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How To Run A Planning Meeting

To run a planning meeting, clearly set the agenda, invite the right participants, assign roles, facilitate open communication and decision-making, and follow up with a detailed plan of action.

A planning meeting is a structured gathering of individuals within an organization aimed at defining objectives, setting priorities, and developing strategies and action plans to achieve specific goals. In this meeting, team members collaborate to discuss and decide on timelines, resource allocation, tasks, and responsibilities to ensure effective and efficient implementation of projects or initiatives. The planning meeting serves as a platform to align the organization’s objectives with the team’s actions and to foster collaboration, coordination, and decision-making among participants.

What is the purpose of a Planning Meeting?

Running a planning meeting as a leader serves the purpose of defining and communicating goals, setting priorities, and outlining the steps required to achieve those goals. It helps ensure alignment among team members, fosters collaboration, and promotes a clear roadmap for successful implementation of projects and initiatives.

How To Run A Planning Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Establish a Goal

Having a clear goal or objective for a meeting is crucial as it provides a clear direction and purpose to everyone involved. It sets the tone for discussions and decision-making, ensuring that time and efforts are focused on accomplishing specific outcomes.

Next Step

Step 2: Identify Participants

In addition, it is important to consider including key stakeholders who may be affected by the outcomes of the meeting. Their presence will ensure transparency and allow for their perspectives to be heard, contributing to more well-rounded decisions and effective execution.

Next Step

Step 3: Determine the Meeting Format

Decide whether the meeting will be conducted in person, over the telephone, or virtually, based on the participants’ availability and the organization’s resources. Consider factors such as location, time constraints, and technological capabilities to determine the best mode of communication.


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Next Step

Step 4: Set an Agenda

Prepare a detailed agenda for the meeting that clearly outlines the topics to be discussed. Allocate specific time slots for each topic to ensure thorough coverage and maintain focus throughout the meeting.

ZipDo, our app, integrates seamlessly with your calendar to consolidate all appointments into a unified collaborative platform. In this space, teams can co-create a shared agenda, allowing every member to contribute their topics. This feature enhances team preparedness and streamlines both meeting preparation and follow-up, leading to more productive meetings.

Next Step

Step 5: Choose a Suitable Date and Time

In order to ensure maximum participation, it is important to find a mutually convenient date and time for the meeting that accommodates the availability of most, if not all, participants.

Next Step

Step 6: Arrange a Suitable Location

When planning a meeting, it’s important to select a suitable venue that is comfortable, quiet, well-lit, and well-equipped. For virtual meetings, opt for a reliable virtual platform that ensures seamless communication and collaboration.

Next Step

Step 7: Distribute the Meeting Invitation and Agenda

It is essential to ensure effective communication in business meetings by sharing meeting invitations and agendas with participants in advance, allowing them to adequately prepare for the discussion and contribute meaningfully.

Next Step

Step 8: Prepare the Meeting Material

Compile and distribute essential data, documents, research materials, or any pertinent information required for the upcoming discussion, ensuring everyone has access to relevant resources.

ZipDo, our application, automates the import of calendar meetings, establishing a collaborative workspace for each one. Here, team members can post notes, streamlining both preparation and follow-up processes. This feature fosters improved accountability within the team.

Next Step

Step 9: Set up the Meeting Space

In addition to ensuring a clean and well-lit meeting space, make sure that all the necessary equipment, such as projectors and whiteboards, is available, in good working condition, and ready to use for an effective and seamless in-person meeting experience.

Next Step

Step 10: Conduct a Rehearsal

As the meeting moderator, it is crucial to review the agenda, ensure technology readiness, and adequately prepare for any additional tasks beforehand, establishing a smooth and organized session.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What is our main objective for this planning meeting? – Clearly establishing the primary goal helps focus the discussion and ensures everyone is aligned on the purpose of the meeting.

2. What are the specific outcomes or results we want to achieve? – Defining the desired outcomes helps set clear expectations and allows participants to align their contributions accordingly.

3. What are the major challenges or obstacles we anticipate facing? – Identifying potential hurdles upfront helps in strategizing ways to overcome them and develop contingency plans, ensuring smoother execution of the plan.

4. What are the key factors or resources we need to consider? – Understanding the critical elements required to execute the plan effectively ensures a well-informed decision-making process and minimizes any potential risks or gaps.

5. Who are the stakeholders impacted by this plan, and what are their needs? – Recognizing the needs and perspectives of various stakeholders helps create a more comprehensive and inclusive plan that addresses their concerns and maximizes buy-in.

6. What is our timeline for implementation, and what are the key milestones? – Establishing a clear timeline and identifying significant milestones helps create a sense of urgency, accountability, and progress monitoring throughout the planning and execution phases.

7. How will we measure success or progress towards our objectives? – Defining relevant metrics and indicators of success allows for effective evaluation and adjustment of the plan as it progresses.

8. Do we have the necessary expertise and resources to execute this plan? – Assessing available resources and expertise helps identify any gaps or limitations that may need to be addressed, ensuring a realistic and achievable plan.

9. Are there any potential opportunities we should explore or leverage? – Exploring potential opportunities during the planning phase allows for innovative thinking and finding ways to maximize the plan’s impact.

10. How can we ensure effective communication and coordination throughout the plan? – Discussing communication strategies and coordination mechanisms ensures clarity, alignment, and seamless collaboration among team members, generating optimal results.

To prepare a planning-meeting agenda as a leader, start by defining the meeting’s purpose and desired outcomes. Consider the topics that need to be discussed and prioritize them in a logical order. Assign time limits to each item and gather any necessary materials or information in advance. Finally, share the agenda with participants beforehand to ensure everyone is prepared and aligned.

Meeting Preparation Icon

During a planning meeting, it is essential to discuss topics such as project objectives, timelines, resource allocation, budgeting, potential risks, and contingency plans. Additionally, team roles and responsibilities, communication strategies, and steps for implementation and evaluation should be thoroughly addressed. These discussions ensure a well-coordinated and efficient project plan.

See Our Planning Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Planning Meeting

Software aids leaders in running planning meetings effectively by facilitating collaboration, organization, and analysis. It allows for streamlined communication and sharing of ideas, promotes efficient decision-making, and provides real-time data analysis to align strategies and goals. Through automated features, software reduces manual efforts, enhances productivity, and ensures that important tasks are scheduled and tracked efficiently. With these capabilities, leaders can maximize meeting outcomes and drive successful planning initiatives.

Our Recommendations:


Running a successful planning meeting is crucial for any business or organization. It not only allows teams to align their goals and objectives, but also helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common vision. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, such as setting clear objectives, creating an agenda, encouraging collaboration, and capturing action items, you can effectively run a planning meeting that yields positive outcomes. Remember, preparation and facilitation are key to conducting a productive meeting. So, go ahead and put these tips into practice, and watch your planning meetings transform into powerful sessions that drive your business forward.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the main purpose of a planning meeting?

The main purpose of a planning meeting is to set objectives, determine the best way to reach the objectives, allocate resources, and set a timeline for completion. It’s about ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Who should be included in a planning meeting?

Those who should be included in a planning meeting are key stakeholders in the project or initiative being planned. This could include project managers, team members, department heads or higher-level management, and anyone else who will have a significant role in achieving the planned objectives.

How should a planning meeting be structured?

A planning meeting should have a clear agenda that outlines what will be discussed. The meeting should start with setting or reviewing the objectives, followed by brainstorming and discussing strategies, allocating tasks and resources, and setting deadlines. Lastly, it should include time for questions and clarifications.

How can we ensure the effectiveness of a planning meeting?

An effective planning meeting relies on good preparation such as having a clear agenda, ensuring the right people are present, fostering open communication, encouraging participation from all attendees, and setting clear objectives and deadlines. After the meeting, a summary or minutes should be disseminated to all participants to keep everyone aligned with the plan.

What should be done following a planning meeting?

After a planning meeting, the key decisions and actions taken during the meeting should be documented and communicated to all relevant parties. This often takes the form of meeting minutes. Tasks and deadlines should be clarified and assigned, and follow-up meetings should be scheduled to assess progress and make necessary adjustments to the plan.

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