to your meetings (including attendee's list, notes, decisions made, etc.) harmonized and accessible. This not only increases transparency but also makes it easier to refer back to old meetings and ensure decisions and tasks are followed up on.
Limited customization options: LucidMeetings.com does not offer robust customization options for creating agendas. The templates are fairly rigid and users may find it hard to make a meeting agenda that perfectly matches their unique requirements.
Learning Curve: For those not familiar with digital meeting platforms, LucidMeetings.com can be somewhat complex to navigate. It may take some time and patience to understand all the features and how to use them effectively, which can be a drawback for new users.
Dependency on Internet Connection: Like with many other online tools, LucidMeetings.com relies heavily on a stable internet connection. This can be a considerable drawback in areas with poor internet access or when the user's connection is unstable.
Absence of Native Applications: LucidMeetings.com does not provide native apps for Android or iOS devices. Therefore, mobile access is reliant on web interfaces which can limit functionality and the user-experience when on a mobile device.
Limitations in integrating with other tools: Though LucidMeetings.com does offer integrations with some other software tools, it does not have widespread integration capabilities. This can cause problems for users who rely on certain other tools that aren't supported.

Pick #6


Beenote.io is a comprehensive meeting agenda software designed to streamline the management and tracking of meetings. It not only helps in creating precise and well-structured meeting agendas, but also facilitates in planning and scheduling meetings, assigning tasks, and documenting minutes. The platform is designed to encourage efficient collaboration, aid decision-making processes and ensure accountability among meeting participants. Its additional features include real-time note-taking, time tracking for agenda items and an integrated calendar system, fostering efficient time management and productivity within an organization.

Structured Agenda Creation: Beenote.io provides a logistical framework for creating structured and organized meeting agendas. It helps effectively plan the flow of the meeting, listing down in detail the topics to be discussed, the people responsible for each, the expected outcomes, and the time allotted.
Integration with Calendars and Emails: Beenote.io supports meeting organization by integrating with your calendar. You can spontaneously convert your 1-to-1 meetings or team meeting into productive sessions using the integration.
Collaborative Feature: This platform promotes collaboration by allowing team members to collectively design, edit, and finalize the meeting agenda. Therefore, miscommunication and misunderstanding are minimized.
Minute to Agenda Feature: Beenote.io offers a minute-to-agenda feature; once your meeting concludes, the minutes are automatically structured according to the original agenda. This ensures that conclusions from the meeting are logically linked to the topics discussed.
Task Assignment and Follow-up: Users can assign tasks from within the meeting, track completion, and even program follow-up tasks. This encourages accountability and ensures that everyone is on the same page after the meeting ends.
Limited Customization: Beenote.io does not offer extensive customization options for meeting agendas, which may limit its efficiency or usefulness for some companies.
User Interface Design: Despite its user-friendly nature, some users find Beenote.io's UI outdated which can make navigating the software less enjoyable and intuitive.
Limited Integration: Beenote.io does not offer wide-ranging integrations with other productivity tools like CRM or project management software, which can limit its utility in some business ecosystems.
No Offline Access: Beenote.io lacks offline functionality. Therefore, if the user does not have internet access, the application is not usable which can be a major setback.
File Size Restrictions: Beenote.io has restrictions on the size of files that can be uploaded to the platform. This may cause inconveniences for team members that need to share larger documents or files.

Pick #7


MeetingBooster.com is a dedicated meeting agenda software that streamlines the entire meeting process for businesses, improving efficiency and productivity. This advanced tool enables users to professionally manage, track, and share a variety of meeting aspects, from agenda planning and documenting discussions to assigning tasks and ensuring follow-ups. It not only saves time by transforming unstructured meetings into concise, actionable discussions, but also enhances accountability by tracking decisions and task completion. Its effective collaborative features are ideal for teams, making it easier to align goals, measure progress, and drive overall business success.

MeetingBooster.com provides a clear and easy-to-use interface for creating and distributing meeting agendas. This helps to improve productivity by streamlining the planning process, allowing meetings to start on time and stay on track.
It has an integrated task management feature. Every action item from a meeting can be assigned to a participant with a fixed timeline, improving accountability and ensuring follow-through on decisions and actions discussed during meetings.
The software allows for real-time agenda modifications. This feature enables meeting presenters or moderators to adjust the agenda in response to unexpected developments or time constraints.
MeetingBooster.com automatically generates professional and comprehensive meeting minutes. This eliminates the tedious task of manual note-taking and record-keeping, providing an accessible and reliable record of every meeting.
The software has a feature that allows effective viewing and sharing of meeting content. This includes everything from the initial agenda, supporting documents, and completed meeting minutes. This feature aids in facilitating communication among team members and other stakeholders.
MeetingBooster's interface is not intuitive for novice users. The learning curve to get acquainted with all its features is quite steep which might cause delays in setting up meetings initially.
It lacks native integration with some common applications such as Google Calendar or Outlook. This can result in double work for users who have to manage their calendars separately.
The software does not provide an in-app video conferencing feature. Users must integrate a separate video conferencing software which can cause compatibility issues or additional costs.
While the software offers various features for managing meetings, it may not be suitable for casual or informal meetings. The structure provided by MeetingBooster can feel too rigid for such uses.
The software's search function has been reported to be lacking. This can make it difficult for users to find specific meeting minutes or agendas when they need them, causing inefficiency.

Pick #8


MeetingKing.com is a comprehensive meeting agenda software designed to manage, optimize, and streamline meeting processes for businesses. It allows users to formulate structured and effective meeting agendas, document minutes, assign tasks, and follow up on progress seamlessly. The platform enables improved collaboration and communication, with features like automated scheduling, centralized document storage, and email integration. It aims to increase productivity, efficiency, and accountability and also sets reminders for due dates and future meetings, providing an effective tool for organizations to handle their meeting agendas and related activities effortlessly.

Professional Meeting Structure: MeetingKing provides a clear structure of preparing, discussing, and recording topics through the development of a comprehensive meeting agenda and minutes tied to individual tasks.
Task Management: The software has excellent task management capabilities where it allows assigning tasks during the meeting, tracking due dates, and sending reminders, which can ease follow-ups.
Simplified Notetaking: The incorporated notetaking feature allows relevant points to be captured in real-time and attached to the specific discussion topic for quick referencing.
File Sharing and Storage: The software gives the possibility of attaching documents, images, and other files related to the agenda directly in the meeting workspace, making the collaboration process easier and seamless.
Meeting History and Transparency: MeetingKing archives all your meeting data including agenda, minutes, tasks and decisions, so you can always go back and see why decisions were made, providing increased accountability and transparency.
MeetingKing.com lacks some advanced features found in similar software, such as real-time collaboration and group calendars, which can make coordination of tasks and meetings slightly challenging.
The user interface is not as intuitive or modern compared to other meeting agenda software. New users might need more time to familiarize themselves with navigating through the interface.
MeetingKing.com does not provide an option for video conferencing within the platform. Users have to rely on integration with external platforms for this feature.
The software only offers one type of meeting format, the PRO format. This could be limiting for users who want more flexibility and customization options in building their meeting agendas.
MeetingKing.com does not have a built-in feature for voice-to-text transcriptions during meetings. It reduces the ability to automatically capture meeting minutes and might force users to do manual transcriptions.

Pick #9


Agreedo.com is a highly efficient meeting management software that allows users to prepare agendas, invite participants, collaborate on salient points, and even distribute minutes post-meeting. It integrates a transparent structure that enhances not only meeting preparation but also the actual conduct of meetings. The lists of tasks, decisions, and topics can be organized effectively into a structured agenda. Furthermore, tracking of these tasks and decisions can be facilitated seamlessly – ensuring accountability and strategy execution for teams and businesses. This online tool serves as a comprehensive solution for managing key areas of team meetings.

Improved Efficiency: Agreedo.com allows the user to create a comprehensive agenda for each meeting quickly, which can be shared with all attendees prior. This cuts down on the time usually spent setting the meeting agenda and helps everyone stay on topic during the meeting.
Collaborative Decision Making: Agreedo.com has features that enable users to provide input on the agenda items, add comments, and make decisions collaboratively. This allows for more active participation, fostering teamwork and better decision making.
Action Item Tracking: Agreedo.com is not just for planning meetings but also for keeping track of what was decided or who was assigned a specific task during the meeting. It helps to ensure that decision points and tasks decided upon in a meeting don't get lost and are followed up on.
Seamless Integration: Agreedo.com can be integrated seamlessly with several other productivity tools and systems such as calendars, email clients, and project management tools, making it easier to coordinate and plan meetings within the existing workflow.
Meeting Documentation: Agreedo.com automatically generates meeting minutes based on the recorded agenda and decisions taken. This provides a reliable record for future reference while also saving time on manual documentation, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
Limited Integrations: Agreedo.com may lack the seamless integration capabilities with calendars, project management tools, or email systems that many other meeting agenda software platforms offer. This can cause inconvenience in coordinating schedules and ensuring everyone is on the same page.
Interface and Usability: Some users may find the user interface of Agreedo.com to be less intuitive compared to other alternatives. This could cause a steep learning curve for non-technical users which can potentially lead to decreased efficiency.
Limited Customizations: Agreedo.com might not provide the extensive customization options that some meeting participants might require to tailor the software according to their specific requirement, making it less flexible.
Task Assignment: While Agreedo.com allows task assignment, it may not be as advanced as some competitors. The inability to accurately track task progress or not having robust task management features could be a challenge for some teams.
Support and Help Documentation: Users might also experience limitations with regard to customer support and help documentation that impacts troubleshooting or learning how to use specific features on the platform on a deeper level.

Meeting Agenda Software: Key Features

Meeting agenda software streamlines the organization and execution of meetings by introducing an array of key features designed to enhance productivity and collaboration. At its core, the ability to create, share, and edit agendas in real-time allows participants to stay aligned with the meeting’s objectives. This dynamic tool enables users to allocate time slots for each agenda item, ensuring discussions stay on track and time is managed efficiently. Additionally, role assignments and task allocations within the agenda ensure that responsibilities are clear, fostering accountability among attendees.

Another pivotal feature is the integration with calendars and reminder systems, which helps in scheduling meetings effortlessly and ensuring participants are well-informed in advance. The software not only facilitates seamless document sharing and access to material pertinent to the meeting’s agenda but also supports note-taking and action item tracking during the meeting itself. This comprehensive approach ensures that decisions are recorded, follow-ups are traced, and the team’s progress is continually propelled forward. With meeting agenda software, teams can navigate through discussions with clarity, focus, and an action-oriented mindset.

Buying Criteria

When choosing the right meeting agenda software, the first step is to assess your team’s specific needs and meeting habits. Consider the size of your team, the frequency and types of meetings you conduct, and any unique requirements, such as the need for collaborative agenda creation or integration with other tools your team uses. Look for software that offers flexibility in agenda templates and customization options, ensuring that you can tailor each meeting to its purpose. Additionally, evaluate the platform’s user interface and ease of use, as software that is intuitive and easy to navigate will encourage adoption and enhance productivity during meetings.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the software’s features for facilitating effective meetings. Features such as action item tracking, time management tools, and the ability to easily share and access previous meeting records can dramatically improve the efficiency and outcomes of your meetings. Also, examine whether the software supports synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, allowing team members to contribute to the agenda and follow up on tasks even outside of scheduled meetings. Finally, ensure that the chosen solution provides robust support and security measures, protecting your team’s data and ensuring a reliable and secure meeting environment. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a meeting agenda software that not only streamlines meeting preparation but also enhances team collaboration and meeting productivity.


Investing in a meeting agenda software makes eminent sense for organizations frequently orchestrating large-scale or complex meetings, involving participants from various departments or even geographical locations. When the objective is to streamline communication, ensure all topics are adequately covered, and actions are assigned and tracked, a specialized tool can significantly enhance productivity and meeting outcomes. Particularly for businesses with a dynamic and collaborative work environment, the ability to prepare detailed agendas, share them with participants in advance, and monitor follow-up tasks can transform meetings from time-consuming obligatory sessions into productive, focused discussions that drive tangible results.

On the flip side, it may not be sensible to invest in a meeting agenda software for smaller companies or teams with straightforward, infrequent meetings. In scenarios where meetings are less about collaboration across multiple complex projects and more about direct, brief check-ins or updates, a dedicated software could be an unnecessary complication and expense. For such settings, utilizing basic scheduling tools or even traditional methods might be more than sufficient to manage the occasional gathering effectively. In essence, the value of investing in a meeting agenda software is closely tied to the scale, complexity, and frequency of your meetings, with simpler setups benefiting less from such specialized tools.

Popular Questions

What is Meeting Agenda Software?

Meeting agenda software is a type of platform used to plan, organize, and run corporate meetings. It aids firms in creating a productive meeting atmosphere by allowing them to schedule meetings, set agendas, send invites, document minutes, and manage tasks post-meeting.

Why is Meeting Agenda Software necessary for businesses?

It is essential for businesses because it aids in structuring meetings effectively, ensuring all key points are discussed, assigning tasks, facilitating communication, tracking progress, and saving time by eliminating the need for manual documentation.

Are there free versions of Meeting Agenda Software available?

Yes, certain Meeting Agenda Software providers do offer free versions, often with limited features. Users may need to subscribe to paid versions to access advanced features like unlimited meetings, advanced reporting, or integrations with other software.

How secure is Meeting Agenda Software?

The security of Meeting Agenda Software varies from one provider to another. Most software providers, however, prioritize data security and provide functions such as encryption and two-factor authentication to protect user data.

Can I access Meeting Agenda Software on multiple devices?

Yes, many Meeting Agenda Software solutions are cloud-based and can be accessed on multiple devices, like computers, smartphones, or tablets, as long as there is an internet connection. This enhances flexibility and allows users to manage meetings anytime, anywhere.

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