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The 10 Best Meeting Planner Software Tools

The 10 best meeting planner software tools are technologically advanced solutions designed to streamline the scheduling and organization of meetings, by providing features such as attendee tracking, agenda management, calendar integration and collaborative tools.

"ZipDo is a very clean and organized app which focuses on the perfect meeting workflow."
"Fellow.app is a great Meeting Planner Software because it offers easy collaboration, agenda creation, and action item tracking features in one platform."
"adam.ai is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines meeting organization and collaboration, enhancing productivity and efficiency."
Meeting Decisions
"Meeting Decisions is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines meeting preparation, facilitation, and follow-up with easy-to-use features."
"Hypercontext is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines meeting scheduling, agenda creation, and action item tracking to make meetings more productive."
Lucid Meetings
"Lucid Meetings offers a comprehensive platform for seamless meeting planning and execution, integrating collaborative tools and resources for enhanced productivity and organization."
"Beenote is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines meeting organization and enhances collaboration with agenda templates, action items tracking, and real-time note-taking features."
"MeetingKing is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines meeting preparation, documentation, and follow-up tasks in one platform."
Magic Minutes
"Magic Minutes is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines agenda creation, collaboration, and meeting tracking with easy-to-use tools."
"Agreedo is a great Meeting Planner Software because it streamlines meeting scheduling, task assignment, and document sharing in one easy-to-use platform."

A meeting planner software is a valuable investment for anyone frequently organizing meetings, whether they’re a small business owner or a large corporation. This software introduces efficiency, organization, and accuracy to the process of scheduling and coordinating meetings. It reduces the likelihood of errors, such as double-booked meetings or schedule conflicts, and often includes features to manage invitations, reminders, agendas, and follow-up tasks. By automating these administrative tasks, users have more time to focus on their meeting content and participants, increasing overall productivity and effectiveness. Furthermore, many of these platforms are cloud-based, enabling easy scheduling and rescheduling from anywhere and across different devices, adding convenience to functionality.

The Best Products

Meeting Planner Software: Our Recommendations

Pick #1: Our Software


The Meeting Planner software, powered by cloud technology, revolutionizes team interactions by innovating the method in which meeting notes are captured, sorted, and distributed. The platform supports live note-taking, co-operative editing, and seamless integration with commonly used calendars and productivity tools, making it a must-have for teams, irrespective of their scale.

A key highlight of the Meeting Planner software is its real-time note-taking feature, promoting unanimous understanding by ensuring all participants in a meeting remain informed, thereby eradicating the need for traditional note-sharing methods. Following the meeting, team members can comfortably modify and contribute added insights to the notes for the most current information.

The Meeting Planner software excels in sorting meeting notes, allowing for easy classification into different sections or folders, with search-able capabilities to boost efficiency and allow for swift access to specific details without strenuous scrolling or manual searching.

With detailed access control, the Meeting Planner software’s feature for sharing notes guarantees secure dissemination of information amongst teammates, clients, or partners. The integrated calendar function automates co-operative note creation for each meeting, doing away with manual inputs.

In summary, the Meeting Planner software is a user-centric platform that offers an all-encompassing array of features to boost team productivity, encourage collaboration, and manage projects effectively. From real-time note taking, cooperation in editing, note organization, searchability, controlled sharing to seamless integrations, the Meeting Planner software eliminates hindrances in managing meetings and ensures projects remain on track.

Pick #2


fellow.app is a cutting-edge meeting planner software aimed at improving team collaboration and productivity by streamlining the meeting management process. This platform facilitates the creation and sharing of meeting agendas, assigns action items, helps with note-taking, and proactively follows up on tasks. Its intuitive interface ensures that all team members stay aligned and focused on their shared goals. This software supports integration with other popular productivity tools, which makes it an efficient solution for managing all kinds of meetings across a variety of sectors.

Streamlined Agenda Creation: Fellow.app allows for easy and efficient planning of meeting agendas. You can create, share, and collaborate with your team on the agenda before the meeting starts. This ensures that everyone is clear on the meeting's objectives and can prepare in advance.
Action Items Tracking: Fellow.app not only helps you plan your meetings but also keep track of action items afterward. This feature lets you assign action points and deadlines to team members, ensuring accountability and follow-through post-meeting.
Real-Time Collaboration: Fellow.app enables real-time collaboration, allowing teams to edit meeting notes together, exchange ideas, and give feedback during the meeting itself. This makes the meeting more interactive and productive.
Meeting Templates: With Fellow.app, you can use custom or pre-existing templates for meeting agendas, making it easier to structure your meeting and ensure every important point is covered.
Integration With Other Tools: Fellow.app integrates seamlessly with various tools that teams use daily, such as Google Calendar, Outlook, Slack, Zoom etc. This makes it easier to schedule and manage meetings directly from the platforms your team is already using.
Limited Integration Options - Fellow.app does integrate with other tools like Slack and Outlook, but it has limitations. For example, if companies are using project management or other communication tools outside these, integration might not be seamless.
Less suited for small or casual meetings – Fellow.app is often perceived as more useful for structured, formal meetings - in terms of features for agenda setting, minutes discussion, action items, etc. For small or casual, informal meetings, it may be an overkill.
Learning Curve: Fellow.app has many advanced features and for a new user, it might pose a steep learning curve to fully utilize all of its potential.
Dependency on fellow.app for future enhancements: As with any software-as-a-service application, users are relying on the company to deliver needed improvements and enhancements to the product over time. There's always the risk that future versions of the product may not align with user needs or expectations.
Lack of Offline Mode: The application might not prove to be user-friendly during travel or in areas with poor internet connection as it does not feature any offline mode. If you are somewhere without reliable Wi-Fi, you will not be able to access your information.

Pick #3


Adam.ai is an advanced Meeting Management software, designed to streamline and simplify business meeting processes from start to finish. The platform assists with organizing meetings, sending invites, setting agendas, taking and sharing minutes, and tracking actionable items. It also integrates with third-party applications for smooth workflow management. Furthermore, adam.ai offers tools for decision making, voting, maintaining project logs, and managing files. Also, with its machine learning capabilities, the software derives insights from meeting data, offering businesses a strategic edge.

Intelligent Meeting Agenda: Adam.ai allows you to set up an intelligent meeting agenda automatically including the meeting objectives, topics, duration, and assigned person for each item.
Comprehensive Meeting Minutes: It offers a comprehensive and neat minutes format that allows users to highlight decisions, mark actions, and assign tasks directly from the minutes.
Automated Task Assignment and Follow-ups: Adam.ai streamlines task management through automated task assignment directly from the meeting minutes. It sends automated follow-ups thereby ensuring assigned tasks are completed on time.
Integrated with Popular Tools: Adam.ai provides seamless integration with popular tools and platforms such as Office 365, Google Workspace, Slack, and more. This allows it to easily fit into your existing workflow.
Analytics & Insights: Adam.ai provides detailed meeting analytics and insights. It gives an overview of your meetings duration, decisions made, participants’ engagement, tasks completion, and many more, which can help improve productivity and collect data on return of meeting.
The UI experience of adam.ai can be complex. The abundance of features and tools can sometimes make the platform slightly confusing for new users who may need some time to familiarize themselves with all functionalities.
The software offers limited presentation features. For instance, you're not able to zoom, annotate or highlight when sharing a screen which can happen often during planning meetings.
On adam.ai, there is a lack of real-time collaborative features. Team members cannot work simultaneously on documents or notes as they can in other software such as Google Docs.
The scheduling tool of adam.ai isn't as dynamic and flexible as some of its competitors. Other tools offer more customization opportunities for setting up meetings, adding details, making changes, etc.
It doesn't provide native apps for mobile devices which means, while you can still access the platform by going to the website on your mobile browser, it may not be as streamlined or easy-to-navigate as a dedicated app.,

Pick #4

Meeting Decisions

Meeting Decisions (meetingdecisions.com) is a state-of-the-art Meeting Planner Software designed to streamline the process of planning, conducting, and following up on corporate meetings. This platform integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams and Office 365, providing an end-to-end solution for managing meetings more effectively. Its key features include agenda creation, automated minute taking, task tracking, decision logging, and many more. The software is aimed at improving productivity by eliminating inefficient manual processes, fostering collaboration, and ensuring important decisions and action items are tracked and acted upon.

Integrated with Microsoft 365: Meeting Decisions is integrated with Microsoft 365, allowing users to plan meetings in an environment they are already familiar with. This minimizes the learning curve and enhances user productivity.
Comprehensive Meeting Management: Meeting Decisions offers an all-in-one solution to manage meetings, from creating agendas to assigning action items post-meeting. This helps in maintaining continuity and ensuring a cohesive flow from one meeting to the next.
Collaborative Decision Making: The software facilitates engagement and collaboration during the meeting, allowing participants to contribute to decisions, vote on proposals, and share their opinions. This promotes active participation and a higher level of engagement from team members.
Action-Focused Follow-ups: With Meeting Decisions, managers can assign follow-up action items during or after the meeting, ensuring accountability and that every decision taken during the meeting translates into action.
Accessibility and Mobility: Meeting Decisions is available on multiple platforms including web, desktop and mobile apps (iOS and Android). This provides users with the flexibility to manage meetings and follow-ups from anywhere, enhancing productivity and making meeting management more efficient.
Limited Integration: MeetingDecisions is primarily focused on Microsoft tools integration. So, if your company uses other tools extensively and expects seamless integration, this tool can have limitations.
Lack of Customisation: MeetingDecisions offers limited customization capabilities. As each meeting might have different requirements, this limitation could pose as a hindrance for users wanting more flexibility and tailored approach.
Limited Template Options: MeetingDecisions falls short in terms of the number of templates it offers for structuring meeting notes/agendas. This can be particularly challenging for teams that have varied meeting structures.
Less User-Friendly: Some users report that the application interface is not as intuitive or user-friendly as some competitors, requiring a learning curve before it can be proficiently used.
Delay in Real-Time Updates: Users have reported some delay in real-time updates across devices. The tool doesn't always synch up instantly, which might cause discrepancies in information especially in fast-paced meeting environments.

Pick #5


Hypercontext.com is a meeting planner software that allows teams to collaborate effectively by establishing clear meeting agendas, action items, and feedback loops. This platform helps to maximize productivity and alignment within teams by ensuring clarity on what needs to be discussed, facilitating easy tracking of meeting notes and decisions, and follow-ups. It offers a transparent way to manage and achieve goals, with a strong emphasis on facilitating open communication and keeping all team members engaged and accountable. Overall, it’s a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the workflow of meetings and improve overall team performance.

Integrated agenda setting: Hypercontext allows users to collaboratively set goals, define agendas, and prepare for meetings, it ensures that all participants arrive prepared, enhancing the productivity of the meeting.
Goal Tracking: It makes it easy to set, share, and track progress on team objectives. This can help to align everyone's efforts and provide clear visibility on progress.
Real-time feedback capabilities: This software provides the ability to give and receive real-time feedback during a meeting. This can facilitate more transparent and effective communication among team members.
AI insights: Hypercontext offers AI-powered insights to improve meeting practices. It provides advice to improve meeting structures, attendee participation, and follow-up actions based on your meeting data.
Integration with popular workspace tools: It seamlessly integrates with tools like Google Calendar, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. This can make it easier to schedule and conduct meetings directly from these platforms, streamlining operational processes.
Limited Customizability: Hypercontext is considered easy to use because of its predefined structure, but this can also be a downside. The application lacks flexibility for customization to fit the unique needs of individual businesses. This means it is harder for organizations to adjust the software to cater to their specific meeting planning requirements. No Multilingual Support: At the moment, Hypercontext doesn't support multiple languages. This could pose potential barriers to global businesses with diverse, multilingual teams. Complex Integration: While Hypercontext does integrate well with tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, it may be a challenge integrating with other third-party applications. Users who rely on other tools may find it difficult to work seamlessly across multiple platforms. No Offline Mode: Hypercontext does not offer an offline mode, meaning that meetings cannot be prepared or reviewed without an active internet connection. This can be inconvenient for users who may need to access the tool in areas with poor or non-existent internet connection. Dependency on Team Adoption: The effectiveness of Hypercontext relies heavily on entire team-usage. If any members of the team are not willing or comfortable using the software, it could limit the effectiveness and full functional use of the tool.

Pick #6

Lucid Meetings

Lucid Meetings is an innovative Meeting Planner Software that provides a comprehensive solution for designing, running, and documenting effective meetings in professional environments. The platform offers robust, integrated features such as a collaborative agenda builder, shared meeting materials, automated meeting minutes, and customizable meeting templates. Its aim is to maximize productivity and facilitate communication by ensuring that meetings are well-planned, engaging, actionable, and efficiently tracked. Lucid Meetings also includes features for scheduling, task assignments, and follow-ups to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of team’s workflow between meetings.

Meeting Lifecycle Management: Lucid Meetings is designed to support all stages of a meeting from planning, running, to following up. Having everything in one platform simplifies the process and ensures consistency.
Integrated Agenda Builder: With Lucid Meetings, you can build your agenda directly within the software. This includes standard meeting placeholders, timing, owners, descriptions, and goals. This also allows for easy collaboration and fine-tuning of the agenda with other participants before the meeting.
Interactive Meeting Experience: The software allows for real-time note-taking and decision tracking during the meeting. Attendees can contribute to the notes, questions can be asked, and tasks can be assigned directly in the meeting interface.
Meeting Templates: Lucid Meetings offers a wide variety of meeting templates, which you can use as a starting point for common types of meetings. These templates are designed based on best practices and can help to streamline the planning process.
Comprehensive Meeting Records: The software automatically compiles comprehensive records of your meetings, including agendas, notes, decisions, and action items. These records can be easily referred back to or shared, helping to ensure accountability and follow-through.
Limited Integrations; LucidMeetings currently only integrates with a few calendar platforms, limiting its utility for those who manage meetings with other productivity or project management tools. This can lead to inefficiency in terms of the need for manual data entry.
Interface Complexities; Some users find that the interface of LucidMeetings is not as intuitive as they would prefer, which can lead to a steep learning curve for those less tech-savvy individuals.
Limited Customization; At present, the options to customize templates and meeting protocols are somewhat lacking, which may reduce the platform's usefulness for teams with specific workflow requirements.
Inefficient Task Management; Though the tool permits users to create action items during meetings, there is currently no effective way to track or manage these tasks within the LucidMeetings platform itself, requiring an additional tool.
Absence of Video Conferencing; LucidMeetings doesn't have inbuilt video conferencing features. While there is a possibility to integrate with platforms like Zoom, setting up, and managing the meetings can become more complex. It may also not work as seamlessly as one that was inbuilt.

Pick #7


beenote.io is a comprehensive meeting management software that streamlines the process of organizing, conducting, and following up on meetings. Its features include scheduling meetings, assigning tasks, tracking action points, and transcribing discussions. Beenote stands helpful for both virtual and in-person meetings, providing tools to create and share agendas, send automatic reminders, and document meeting minutes. This platform emphasizes collaboration and accountability, promoting efficiency and productivity in corporate communication.

Centralized Agenda Creation: Beenote allows all meeting participants to contribute towards the meeting agenda, making it an inclusive platform for teams. It ensures that every member's concerns are noted and addressed, increasing the effectiveness of meetings.
Task Assignments Post-Meeting: Beenote allows tasks to be assigned to team members directly in the application during or after the meeting. This helps keep track of to-dos and responsibilities, promoting accountability within the team.
Integrated Calendar: Beenote's integrated calendar makes it easy to plan and schedule meetings according to participant's availability. It helps prevent scheduling conflicts and enhances the efficiency of meeting planning.
Automated Minutes: The software has a feature to create automated minutes based on the meeting's notes and decisions. It increases productivity by streamlining what is typically a time-consuming process.
Comprehensive Search Capability: Beenote allows users to search the content of meetings, including decisions, tasks, or notes within its platform. This is beneficial for referencing previous meetings or recalling specific details discussed.
Beenote's integration is limited. While it does connect with a few calendar services and video conferencing tools, beenote.io may not interface seamlessly with many other digital platforms that businesses commonly use.
The software does not offer real-time collaborative meeting agenda creation. Therefore, team members may find it challenging to collaborate on meeting agendas in real-time, which could negatively impact the productivity and participatory nature of a meeting.
Beenote does not support automatic transcription of meetings. This means that meeting attendees or assistants must manually type out minutes or import them from another source, which can be time-consuming.
Beenote lacks a built-in video conferencing feature, which means users have to rely on third-party applications. This can lead to issues with integration and reduce overall ease of use compared to platforms offering integrated video functionalities.
The software lacks features to monitor task progression within the meeting planner, meaning users have to use external means to follow up and check the status of assigned tasks outside the meeting itself, contributing to a lack of seamless user experience.

Pick #8


MeetingBooster is a powerful cloud-based meeting management software designed to streamline the entire meeting process. It enables businesses to effectively create and distribute agendas, accurately record minutes and decisions and share them with attendees, thereby fostering accountability, and enhancing productivity. This platform comes with tools for task tracking, professional minutes formatting, customizable agenda templates and automatic meeting scheduling. Moreover, it also offers advanced analytics for monitoring meeting activities and evaluating their outcomes. Consequently, MeetingBooster significantly improves communication, transparency, and efficiency in organizations.

Comprehensive Meeting Overview: MeetingBooster provides a transparent process that enables all participants to track the status of each task linked to the meeting. It also allows for a clear overview of what has been decided, who is responsible, and the deadline for each task.
Time Management: The software allows managers to set the duration for each agenda item which can create a structure for the meeting and prevent it from running over the scheduled time. The agenda can be distributed to all participants ahead of time to ensure everyone is prepared, which further improves time efficiency.
Meeting Minutes Automation: MeetingBooster significantly simplifies the process of taking and distributing meeting minutes. The software records the details of the meeting in real-time, including decisions made and actions taken. It also allows for immediate distribution of the minutes, saving time and avoiding miscommunication.
Action Task Assignment and Monitoring: Within MeetingBooster, assigning tasks or action items is streamlined. Tasks can be assigned during the meeting and the progress of these tasks can be monitored in real-time. This makes accountability transparent and enhances productivity and effectiveness of meetings.
Integration Capabilities: MeetingBooster can be easily integrated with existing calendar applications like Google Calendar, Outlook or Lotus Notes, making it easier for users to schedule and manage meetings directly from their preferred calendar application.
Reliance on Internet - MeetingBooster is a fully online tool. If you or your attendees have a poor internet connection or none at all, it can present a major challenge to using this tool effectively.
Learning Curve - Despite its user-friendly interface, some new users have found that there can be a steep learning curve involved with mastering all the nuances of MeetingBooster. This may slow down the meeting planning process initially.
Limited Customizability - MeetingBooster offers numerous features, but it may lack certain customization options that similar software solutions provide. For example, the possibilities of adapting the agenda or minutes layout to suit individual needs are limited.
Integration Limitations - While MeetingBooster does integrate with several common platforms like Outlook and Google Calendar, it may not integrate with less common or proprietary systems. This could limit its usefulness in certain business environments.
Hosting Limits - Users have reported that there can be some meeting hosting restrictions, depending on the specific subscription plan, which could limit the number of meetings one can schedule or the number of attendees.

Pick #9


MeetingKing.com is an intuitive, web-based software specifically designed to streamline the process of planning, organizing, and managing meetings. It offers an array of features that facilitate the creation of agendas, distribution of meeting invitations, tracking of RSVPs, and compiling of minutes. Designed to boost productivity and foster clear communication, MeetingKing incorporates task management tools for post-meeting follow-ups. This enables teams to keep track of action items and decisions made, ensuring continuity and progress even after the meeting has concluded. It serves as an all-in-one platform that simplifies and enhances the entire meeting process.

Streamlined Agenda Creation: MeetingKing.com allows you to create professional meeting agendas quickly and conveniently. It offers preloaded templates that make it easier and faster to set up different types of meetings.
Centralized Information Storage: It eliminates going back and forth between emails and allows for all relevant information—documents, discussions, to-do lists — to be stored in one central place, which can be easily accessed by all participants.
Automated Task Tracking: This software helps you track tasks effectively by automatically creating tasks from meeting minutes and assigning them to meeting participants. It allows for efficient follow-up, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
Effective Time Management: MeetingKing.com helps in creating structured meetings which saves time and enhances productivity. It provides time slots for each agenda item, helping to maintain focus and achieve more in less time.
Integration with Other Platforms: MeetingKing.com integrates smoothly with other platforms such as Outlook, iCal and Google Calendar, making it easier for users to schedule and manage meetings across their preferred digital calendars.
Limited integrations: Unlike other meeting planner software, MeetingKing doesn't offer wide integration with other tools such as project management platforms, CRMs, sales software, etc., which limits its functional capabilities.
Absence of video conferencing: There’s no built-in video conferencing feature, which means users are required to use a separate platform to conduct virtual meetings, complicating the overall meeting process.
Dependence on Email: The emphasis on email communication for assigning tasks and reminders may not be suitable for all varieties of teams, particularly those that prefer chat or other more direct communication methods.
No mobile application: Unlike many other meeting planner tools, MeetingKing does not have a mobile App. This restricts users to only desktop use, which can be inconvenient for on-the-go scheduling or changes.
Less user-friendly Interface: The interface of the MeetingKing is not as intuitive compared to other meeting planner software. This could require a steeper learning curve and potentially slow down processes.

Pick #10

Magic Minutes

magicminutes.co.uk is a comprehensive meeting planner software designed to streamline the process of planning, conducting, and following up on meetings. The platform facilitates the creation of agendas, setting of timelines, and assignment of action items, ensuring that all participants are aware of their responsibilities. Additionally, it tracks the progress of tasks and decisions made during meetings, automatically generating detailed minutes and reminders for future actions. This software is ideal for maximizing productivity and efficiency in both virtual and traditional meeting environments.

Real-Time Action Points - MagicMinutes offers a feature to capture action points in real-time. This ensures all meeting attendees are on the same page and can easily track the actionable items discussed during the meeting.
Automated Follow-Ups - With MagicMinutes, follow-ups are automated. Users can set deadlines for action points and the software will automatically send reminders to the responsible parties. This improves accountability and ensures tasks do not fall off the radar.
Meeting Archives - MagicMinutes provides a simple and convenient method to archive all meetings. This means you can easily retrieve past information, decisions, discussions, and more. This can be particularly helpful when you need to reference past discussions or decisions.
Time Management Feature - The software comes with a built-in feature for managing and estimating the time required for each agenda item. This helps to properly allocate time and keeps the meeting on track, making meetings more efficient.
Seamless Collaboration - MagicMinutes promotes collaboration by enabling users to collaboratively create and edit the meeting agenda. The software also supports document sharing, making it easy to distribute meeting materials to all participants beforehand.
After exploring the Magic Minutes website and considering it as a meeting planner software, I can provide the following disadvantages:
Limited Integration: Magic Minutes does not seem to offer integration with many other software tools. This lack of integration can make it difficult to manage meetings effectively if your team or company relies heavily on other tools.
Proprietary Format: All notes are saved in a proprietary format. This could cause issues when trying to share minutes with those outside of the software, limiting accessibility and versatility.
Minimal Presentation Features: The software does not appear to offer many visual or presentation features. Users who wish to create more visually engaging meeting materials may find this limiting.
Website Loading and Navigation: The website of Magic Minutes seems slightly slow in response, and the navigation is not the most user-friendly. This could be indicative of the software's speed and ease of navigation.
Limited Customizability: Compared with other meeting planner software, it doesn't offer much flexibility or customization options for users to personalize the interface or functionality to their specific needs. This can become a barrier to efficient use of the software by members with various needs and preferences.

Pick #11


Agreedo.com is an advanced meeting planning software designed to boost productivity, streamline planning, and improve collaboration during organized meetings. Agreedo facilitates setting up meetings, creating agendas, recording minutes, tracking action items or tasks, and making decisions. It’s a comprehensive online tool that allows users to track progress, share meeting minutes, and work together efficiently on agreed tasks. Suitable for both professional and personal use, Agreedo can significantly enhance the user’s ability to hold effective and productive meetings.

Integrated Task Assignment - Agreedo allows you to assign tasks to meeting participants, fostering accountability and responsibility. It makes sure that attendees are aware of their duties both during the meeting and afterwards.
Actionable Minutes - While many meeting tools simply capture minutes of the meeting, Agreedo takes it further by allowing the creation of actionable minutes. You can create tasks and objectives right within the meeting minutes, providing a roadmap for actions post-meeting.
Trackable Goals - The software lets you closely monitor individual and team goals. It helps track the completion status of assignments, ensuring work is being done according to plan.
Seamless Collaboration - With Agreedo, collaborating becomes effortless as you can share meeting agendas before the meeting, enabling the participants to prepare in advance. Furthermore, you can collaborate in real-time during the meeting, making discussions more efficient.
Manage Meetings Smartly - The software provides a comprehensive approach towards meeting management. From planning the meeting, creating agendas, inviting participants, recording minutes, assigning tasks, tracking progress to arranging follow-up meetings, every aspect is well taken care of.
Limited Customization Options - Agreedo does not offer as many ways to customize the platform or the meeting agenda to specific business needs when compared to dedicated meeting planner software.
No Offline Access - Unlike some meeting planner software that allows for offline access and sync when online, Agreedo requires an internet connection to function. This can hinder productivity when the internet is unstable or unavailable.
Limited Integration - Agreedo does not integrate smoothly with other productivity tools like calendars, CRM systems, project management tools, etc. This may cause inefficient workflow as users might need to switch back and forth between various tools.
Inefficient Participant Management - Agreedo does not have efficient options to manage meeting participants, like automatic notifications and reminders, quick response options for attendance, etc., that are normally present in specialized Meeting Planner Software.
No Advanced Analytics - Unlike some specialized meeting planner software, Agreedo does not offer advanced analytics or reporting features to track meeting productivity or to generate detail reports on meeting outcomes. This could be a disadvantage when trying to optimize the efficiency of meetings.

Meeting Planner Software: Key Features

A meeting planner software stands out for its robust scheduling capabilities, designed to streamline the coordination of dates, times, and participants with utmost efficiency. It elegantly solves the puzzle of aligning multiple calendars, offering features like real-time availability checks, automatic reminders, and conflict resolution tools. The software’s intuitive interface ensures that planning a meeting, whether it involves a few individuals or teams across different time zones, becomes a hassle-free process, significantly reducing the administrative workload involved in finding suitable slots for everyone.

Another pivotal feature of meeting planner software is its integration capacity, allowing it to work seamlessly with popular calendar applications, email systems, and collaboration tools. This interoperability ensures that invitations and updates are synced immediately across all platforms, enhancing communication and participation. The software often includes customizable agenda templates and minutes-taking functionalities, making preparation and follow-up more efficient. By offering detailed analytics and feedback mechanisms, it also aids in continuously improving the meeting process, ensuring that each meeting is more effective and productive than the last.

Buying Criteria

Choosing the right meeting planner software requires a deep dive into the specific needs and workflow of your team or organization. Begin by analyzing the types of meetings you host, the average number of attendees, and the level of interaction required. The ideal software should offer seamless integration with your existing tools and platforms, such as calendars and communication channels, ensuring a smooth scheduling process. It’s crucial to look for features like automated scheduling, real-time updates, customizable meeting agendas, and efficient time-zone management to accommodate participants from various locations.

Furthermore, consider the software’s scalability and flexibility to adapt to your organization’s evolving requirements. Prioritize solutions that provide robust security measures to protect sensitive information and support compliance with your industry’s regulations. User-friendly interfaces that facilitate quick adoption among team members, coupled with reliable customer support, can significantly enhance your meeting planning process. Remember, the right meeting planner software not only simplifies scheduling but also enhances the productivity and effectiveness of your meetings, making it a vital tool in achieving your organizational goals.


Investing in meeting planner software makes sense for organizations that frequently organize meetings, particularly those that involve participants from multiple time zones or locations. Such software can streamline the scheduling process, avoid conflicts, and enhance collaboration by allowing for effective agenda setting and document sharing. It’s particularly beneficial for businesses aiming to optimize their time management and improve communication efficiency among team members or with external partners. As the complexity and volume of meetings increase, the benefits of automating and simplifying the planning process can significantly outweigh the costs, leading to improved productivity and reduced administrative strain.

Conversely, it might not make sense to invest in meeting planner software for small teams or organizations with a low frequency of meetings. In scenarios where face-to-face interactions are minimal or the scale of coordination does not justify the cost, relying on basic calendar tools or manual scheduling might be more economical and straightforward. Similarly, for businesses operating under tight budget constraints or those in the initial stages of growth, where every expense requires careful consideration, the investment might not provide an immediate or significant return. In such cases, adopting a simplified approach to meeting planning can be a more practical and cost-effective strategy.

Popular Questions

What is Meeting Planner Software?

Meeting Planner Software is a digital solution designed to facilitate the planning, scheduling, and coordination of both virtual and physical meetings. It assists in identifying available meeting times, sending out invites, tracking responses, setting reminders, and integrating with digital calendars.

Why is Meeting Planner Software important?

Meeting Planner Software is crucial in modern organizations because it simplifies arranging meetings by ensuring all attendees are available, minimizing scheduling conflicts. It also helps in time management, enhances collaboration and can reduce administrative costs.

What are some key features of Meeting Planner Software?

Some key features of Meeting Planner Software include calendar integration, attendee management, automatic reminders, scheduling tools, conflict resolution, and user-friendly interface. Some advanced software may also support audio/video conferencing and real-time editing of meeting documents.

What are some popular Meeting Planner Software options?

Some widely used Meeting Planner Software options include Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Doodle, Calendly, and Cisco Webex Meetings. These platforms vary in features, scalability, and pricing, allowing organizations to choose one that best suits their needs.

Can Meeting Planner Software integrate with other systems?

Yes, one of the important features of Meeting Planner Software is its ability to integrate with other systems such as email platforms (like Gmail or Outlook), Customer Relationship Management systems, project management tools, and conferencing tools. This ensures smooth information flow and enhanced collaboration within an organization.

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