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How To Run A Business Meeting

To run a business meeting, it is essential to have a clearly defined agenda, promote open dialogue, delegate responsibilities, make decisions based on data, and conclude the meeting with a clear follow-up plan.

A business meeting is a gathering of two or more individuals for the purpose of discussing objectives, strategies, or other topics relevant to the functioning or growth of an organization. It is a formal event where employees, managers, executives, clients, or other stakeholders come together to exchange information, make decisions, solve problems, brainstorm or plan for the future. Meetings can take several forms, from face-to-face gatherings in a board room to conference calls or virtual meetings using digital platforms. The ultimate goal of a business meeting is to improve communication, increase productivity, and drive the organization towards its goals.

What is the purpose of a Business Meeting?

The purpose of running a business meeting as a leader is to facilitate effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making among team members. It provides a platform to share information, set goals, assign tasks, and address any issues or challenges. A well-run meeting can drive productivity, alignment, and contribute to the overall success of the business.

How To Run A Business Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Planning

To execute a successful meeting, first pinpoint its exact purpose. Identify vital participants whose inputs are necessary. Choose a convenient date and time that suits these attendees. Consider the venue, ensuring physical meetings are accessible while virtual meetings require a reliable platform.

Next Step

Step 2: Agenda Preparation

Draft an elaborate agenda outlining the key topics or issues to be discussed in the meeting. This agenda, shared with participants well in advance, equips them to prepare accordingly, fostering a more active and productive dialogue during the meeting.

With ZipDo, our innovative app, you can automatically import meetings from your calendar into a collaborative workspace tailored for each event. This enables the creation of a communal agenda by your team, where contributions from all members are welcomed. The result is a significant improvement in meeting preparation, efficiency, and simplification of the pre and post-meeting process.

Next Step

Step 3: Inviting the Participants

To conduct a successful meeting, it’s essential to send a comprehensive invitation to all attendees. This should include the meeting’s date, time, and location for logistical clarity. It’s also crucial to provide an agenda, outlining the topics for discussion or decision, letting participants adequately prepare. Remember to include any necessary attachments or resources related to the meeting’s purpose for a more efficient and collaborative discussion.


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Next Step

Step 4: Preparing Materials

Ensure the preparation of any requisite materials or documents required for the meeting. This could involve compiling presentations, drafting reports, assembling research data, or sourcing any other relevant information. Being well-organized is crucial to streamline discussions and facilitate effective decision-making during the meeting.

With ZipDo, our innovative app, preparing for team meetings has never been easier. Meeting organizers have the advantage of accessing all historical data, such as agendas and notes, in a centralized location. This efficiency not only saves time but also ensures thorough discussion of important matters.

Next Step

Step 5: Facilitating the Meeting

Effectively manage the meeting by strictly adhering to the prescribed agenda and limiting deviations. Address confusion proactively by providing succinct explanations and clarifications. Encourage optimum participation from all attendees, fostering an inclusive environment. Efficiently manage time to ensure that all items on the agenda are addressed without exceeding allocated meeting duration.

Next Step

Step 6: Note Taking

Maintaining a detailed record of discussions during meetings is crucial. This involves noting down key topics debated, decisions reached, and tasks allotted to individuals or teams. Such records, or minutes, serve as a reference point that facilitates follow-up action and ensures accountability, enhancing overall productivity.

Next Step

Step 7: Follow-Up

After a meeting, it is critical to distribute a summary or minutes to all attendees. This should encompass essential topics discussed, decisions reached, and pending tasks. It must clearly identify involved parties, their respective responsibilities, and deadlines, ensuring progress tracking and accountability.

Next Step

Step 8: Monitoring

Maintain a thorough, diligent supervision over the progress of the assigned tasks. This includes monitoring each project’s advancement, confirming its alignment with the expected timeline and objectives. It is essential to ensure they are being executed on time and as per the parameters decided during the planning stages.

Next Step

Step 9: Evaluation

Evaluating the effectiveness of a meeting is a critical step for continual improvement. It involves assessing aspects like adherence to agenda, participant engagement, decision-making efficiency, and achievement of objectives. This informed analysis fosters enhancement in the conduct and productivity of future meetings.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What are our main goals for this meeting?
– Setting clear objectives helps focus the discussion and ensures everyone is on the same page.

2. What progress has been made since our last meeting?
– Assessing progress helps track the team’s productivity and identifies any potential roadblocks.

3. What challenges have you faced in achieving your targets?
– This question encourages open communication and enables problem-solving by addressing any issues hindering progress.

4. How can we improve our current strategies/approaches?
– Seeking input helps foster a culture of continuous improvement and encourages innovative thinking.

5. What are the potential risks or obstacles we should be aware of?
– Identifying potential risks highlights the need for preventive measures and allows for contingency planning.

6. Are there any upcoming deadlines or important milestones we need to consider?
– Staying aware of time-sensitive tasks helps prioritize resources effectively and ensures timely completion.

7. Do we have the necessary resources and support to achieve our goals?
– Evaluating available resources assesses their adequacy and identifies possible gaps that need to be addressed.

8. Are there any opportunities we should be capitalizing on?
– Recognizing potential opportunities promotes a forward-thinking mindset and allows the team to seize advantageous moments.

9. What feedback or suggestions do you have for the team or specific individuals?
– Encouraging feedback and suggestions promotes a culture of contribution and helps improve performance collectively.

10. How can we enhance collaboration and teamwork within the organization?
– Exploring ways to improve teamwork fosters a positive work environment, strengthens relationships, and boosts overall productivity.

To prepare a business meeting agenda as a leader, start by identifying the goals and objectives of the meeting. Then, list the topics to be discussed, ensuring they are relevant and necessary. Assign time slots to each item to keep the meeting on track. Finally, distribute the agenda in advance to allow participants to come prepared.

How To Prepare For A Business Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During a business meeting, it is important to discuss topics that relate to the organization’s goals, strategies, and performance. These can include updates on current projects, financial reports, market trends, opportunities for growth, employee performance, and any issues or challenges that need to be addressed. Additionally, it is crucial to discuss and make decisions on key business issues such as budgets, marketing plans, product development, and customer feedback.

See Our Business Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Business Meeting

Software is an essential tool for leaders to efficiently run business meetings. It enables them to schedule and send invitations, create and share agendas, track attendance, and record minutes. With collaborative features and real-time updates, software facilitates seamless communication, document sharing, and decision-making, ensuring productive and well-organized meetings.

Our Recommendations:


Running a business meeting effectively is a blend of preparation, communication, focused discussion, and follow-up actions. By setting clear objectives, providing a well-structured agenda, involving all participants actively, and closing with smart action items, you can maximize the productivity of any business meeting. Always remember, the success of a meeting is not just determined by its flow, but by the impact it creates post-meeting. So, continuously refine and adapt your approach based on feedback and experience. A well-executed business meeting can energize your team, encourage innovative ideas, and drive your business forward.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of a business meeting?

The purpose of a business meeting is to discuss strategies, make plans, solve problems, communicate information, make decisions and to foster teamwork and innovation.

Who should attend a business meeting?

The attendees of a business meeting should be people who are directly involved with the subject or have a role to play in the decision-making process. This could include team leads, department heads, executives, and other relevant staff or stakeholders.

How long should a business meeting last?

The duration of a business meeting can vary depending on the agenda, but typically it should last between 30 minutes to an hour. Keeping meetings brief and focused helps maintain productivity and engagement.

How can you make a business meeting more effective?

An effective business meeting is well-organized and has a clear agenda. Ensure all attendees are aware of the meeting’s purpose, goals, and what is expected of them. Encourage participation and open discussions, but also keep discussions focused and timely. Review and summarize decisions made in the meeting and assign action items if necessary.

What should one do if they cannot attend a business meeting?

If someone cannot attend a business meeting, they should notify the meeting organizer as soon as possible and provide a valid reason. If possible, they should also suggest a suitable substitute or representative to attend in their place and make sure to catch up on what was discussed in the meeting afterwards.

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