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How To Write Effective Meeting Minutes

Writing effective meeting minutes involves capturing essential details of the meeting, including attendees, decisions, actions items, and key takeaways, in a clear, concise and organized manner.

Learn how to organize your meeting notes effectively here.

Meeting minutes is a written record that details the events and discussions that transpire during a meeting. The minutes typically include key elements like the topics discussed, decisions made, action items, the persons responsible for tasks, deadlines, and the date, time, and location of the meeting.

It serves as an important tool for communication, allowing individuals who couldn’t attend the meeting to catch up and offering a reminder for those who did attend. A well-planned, accurate, and concise minutes is crucial for tracking progress, identifying issues, and maintaining accountability.

What is the difference between meeting minutes and meeting notes?

Meeting minutes and meeting notes serve distinct purposes in documenting meetings. Meeting minutes are formal records that include detailed information like attendees, agenda items, decisions, and actions, and are typically used for official records and accountability. On the other hand, meeting notes are informal summaries capturing key ideas, goals, and deadlines, serving as personal or group memory aids without a fixed format or the need for official approval.

How To Write Effective Meeting Minutes: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Prepare The Meeting

Before attending a meeting, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the agenda. This understanding should provide insights into the meeting’s objectives and the topics up for discussion.

Afterward, prepare any necessary materials for the issues to be discussed. These might include reports, data analyses or presentation decks. This preparation will help you contribute meaningfully and facilitate a smooth, productive meeting.

See how we prepare meetings here.

Next Step

Step 2: Document Basic Details

Keeping an organized record of your meetings serves as an essential tool for reference and accountability. Using a central platform like ZipDo makes it very easy to access notes from past meetings and follow up on discussed points.

Always note down the date and time, the meeting location, or indicate the digital platform if it’s a virtual gathering. Regulate the record of names meticulously, identifying both attendees and absent individuals. This account provides a solid base for understanding the participation and progression of the meeting.

Read more about how we organize our meeting notes here.

Next Step

Step 3: Record Actions

During meetings, it’s essential to accurately record any major decisions that were made and actions agreed upon. This includes noting down who has been assigned to each particular task or action. If any deadlines have been specified, make sure to detail these as well. This tracking system ensures clarity and accountability, easing follow-ups.


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Next Step

Step 4: Note Significant Points

It is crucial to diligently record the significant points and key takeaways from discussions and debates that occur during meetings. This involves noting the different routes toward decisions, capturing who voiced agreement or disagreement, and documenting notable objections. This process aids in maintaining a clear and accurate shared understanding among all participants.

Next Step

Step 5: Immediate Review

Right after the meeting, it’s crucial to go through your notes promptly. This step allows you to clarify any vague points, confirm the accuracy of all details, and draw out the main takeaways. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the meeting discourse, generate ideas, and identify action steps moving forward.

Next Step

Step 6: Draft Minutes

Drafting minutes in a clear, systematic setup usually entails adhering to the agenda’s sequence. This procedure aims to capture all critical points, decisions reached, and tasks delegated during the meeting. More so, it ensures that every participant can easily follow and understand the discussion’s flow upon reviewing the minutes.

Next Step

Step 7: Review and Approval

Ensure that the draft of the meeting minutes is thoroughly reviewed by the meeting chair or other person authorized for this role. They should scrutinize the document diligently to verify its accuracy and completeness. This step is vital to maintaining accurate meeting records and to protect the organization’s interests.

Next Step

Step 8: Distribution

Once the meeting minutes have been approved, it’s crucial to distribute them accordingly. This involves sending them not only to all attendees for reference and follow-up actions but also to relevant stakeholders. These may include people who missed the meeting or those who need to be informed about decisions taken, updates, and the next steps decided during the meeting.

Next Step

Step 9: Filing

It’s imperative to store the approved minutes in a particular location for easy accessibility for any future references or meeting recollections. This could be either a shared digital drive or a specific folder in your office’s filing system. These documents serve as a critical source of information, guideline, and historical record, hence, the preservation is essential to ensure transparency and accountability in meeting decisions.


Creating effective meeting minutes is a fundamental aspect of any professional gathering. It demands accuracy, clarity, and conciseness to ensure that all details discussed are captured in a useful, comprehensive way. Effective minutes act as a reliable reference point and aid in maintaining accountability while driving actions. They streamline the follow-up process by serving as a roadmap for future obligations. By implementing the suggested tips – including preparing beforehand, writing minutes soon after the meeting, using clear, understandable language, and ensuring thorough review and distribution processes – all meeting participants can be updated and engaged. Remember, the art of writing meeting minutes improves with practice, and your skill will undoubtedly sharpen over time, contributing to more productive and successful meetings.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What are Meeting Minutes?

Meeting minutes are the written documentation of everything that’s decided and discussed during a meeting. They are used to communicate the decisions, allocate responsibilities, and provide an understanding of what occurred during the meeting.

Who usually records the Meeting Minutes?

The responsibility of recording the meeting minutes typically falls to a specific role, such as a secretary or administrative assistant. In some cases, the meeting lead or host might also take on this task.

When are Meeting Minutes typically distributed?

Meeting minutes typically are distributed within 24 to 48 hours after a meeting. It’s best practice to send them while the details are still fresh in attendees’ minds and when any follow-up actions are still relevant.

What information should Meeting Minutes include?

Meeting minutes should include the date, time and location of the meeting, the list of the meeting attendees, a brief summary of the issues discussed, decisions made, actions to be taken with their respective deadlines and responsible persons, and the time of the meeting’s conclusion.

Are Meeting Minutes legally required?

For certain types of meetings, such as board or shareholder meetings in many companies, meeting minutes are a legal requirement. They serve as a record of decisions made and can be used in legal proceedings to establish what was decided or acted upon in a meeting.

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