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How To Run An Interactive Morning Meeting

To run an interactive morning meeting, one must establish a clear agenda, engage all attendees through various activities, discussions, and collaborations, while keeping a consistent rhythm and positive atmosphere.’

An Interactive Morning Meeting is a structured forum typically held at the start of the workday where all team members or employees gather to discuss and focus on the tasks or objectives of the day. This engaging meeting aims to build a sense of community and improve team communication by allowing each participant a chance to speak, engage, and interact with one another. Topics may include job-related updates, goal settings, problem-solving, applauding achievements, or even casual conversations to promote team bonding. Such meetings instill shared responsibility and contribute to a positive work culture and engagement.

What is the purpose of a Interactive Morning Meeting?

The purpose of running an interactive morning meeting as a leader is to engage and empower team members right from the start of the day. It allows for effective communication, promotes collaboration, shares important updates, and sets the tone for the day ahead. By encouraging participation and building relationships, it fosters a positive and motivated work environment.

How To Run An Interactive Morning Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Setting the Stage

The first step in planning an effective meeting involves organizing a conducive space that fosters collaboration and interaction. This space should be comfortable, visually appealing, and equipped with technological aids like projectors or computers, including manual tools like whiteboards or flip charts. Additional materials such as markers for note-taking and brainstorming sessions should also be readily available. This provides a holistic approach to meeting preparation by ensuring ideas can be effectively shared and documented.

Next Step

Step 2: Establishing Schedule and Routine

Creating a pre-meeting agenda is crucial as it lists down the topics for discussion, which is then shared with all involved participants. This method fosters preparation among participants in advance and ensures the meeting progresses efficiently by staying focused on the pre-determined topics.

Next Step

Step 3: Icebreaker Activity

Begin your meeting with an engaging icebreaker activity to foster a relaxed environment and promote open communication. This can include a swift, lighthearted game, an interesting question to stir conversation, or a concise team-building activity, all aimed at breaking barriers and creating an enriching platform for the rest of the meeting.


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Next Step

Step 4: Introductions

Participants should take the time to introduce themselves during meetings, particularly if there are new members or first-time attendees within the group. This crucial step fosters an atmosphere of inclusivity, helps in building a sense of familiarity and camaraderie among participants, and sets the stage for easier, more fluent interaction, breaking down any initial awkwardness or hesitation that may impede fruitful discussions or collaborations.

Next Step

Step 5: Content Discussions

Initiate the meeting by exploring the subjects detailed in the agenda, bringing critical elements to light. Foster a dynamic, inclusive atmosphere by posing open-ended inquiries that stimulate in-depth discourse. Encourage collaborative effort through the delegation of tasks or assignments as required, ensuring everyone feels involved and plays a substantial role.

Next Step

Step 6: Group Activities

Incorporate brainstorming sessions or small group activities into your meetings. These activities create a dynamic interaction among participants, fostering a stimulating environment for idea sharing, problem-solving, and creative thinking. They not only promote engagement but also encourage collective ideation and solution generation.

Next Step

Step 7: Feedback Opportunities

In conducting meetings, it is pertinent to allocate ample time for feedback and inquiries at every juncture. This fosters an open environment where participants have the liberty to convey their viewpoints or suggestions concerning the subject matter. This will facilitate better communication and collective decision making.

Next Step

Step 8: Recap and Action Items

Before ending a meeting, it’s crucial to recap the main points discussed and assign future tasks to participants. This procedure ensures that everyone is clear about their responsibilities and the next steps to be undertaken, thus fostering productive post-meeting actions and eliminating ambiguity.

Next Step

Step 9: Closing Activity

Wrapping up the meeting should include a closing activity that encourages positivity and cooperation among the team. One effective way is by allowing members to share one essential thing they learned or something they valued during the session. This way, everyone leaves with a sense of accomplishment and unity, stimulating a more productive and harmonious work environment.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. “What progress did we make towards our goals since our last meeting?”
Explanation: This question encourages the team to reflect on their accomplishments, providing a sense of achievement and fostering motivation and productivity.

2. “What challenges are we currently facing?”
Explanation: By identifying and discussing the challenges, the team can work together to find solutions and develop strategies to overcome obstacles more efficiently.

3. “Are there any new ideas or suggestions to improve our processes or projects?”
Explanation: This question encourages the team to contribute fresh perspectives, fostering innovation and continuous improvement within the organization.

4. “What are some potential roadblocks or risks that we need to anticipate?”
Explanation: Identifying potential roadblocks and risks in advance helps the team proactively assess and mitigate any potential threats, ensuring the smooth progression of projects and tasks.

5. “How can we better support and collaborate with each other?”
Explanation: By openly discussing ways to improve teamwork and collaboration, the team can identify opportunities to enhance communication, streamline processes, and build a more cohesive work environment.

6. “What skills or resources do we need to achieve our goals?”
Explanation: This question helps the team identify any gaps in skills or resources required for success, allowing leaders to allocate necessary resources and provide training or development opportunities.

7. “What lessons have we learned recently that can benefit the team moving forward?”
Explanation: Reflecting on past experiences promotes a learning culture within the team, allowing members to share valuable insights and avoid repeating mistakes.

8. “How can we celebrate and recognize individual and team achievements?”
Explanation: Recognizing and celebrating achievements boosts morale and fosters a positive work environment, motivating team members to keep performing at their best.

9. “Is there anything else that needs to be addressed or discussed before we wrap up?”
Explanation: This open-ended question ensures that all important matters are addressed, giving team members the opportunity to raise any additional concerns or share important updates.

10. “What action steps will each team member take to move our projects forward?”
Explanation: Assigning specific action steps ensures accountability and clarity regarding individual responsibilities, maximizing productivity and progress towards goals.

Note: These questions serve as a starting point and can be tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the team and organization.

As a leader, preparing an interactive morning meeting agenda involves incorporating a mix of informative updates, engaging activities, and open discussions. Start with a brief overview of goals and achievements, followed by interactive icebreakers or team-building exercises. Include time for individual and group updates, allowing for questions and feedback. Conclude with a motivational activity or a chance for everyone to share their wins or challenges.

How To Prepare For A Interactive Morning Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During an interactive morning meeting, it is important to discuss upcoming projects and deadlines, review team progress, address any challenges or obstacles, brainstorm new ideas, share important announcements or updates, and foster collaboration and team building activities. Additionally, discussing individual and team goals, sharing best practices, and seeking feedback from everyone ensures effective communication and a productive day ahead.

See Our Interactive Morning Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Interactive Morning Meeting

Software helps leaders run interactive morning meetings by providing tools for effective communication and collaboration. With features like video conferencing, chat, and file sharing, leaders can engage team members regardless of their location. Additionally, software enables real-time feedback, polls, and interactive presentations, ensuring a productive and interactive meeting experience that fosters creativity and participation.

Our Recommendations:


To run an interactive morning meeting successfully, it takes careful planning, engaging activities, a comfortable environment conducive to open communication, and active participation from all members. Following these strategies will not only create an interactive environment that promotes collaboration and teamwork, but also facilitate faster decision-making and problem-solving processes. It improves the overall productivity and efficiency of the organization. So, foster that lively morning energy, leverage the tools and techniques available, and revolutionize your morning meetings to make them more interactive and productive than ever before. Remember, a great morning meeting sets a positive tone for the rest of the workday. Start strong, and watch that momentum carry over into everything your team does.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What exactly is an Interactive Morning Meeting?

An Interactive Morning Meeting is a structured daily gathering, typically taking place at the start of the workday, where team members engage in creative, interactive group activities. Its goal is to create a positive working environment, improve communication, foster teamwork, and set the tone for the day.

What type of activities are involved in an Interactive Morning Meeting?

Activities can vary widely depending on team objectives, but they often include team-building exercises, icebreakers, brainstorming sessions, discussions about daily goals, and updates on current projects. The main focus is on promoting interaction and actively engaging all team members.

How long should an Interactive Morning Meeting last?

The length may vary based on the organization’s schedule, but it’s important to keep it concise yet effective. The recommended duration is typically between 15 to 30 minutes to cover all aspects without encroaching dramatically on the workday.

What's the benefit of conducting Interactive Morning Meetings?

Interactive Morning Meetings help build a sense of community, purpose, and shared understanding within a team. They can also foster open communication, mutual respect, and collaboration. Over time, this can lead to increased productivity, enhanced team morale, and better problem-solving capabilities.

How can we ensure that the Interactive Morning Meetings are effective?

To ensure effectiveness, provide clear guidelines and objectives before the meeting, promote active participation from all members, keep the agenda focused and time-bound, and encourage a positive, respectful environment. Following up with actionable tasks and periodically reviewing the outcome of the meetings can also boost their effectiveness.

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