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How To Run A Scoping Meeting

A scoping meeting should be effectively managed by setting clear goals, preparing thoroughly, encouraging open communication and ideas for project details, aligning everyone involved about project requirements and constraints, and summarizing outcomes and assigning next steps for all attendees.

A scoping meeting is a critical initial gathering in a project lifecycle that brings together key stakeholders to discuss and define the project’s goals, objectives, and overall scope. The discussion includes outlining necessary tasks, identifying potential risks, and allocating specific roles and responsibilities. The purpose is to establish a common understanding and agreement among the team about what the project entails, its parameters, and the direction it should take. It provides an opportunity to gain insights, feedback, clarify doubts, and also helps avoid misunderstandings or conflicts in the later stages of the project.

What is the purpose of a Scoping Meeting?

The purpose of running a scoping meeting as a leader is to establish clear objectives, gather relevant information, and align team members on the project scope. It provides an opportunity to set expectations, define deliverables, identify potential challenges, and ensure everyone is on the same page before starting the project.

How To Run A Scoping Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Preparation.

This initial step involves compiling relevant preliminary information. This includes drafting an in-depth project brief detailing all essentials, comprehending the specific needs and expectations of every stakeholder involved, and establishing a preliminary agenda to guide the discussion during the meeting, ensuring all topics of importance are addressed.

ZipDo, our tool, offers a solution for the seamless preparation of team meetings. It centralizes past session information, including agendas and meeting notes, making it accessible for meeting leads. This organization aids in efficient preparation and ensures that nothing important is overlooked.

Next Step

Step 2: Invite Stakeholders.

Stakeholders, defined as individuals or groups with a vested interest in the project’s outcomes and progress, should attend the scoping meeting. They could be from diverse departments within the organization, different businesses, or various community groups. The variety of participants would largely rely on the project’s context and expected impact.

Next Step

Step 3: Set the Agenda.

Ensuring that your meeting has an organized structure is crucial. This can be achieved by providing a detailed agenda to all attendees beforehand. This resource not only clarifies what they should anticipate from the meeting but also outlines their expected contributions. This results in a streamlined meeting process with no room for confusion or ineffectiveness.

Our app, ZipDo, imports all meetings from your calendar and creates a collaborative workspace for each appointment. Here, you and your team can compile a shared meeting agenda, where all team members can add their topics. This ensures that meetings are much better prepared by everyone in your team, making your meetings more efficient. It also simplifies the preparation and follow-up of meetings.


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Next Step

Step 4: Conduct the Meeting.

In the collaborative discussion stage, it’s crucial to cultivate an environment that supports open dialogue. We need to motivate all involved parties, regardless of role or rank, to share their perspectives. More so, there is a necessity to systematically record everyone’s feedback and innovative ideas to ensure no valuable input is lost, and for future reference, aiding in decision making and forward planning.

Next Step

Step 5: Document the Scope.

After the meeting, documenting and centrally storing the agreed-upon scope, alongside all comments, suggestions, or concerns is crucial. This comprehensive record creates a reliable touchpoint for future conversations and decisions relating to the project, ensuring everyone remains aligned on objectives and preventing potential misunderstandings.

Next Step

Step 6: Follow Up.

After the meeting, it’s vital to extend communication lines by distributing the documented scope and key points. This approach allows participants to revisit the discussion, address lingering questions, and raise fresh perspectives. This follow-up strengthens team collaboration, clarity, and the drive towards the agreed upon objectives.

Next Step

Step 7: Review and Refinement.

Based on the feedback garnered from stakeholders during the follow-up phase, it’s crucial to revisit and fine-tune the predefined project scope. This represents an iterative process that encourages widespread agreement and alignment with the project’s core goals and constraints, ultimately facilitating successful project delivery.

Next Step

Step 8: Approval and Implementation.

Upon finalizing the project scope, ensure everyone is in agreement through circulating it for approval among involved participants. Once attaining approval, the scope acts as a blueprint guiding project development and implementation, reinforcing that every action taken aligns with the agreed-upon boundaries. This measure helps to prevent scope creep, keeping everyone focused and accountable.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What are the objectives of this project? – This question helps to clarify the intended outcomes and goals, providing a clear direction for the team.

2. Who are the stakeholders involved? – Understanding the key stakeholders ensures that their needs and expectations are considered throughout the project.

3. What is the desired timeline for completion? – Setting a timeline helps establish a sense of urgency and ensures everyone is aware of the project timeline.

4. What are the available resources, including budget and manpower? – Knowing the available resources enables effective planning and allocation of tasks, ensuring that the project stays within its limitations.

5. What are the potential risks and obstacles that might affect the project? – Identifying potential risks helps in developing contingency plans and minimizing any negative impact on the project.

6. How will success be measured and assessed? – Establishing clear metrics and success indicators allows the team to track progress and evaluate the project’s effectiveness.

7. What are the communication channels and reporting structures? – Defining communication channels ensures effective information flow and enables stakeholders to stay informed about project progress.

8. Are there any legal or compliance requirements that need to be addressed? – Understanding any legal or compliance considerations helps in ensuring that the project is carried out in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.

9. Are there any specific milestones or deliverables to meet? – Identifying key milestones and deliverables helps in breaking down the project into manageable tasks and measuring progress.

10. What are the key dependencies and interdependencies with other projects or teams? – Recognizing dependencies allows proper coordination with other teams or projects, minimizing potential conflicts or delays.

11. What action steps need to be taken next? – Clarifying the immediate next steps helps ensure that everyone is aligned and aware of their roles and responsibilities.

12. Are there any lessons learned from previous similar projects that we can apply here? – Learning from past experiences can help in avoiding mistakes and making improvements in the current project.

13. Do we have a contingency plan in case of unexpected issues or changes? – Preparing for unforeseen circumstances helps in maintaining project progress and mitigating potential risks.

14. Are there any additional requirements or expectations that need to be addressed? – Ensuring all requirements and expectations are identified during the scoping meeting helps in avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts later in the project.

15. How will the project impact customers or end-users? – Understanding the impact on customers or end-users helps in designing solutions that align with their needs and delivering better outcomes.

Remember, these questions are not exhaustive, and leaders should adapt them based on the specific project and organizational context.

To prepare a scoping-meeting agenda as a leader, start by determining the meeting’s purpose and desired outcomes. Identify key topics and ensure they are organised in a logical order. Set specific time limits for each agenda item and allocate responsibilities. Share the agenda with participants in advance to allow for preparation and productivity during the meeting.

How To Prepare For A Scoping Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During a scoping meeting, it is important to discuss key topics such as project goals, objectives, and deliverables. The scope of work, timeline, and budget should also be thoroughly covered. In addition, it is crucial to address any potential risks, assumptions, and constraints, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and agreement among all stakeholders.

See Our Scoping Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Scoping Meeting

Software streamlines and enhances scoping meetings for leaders by providing efficient collaboration tools, automated agenda creation, real-time note-taking, and task management features. With intuitive interfaces and cloud-based accessibility, participants can easily contribute ideas, track progress, assign responsibilities, and ensure everyone stays focused, resulting in more productive and successful scoping meetings.

Our Recommendations:


A scoping meeting is a crucial step in any new project or endeavor. It is an effective way to define project boundaries, identify stakeholders, establish the project’s vision, and set expectations. By implementing the strategies we’ve discussed, such as setting clear objectives, encouraging open communication, using effective tools, and following up after the meeting, you can ensure that your scoping meeting runs smoothly and effectively. Remember, the foundation laid down in a scoping meeting will largely determine the trajectory of the project, hence it’s essential to get it right. Ultimately, successful scoping meetings are synonymous with successful projects.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of a scoping meeting?

The main purpose of a scoping meeting is to define the project, understand the project’s scope, identify the project’s stakeholders, understand their expectations, determine the necessary resources, and decide the project’s timeline.

Who should attend a scoping meeting?

The project manager, project team members, stakeholders, and representatives from key departments that the project will affect should attend a scoping meeting. This generally includes folks like project sponsors, project leads or owners, and even high-level executives depending on the project’s scale and impact.

What should be the outcome of a scoping meeting?

The outcome of a scoping meeting should be a well-defined project scope, identified key stakeholders, understood stakeholder expectations, decided timeline, and a clear understanding of the resources required for successful project completion.

How should a scoping meeting be conducted?

A scoping meeting should start with a high-level overview of the project. This is followed by a discussion on project objectives, project deliverables, identifying key stakeholders, understanding stakeholder expectations, defining the project timeline and determining the resources required. At the end of the meeting, everyone should agree on the project scope and next steps.

What are some common mistakes made during a scoping meeting?

Some common mistakes made during a scoping meeting include not including all the necessary stakeholders, vague definition of project scope, undefined project timeline, unclear project objectives and deliverables, and insufficient discussion on project risks and resource allocation.

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