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How To Run A Stand Up Meeting

Run a stand-up meeting by setting a short, specific time limit, keeping the discussion focused on daily goals, tasks, and blockers, encouraging participation from all team members while standing to maintain urgency.

A Stand Up Meeting, also known as a daily scrum or daily huddle, is a brief and concise team meeting that typically takes place in the morning. It is a common practice in Agile project management methodologies. In a Stand Up Meeting, team members gather around and share updates on their work progress, discuss any challenges or obstacles, and coordinate tasks for the day. The meeting is usually timeboxed to a short duration, around 15 minutes, to ensure focus and efficiency. The purpose of a Stand Up Meeting is to foster collaboration, transparency, and accountability within the team, enabling quick decision-making and adaptation to changing circumstances.

What is the purpose of a Stand Up Meeting?

The purpose of running a stand-up meeting as a leader is to enhance communication, promote collaboration, and boost productivity. By providing a structured platform for team members to share updates, discuss challenges, and align on goals, stand-up meetings ensure everyone stays informed, accountable, and on track towards achieving shared objectives.

How To Run A Stand Up Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Initiation

The meeting organizer should choose a suitable time and location for the stand-up meeting, preferably in the mornings. It should be kept brief, lasting around 15 minutes, to efficiently address and update everyone on important matters.

Next Step

Step 2: Invitation

The organizer meticulously drafts and sends a comprehensive invitation to all essential team members, inviting them to the daily scrum meeting. This crucial gathering fosters open communication, promotes teamwork, and enhances project visibility and collaboration.

Next Step

Step 3: Preparation

During team meetings, each member provides a concise overview of their progress, next steps, and any obstacles hindering their progress. This approach ensures efficient communication, promotes accountability, and facilitates problem-solving amongst team members.

With ZipDo, our application, the hassle of preparing for team meetings is significantly reduced. Meeting leads benefit from a central hub of information from prior meetings, streamlining the retrieval of agendas and notes. This methodical approach ensures complete topic coverage.


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Next Step

Step 4: Start Time

Ensuring that the meeting starts on time is crucial for maintaining a productive work environment. Consistency in punctuality sets a positive tone and demonstrates respect for everyone’s time, ultimately facilitating efficiency and engagement.

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Step 5: Stand Up

Standing during the meeting encourages increased engagement and attention, fostering a more productive and efficient discussion. Compared to sit-down meetings, the lack of comfort prompts participants to stay alert and actively participate in the discussion, leading to better outcomes.

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Step 6: Round-robin Updates

Each team member takes turns providing updates on their past, current, and future work, sharing any challenges they are encountering. This collaborative process ensures that every team member has the opportunity to speak and contribute valuable insights.

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Step 7: Active Listening

Active listening is crucial within a team as it promotes understanding and enables members to provide support when needed. By attentively hearing each other out, team members can stay informed and assist anyone facing challenges.

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Step 8: Limit Discussions

During the stand-up meeting, updates should be the main focus. Any complex issues that come up should be acknowledged but discussed separately at a later time.

Next Step

Step 9: Wrap-up

At the end of the meeting, the Scrum Master or meeting lead provides a concise recap of important topics discussed and highlights actionable steps to be taken.

Next Step

Step 10: Follow-up

After the meeting, team members ensure that their assigned tasks are completed as per the work plans and take steps to overcome any obstacles identified. The organizer may also send summary notes or minutes to serve as a reference for future discussions.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What did you accomplish yesterday?
– This question helps team members reflect on their progress and share their achievements, which promotes accountability and a sense of accomplishment.

2. What are you planning to work on today?
– By asking this question, leaders can gain insight into the team’s priorities and ensure that everyone is aligned with the goals and tasks at hand.

3. Are there any obstacles or challenges you’re currently facing?
– This question allows team members to communicate any barriers that may be impeding their progress, allowing the leader to provide support or allocate resources as needed.

4. Do you need any assistance from other team members?
– Asking this question encourages collaboration and team members to seek help if they are overwhelmed or require expertise or resources from their colleagues.

5. What are your key priorities for the coming week?
– This question helps leaders gauge the upcoming workload and ensure that the team is focusing on the most important tasks to achieve their goals effectively.

6. Is there anything that requires urgent attention?
– By asking this question, leaders can identify any critical issues that demand immediate action and redirect resources if necessary.

7. Are there any updates or information that the team should be aware of?
– Asking this question enables the leader to share important updates, news, or upcoming changes, ensuring that the team is well-informed and in sync with the broader organizational context.

8. Is there anything else you would like to share with the team?
– This open-ended question provides an opportunity for team members to share any additional information, ideas, or concerns that may not have been covered by the previous questions.

As a leader, preparing a stand-up meeting agenda is crucial for efficiency and productivity. Start by identifying the key discussion points, set a time limit for each topic, and prioritize them based on importance. Communicating the agenda to the team in advance ensures everyone is prepared, resulting in a focused and productive meeting.

How To Prepare For A Stand Up Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During a stand-up meeting, it is crucial to discuss three main topics: project progress, potential roadblocks, and next steps. By updating team members on the progress made, identifying any obstacles or challenges, and discussing the actions to be taken, the meeting ensures that everyone stays informed and aligned towards achieving the project goals.

See Our Stand Up Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Stand Up Meeting

Software helps leaders run stand-up meetings efficiently by providing a streamlined platform to organize and track agenda items, assign tasks, set goals, and monitor progress. With features like real-time updates, automated reminders, and data visualization, leaders can ensure meetings stay focused, team members stay aligned, and actionable insights are garnered for improved productivity and collaboration.

Our Recommendations:


In conclusion, running a stand-up meeting can be a highly effective way to enhance communication, collaboration, and productivity within a team. By following the best practices discussed in this blog post, such as setting a clear agenda, keeping the meeting short and focused, and encouraging active participation, you can ensure that your stand-up meetings are efficient and valuable. Remember that continuous improvement is key, so regularly assess the effectiveness of your meetings and make necessary adjustments. With a well-run stand-up meeting, you can empower your team to stay aligned, motivated, and on track towards achieving their goals.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is a stand up meeting?

A stand up meeting, also known as a daily scrum, is a short, team-based meeting where everyone stands up to keep the meeting brief and focused. It’s typically used in Agile project management methodologies and is focused on getting clear, concise updates from team members.

Why is standing up important in a stand up meeting?

The principle of standing up during the meeting keeps participants engaged, active, and prevents the meeting from running too long. Standing up indicates urgency and inhibits excessive comfort that can lead to prolonged discussions.

What is typically discussed in a stand up meeting?

In a stand up meeting, each team member provides updates on what was accomplished yesterday, their plan for today, and any obstacles or issues that might hinder their progress. The focus is on progress towards the project’s goals, not on detailed problem-solving or discussions.

How long should a stand up meeting last?

A stand up meeting should typically last no longer than 15 minutes. Depending on the size of the team, it could be shorter. The key is to keep it brief, focused, and efficient.

Who should participate in a stand up meeting?

All team members who are actively working on the project should participate in a stand up meeting. This often includes the project manager or scrum master, but it can also include stakeholders or other interested parties dependent on the project or team structure.

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