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How To Run A Staff Meeting

Effectively run a staff meeting by setting a clear agenda, fostering open communication, maintaining focus on the meeting’s objectives, encouraging participation, and following up on action items post-meeting.

A staff meeting is a scheduled gathering of employees within an organization to discuss and address various issues related to the company’s operations. It is an opportunity for management to provide updates, share important information, set goals, and communicate expectations. Staff meetings often serve as a platform for collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making, enabling employees to contribute their ideas, provide feedback, and discuss any challenges or concerns. These meetings help foster a sense of unity, provide clarity, and promote effective communication among team members, ultimately enhancing overall organizational productivity and performance.

What is the purpose of a Staff Meeting?

The purpose of running a staff meeting as a leader is to foster effective communication, collaboration, and alignment among team members. It provides an opportunity to share important updates, set goals, discuss challenges, provide feedback, and ensure everyone is on the same page. Ultimately, staff meetings help enhance productivity, boost team morale, and drive overall success.

How To Run A Staff Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Scheduling the Meeting

To schedule a meeting, use a calendar tool like Google Calendar or Outlook to check staff availability and find a suitable date and time for the meeting.

Next Step

Step 2: Defining the Agenda

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the upcoming marketing campaign. Key discussion points include target audience, messaging, channels, and budget allocation. Decisions need to be made regarding the campaign timeline and team responsibilities.

ZipDo, our software, merges your calendar meetings into a single, collaborative environment. Within this environment, teams can craft a shared meeting agenda, promoting contributions from everyone. This strategy leads to superior meeting preparedness, boosting productivity and making the preparation and follow-up phases more straightforward.

Next Step

Step 3: Circulating the Agenda

Sharing the defined agenda for the staff meeting with all participants ahead of time encourages preparation and information gathering, ensuring a productive and efficient meeting for everyone involved.

Our app, ZipDo, imports all meetings from your calendar and creates a collaborative workspace for each appointment. Here, you and your team can compile a shared meeting agenda, where all team members can add their topics. This ensures that meetings are much better prepared by everyone in your team, making your meetings more efficient. It also simplifies the preparation and follow-up of meetings.


Want to run a better meeting? Try ZipDo, our Meeting Note Software.

  • Connect your Google Calendar
  • Automatically create a note for every meeting
  • Organize your meetings and meeting notes in a channel like Slack
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Next Step

Step 4: Preparing the Materials

Depending on the meeting’s agenda, it may be necessary to have preparatory materials like reports, spreadsheets, or presentations. Make sure these materials are prepared in advance and readily available for the meeting.

With our app, ZipDo, we make preparing for team meetings easier for everyone involved. As a meeting lead, you can benefit from this since all information from previous sessions is stored centrally for recurring meetings. You’ll find both the meeting agendas and all meeting notes, significantly simplifying your preparation. This ensures that no important topics are overlooked.

Next Step

Step 5: Setting up the Meeting Space

Aside from cleanliness and comfort, the meeting room should also have essential tools such as whiteboards, markers, projectors, etc. For virtual meetings, ensure the meeting link is tested and all technical aspects are properly addressed.

Next Step

Step 6: Commencing the Meeting

To ensure an effective and productive meeting, it is crucial to begin promptly. Commence with a warm welcome, provide a concise overview of the agenda, and set any required guidelines, such as speaking in sequence.

Next Step

Step 7: Facilitating the Discussion

Create an inclusive and engaging atmosphere by actively involving all participants, encouraging their input, and fostering collaboration. This will promote a sense of teamwork and make the meeting productive and successful.

Next Step

Step 8: Recording Minutes

Assign someone to take minutes – i.e., record the key points, decisions, tasks, and responsible individuals from the meeting. This practice is crucial as it ensures clarity, accountability, and provides a reference for future action and follow-up.

Our app, ZipDo, simplifies your meeting management by automatically importing appointments from your calendar and creating a shared workspace for each. Within these spaces, team notes can be added, easing preparation and follow-up, while ensuring higher team accountability.

Next Step

Step 9: Wrapping up the Meeting

Ending the meeting with a concise summary accomplishes two important tasks – it reinforces what was achieved, and it provides clarity on what needs to be done next. This boosts collaboration and ensures alignment among team members.

Next Step

Step 10: Following up

After the meeting concludes, make sure to promptly circulate the meeting minutes document to all participants. This will serve as a valuable reminder of individual responsibilities and the subsequent course of action to be taken.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What progress has been made since our last meeting? – To understand the team’s accomplishments and identify any potential roadblocks.

2. Are there any challenges or issues that need immediate attention? – To address problems before they escalate and prioritize actions.

3. Are there any updates on ongoing projects? – To ensure everyone is on the same page and identify any support needed.

4. Are there any new ideas or suggestions that can enhance our work? – To encourage creativity and continuous improvement.

5. How can we better support each other and collaborate more effectively? – To foster teamwork and identify opportunities for synergy.

6. Are there any training or development needs that should be addressed? – To identify skill gaps and provide opportunities for growth.

7. How can we improve communication within the team or with other departments? – To enhance information flow and eliminate misunderstandings.

8. Are there any upcoming deadlines or future milestones we need to be aware of? – To ensure proper planning and allocation of resources.

9. What lessons have we learned from recent challenges or successes? – To promote a learning culture and apply learnings to future projects.

10. Does anyone have any other questions, concerns, or suggestions for the team? – To give team members an opportunity to address any additional matters.

As a leader, it is crucial to prepare a well-structured staff meeting agenda. Start by identifying the main objectives and topics to be discussed, then prioritize them based on urgency and relevance. Allocate specific time slots for each agenda item and provide clear instructions to participants. Lastly, share the agenda in advance to allow everyone to come prepared and maximize productivity during the meeting.

How To Prepare For A Staff Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During a staff meeting, it is important to discuss topics that are relevant to the team’s goals and projects. This could include updates on current projects, sharing best practices and success stories, addressing any challenges or roadblocks, and brainstorming new ideas for improvement and growth. Open communication, collaborative problem-solving, and fostering a positive work environment should be key focuses of the meeting.

See Our Staff Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Staff Meeting

Software helps leaders run staff meetings more effectively by providing tools for agenda creation, meeting scheduling, and interactive collaboration. It allows leaders to organize and distribute meeting materials, track action items, and facilitate real-time discussions. With software, leaders can streamline the meeting process, improve communication, and ensure all participants are engaged and aligned.

Our Recommendations:


In conclusion, running an effective staff meeting is crucial for the success of any organization. By following the guidelines mentioned in this blog post, such as setting clear objectives, creating an engaging agenda, promoting active participation, and encouraging open communication, you can create a productive and collaborative atmosphere during your staff meetings. Remember, the success of a meeting depends on effective planning, strong facilitation skills, and a commitment to follow-up actions. By implementing these strategies, your staff meetings will not only become more efficient and purposeful, but they will also enhance team cohesion, drive organizational growth, and contribute to the overall success of your business. So, start implementing these tips and watch as your staff meetings become a valuable asset for your organization.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of a staff meeting?

The purpose of a staff meeting is to share important information, updates, and to discuss relevant issues. It also provides an opportunity for staff to input ideas, plan strategies, and collaborate on team objectives.

Who should attend a staff meeting?

All members of the team or department should attend the staff meeting for effective and efficient communication. However, depending on the matters agenda, it may sometimes include stakeholders or individuals from other departments.

How often should staff meetings be held?

The frequency of staff meetings vary according to the team or organization’s need. It can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Critical projects might require more frequent meetings.

How to prepare for a staff meeting?

Preparation for a staff meeting typically involves creating an agenda, outlining key discussion points, reviewing previous meetings notes and action points. It’s also important to ensure any necessary materials or data are prepared and available.

How can we make staff meetings more effective?

To make staff meetings more effective, it is essential to prepare a clear agenda, ensure everyone’s active participation, foster open and respectful communication, and follow up after the meeting ensuring action items are implemented.

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