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How To Coordinate A Meeting

To coordinate a meeting, identify the goal, set a convenient date and time, invite relevant participants, prepare an agenda, arrange all technical equipment required, and communicate all necessary details clearly.

Meeting coordination is the process of organizing and managing all aspects of a meeting to ensure its effectiveness and productivity. This involves tasks such as setting the agenda, scheduling a suitable time and place, inviting participants, preparing and distributing meeting materials, and overseeing logistics such as arranging for equipment and catering. The goal of meeting coordination is to facilitate a smooth and well-structured meeting that allows for efficient communication, decision-making, and collaboration among attendees.

How To Coordinate A Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Identify the Purpose of the Meeting

It is crucial to determine the purpose of the meeting, as it serves as a platform for information sharing, brainstorming innovative ideas, making critical decisions, or solving complex problems. This identification ensures that the meeting is relevant and productive for all participants.

Read more about meeting purposes here.

Next Step

Step 2: Establish the Meeting Agenda

A well-defined agenda is crucial for effective meetings. It outlines the meeting objectives and key discussion points, ensuring that participants understand what needs to be accomplished within a specified time frame.

We follow a collaborative approach to meeting agendas. In our app, ZipDo, a document is created for each meeting, which all participants can edit together. Here, we gather all relevant meeting notes and collectively create the meeting agenda – there’s no need to send documents individually via email or through platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Here you can see the editor in our app ZipDo, which allows you to collectively create and prepare the meeting agenda.

Next Step

Step 3: Choosing the Participants

It is crucial to determine the essential individuals to have in the meeting to ensure the agenda’s objectives are met. These participants should possess the necessary expertise and authority to contribute effectively to the discussions and decision-making.


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  • Automatically create a note for every meeting
  • Organize your meetings and meeting notes in a channel like Slack
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Next Step

Step 4: Coordinate Schedules

During this step, it is important to consider the schedules of all participants involved in order to find a suitable date and time that works for everyone. This can be done by using a scheduling tool or by personally coordinating with each participant to find the most convenient option.

Next Step

Step 5: Reserve a Meeting Location

When securing a location for a physical or virtual meeting, it is important to ensure that the space is suitable for the size and style of the meeting. Additionally, it should be equipped with the necessary technology if required for a seamless and productive session.

Next Step

Step 6: Send out Invitations

Once the chosen date, time, and location for the meeting are finalized, send out meeting requests to all participants including any necessary instructions and pre-reading materials to ensure everyone is well-prepared.

Next Step

Step 7: Prepare the Materials

In order to ensure a productive meeting, it is essential to gather and arrange all necessary documents, presentations, or materials. Timely distribution of these resources to attendees beforehand allows for thorough preparation and effective participation.

Next Step

Step 8: Set up the Meeting Space

In addition to preparing the meeting location with proper seating, working technology, and necessary supplies like whiteboards and markers, ensure a reliable online connection and a suitable platform if the meeting is conducted virtually.

Next Step

Step 9: Lead the Meeting

As the meeting coordinator, your role is to facilitate a productive discussion by following the prepared agenda, engaging participants in meaningful dialogue, and ensuring that everyone’s perspectives are heard and acknowledged.

Next Step

Step 10: Document the Meeting

Taking detailed minutes is essential for documenting meeting proceedings. Minutes should summarize discussions, decisions, and assigned actions. They should include attendees, topics discussed, and the meeting duration, ensuring a comprehensive record of the meeting.

Next Step

Step 11: Post Meeting Follow-up

Sending out meeting minutes and next steps to all attendees promptly after the meeting fosters accountability for assigned tasks and ensures that non-attendees are kept up to date with the progress and decisions made during the meeting.


In conclusion, coordinating a meeting may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and effective communication, it can be an efficient and productive process. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your meetings are well-organized, purposeful, and valuable for all involved. Remember to establish clear objectives, create an agenda, choose the right participants, leverage technology, and provide follow-up actions. With these strategies in place, you will be able to streamline your meetings, save valuable time, and achieve better outcomes. So go ahead, put these tips into practice, and watch your meetings become a catalyst for success in your business or organization.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What does meeting coordination involve?

Meeting coordination involves setting up and organizing all the necessary elements of a meeting. This includes deciding on the date, time, and location, inviting participants, preparing and distributing any necessary materials, managing technology requirements like video conferencing tools, possibly arranging catering or room setup, and following up after the meeting.

How far in advance should the meeting be coordinated?

Ideally, a meeting should be coordinated at least a week or two in advance. This gives attendees enough time to adjust their schedules, review any materials, and prepare anything they need for the meeting. However, the exact timeframe can vary depending on the nature, formality, and importance of the meeting.

What tools can be used for meeting coordination?

There are multiple tools available for coordinating meetings. These include email for invitations and follow-ups, scheduling tools like Google Calendar or Outlook for arranging the date and time, project management software for managing tasks and tracking progress, and video conferencing tools like Zoom or Teams for virtual meetings.

How can I ensure that all attendees are prepared for the meeting?

To ensure all attendees are prepared, provide all necessary information when sending the initial invitation. This includes the meeting’s purpose, agenda, date, time, and location. Additionally, it may be helpful to send a reminder email a few days before the meeting with any materials that attendees should review or tasks they should complete beforehand.

How can I make the meeting more effective?

The key to making a meeting more effective is through proper planning and execution. Ensure that there’s a clear agenda, start and end on time, encourage open communication, assign action items and establish follow-up procedures. The use of proper technology can also enhance the overall efficiency of a meeting.

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