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How To Run A Committee Meeting

Successfully running a committee meeting involves setting a clear agenda, facilitating open dialogue for decision-making processes, tracking the meeting’s progress, and assigning specific tasks to attendees for accountability.

A committee meeting is a gathering of a group of individuals who are appointed or elected to discuss specific issues or make decisions on behalf of an organization or entity. These meetings typically follow a set agenda and are conducted to ensure effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making within the committee. The purpose of a committee meeting can vary depending on the nature of the committee, but it usually involves reviewing and discussing progress, planning and implementing strategies, addressing concerns or challenges, and making recommendations or decisions that contribute to the overall objectives and goals of the organization.

What is the purpose of a Committee Meeting?

The purpose of running a committee meeting as a leader is to ensure effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making within the team. It is important to set the agenda, facilitate discussions, encourage participation, and delegate tasks. By managing the meeting efficiently, the leader can drive progress, resolve conflicts, and ultimately achieve the committee’s goals.

How To Run A Committee Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Define the purpose

Clearly identify the goals and objectives of the meeting in order to determine what you want to accomplish by the end. Organize these objectives into a draft agenda, outlining the meeting topics that need to be discussed.

Next Step

Step 2: Select a Chairperson

It is vital to designate a competent individual to steer the meeting, maintain its focus, and guarantee that all agenda items are thoroughly addressed. A capable leader will ensure productivity and optimize outcomes for the entire team.

Next Step

Step 3: Send out Invitations

Send a clear notification to all staff members regarding the committee meeting, sharing essential details such as date, time, location, and the provisional agenda.


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Next Step

Step 4: Prepare Documentation

In order to fully prepare for the upcoming meeting, it is crucial to gather all essential documents pertaining to the topics outlined in the agenda. These may consist of reports, presentations, budget sheets, project updates, and any other relevant materials necessary for a comprehensive discussion.

ZipDo, our tool, offers a solution for the seamless preparation of team meetings. It centralizes past session information, including agendas and meeting notes, making it accessible for meeting leads. This organization aids in efficient preparation and ensures that nothing important is overlooked.

Next Step

Step 5: Set-up the Meeting Space

When arranging a meeting, it is essential to create a comfortable and suitable environment for attendees. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that all technological equipment, such as audiovisual systems and internet connectivity, are in optimal working condition.

Next Step

Step 6: Conduct the Meeting

The chairperson should effectively lead the meeting by following the agenda, promoting equal participation, and ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas.

Next Step

Step 7: Record Minutes

To ensure effective documentation, designate a responsible individual to accurately capture the meeting proceedings. These minutes should encompass important topics, dialogues, resolutions, and tasks required for implementation.

Our software, ZipDo, enhances the efficiency of handling meeting minutes. Meetings are imported from your calendar and organized into channels. Team members can then be added to these channels for meeting access. Minutes posted in the workspace are automatically accessible to all, ensuring everyone is current.

Next Step

Step 8: Encourage Participation

Encouraging active participation from all participants in the discussion is crucial for effective decision making and promotes a sense of engagement and involvement, ultimately leading to improved outcomes.

Next Step

Step 9: Conclude the Meeting

The chairperson’s role includes summarizing the discussions, finalizing decisions, and ending the meeting on a positive note, effectively ensuring that the meeting’s key points are consolidated and everyone leaves with a clear understanding and positive outlook.

Next Step

Step 10: Distribute Meeting Minutes

It is crucial to promptly distribute the meeting minutes to all attendees post-meeting to ensure prompt action. This empowers each participant with clear instructions and responsibilities, fostering efficiency and accountability within the team.

Our service, ZipDo, optimizes the management of meeting minutes. By importing meetings into the app and sorting them into channels, team access is simplified. Sharing minutes within the channel’s workspace guarantees that all members have immediate access, keeping the whole team updated.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What is the objective of this committee meeting?
Explanation: Setting a clear objective establishes the purpose and focus of the meeting, ensuring that everyone is aligned and the agenda items are relevant.

2. Have we achieved the goals set in the previous meeting?
Explanation: Reviewing the previous meeting’s goals helps track progress, ensure accountability, and identify any unresolved issues that need to be addressed.

3. Are there any updates or progress reports from team members?
Explanation: Providing a platform for team members to share updates allows for transparency, accountability, and collaboration across different projects or tasks.

4. Are there any challenges or roadblocks hindering progress?
Explanation: Identifying challenges or roadblocks helps uncover potential issues that may require support or additional resources to ensure the team’s success.

5. Are we on track with the deadlines and milestones?
Explanation: Checking the progress towards deadlines and milestones ensures that the team is working within the established timeline and allows for necessary adjustments if needed.

6. Are there any outstanding action items that need attention?
Explanation: This question brings attention to any pending tasks or action items that have not been completed, preventing them from falling through the cracks.

7. How can we improve our teamwork and collaboration?
Explanation: Encouraging a discussion on teamwork and collaboration helps identify areas for improvement and fosters a positive and productive work environment.

8. Are there any relevant updates or changes in the external environment?
Explanation: Staying informed about external factors, such as market trends or new regulations, helps the team anticipate potential impacts on their work and adjust strategies accordingly.

9. Are there any other important matters or concerns that need to be addressed?
Explanation: This open-ended question allows for any additional issues, concerns, or ideas to be brought forward, ensuring that all topics relevant to the team’s success are discussed.

10. What are the next steps or actions after this meeting?
Explanation: Clarifying the next steps and actions ensures that the team has a clear understanding of what needs to be done, promoting accountability and moving projects forward.

As a leader, it is crucial to prepare a well-structured committee-meeting agenda. Start by determining the meeting’s objectives and prioritize the topics to be discussed. Clearly communicate the agenda in advance, allowing participants to come prepared. Include time allocations and ensure a balance of important matters. An organized agenda leads to more productive and effective meetings.

How To Prepare For A Committee Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During a committee meeting, it is important to discuss relevant topics that pertain to the committee’s objective and mandate. The agenda should include items such as the progress of ongoing projects, any emerging issues, updates on budget and allocation of resources, future plans, and any necessary decisions to be made collectively.

See Our Committee Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Committee Meeting

Software helps leaders run committee meetings efficiently by providing tools for agenda creation, task assignment, and document sharing. It enables real-time collaboration, allowing participants to contribute and share ideas seamlessly. Additionally, software offers features for recording minutes, tracking action items, and scheduling follow-up meetings, ensuring effective communication and decision-making within the committee.

Our Recommendations:


Running an effective committee meeting is vital for the success of any organization. By following the steps mentioned in this blog post, you can ensure that your meetings are productive, engaging, and result-oriented. Remember, preparation is key, so create a well-defined agenda, gather necessary materials, and communicate with participants in advance.

During the meeting, establish clear ground rules, encourage active participation, and manage time effectively to maximize productivity. Assign action items and follow up on them to maintain accountability. Foster open communication and collaboration among committee members to leverage their skills and expertise.

Finally, periodically evaluate the effectiveness of your committee meetings and make necessary adjustments to improve future sessions. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be able to run committee meetings that achieve objectives, promote teamwork, and drive your organization forward.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of a Committee Meeting?

The purpose of a Committee Meeting is to discuss specific matters within the jurisdiction of that committee. This could be to make decisions, deliberate over specific issues, engage in planning or discussion, or oversee ongoing projects or teams.

Who should attend a Committee Meeting?

Generally, all members of the committee should attend the meeting. This often includes a chairperson or president who leads the meeting, committee members, and often a secretary or person responsible for taking minutes. Occasionally, outside guests or experts may be invited to provide additional perspectives or information.

How are decisions made during a Committee Meeting?

Decisions during a Committee Meeting are typically made through voting. After discussion and debate on a specific issue, committee members take a vote and the decision with the most votes wins. Some committees may require a simple majority, others may require a two-thirds majority for decisions to be made.

How should a Committee Meeting be structured?

Most Committee Meetings start with attendance check and approval of the previous meeting’s minutes. Afterwards, the chair or committee members present reports or updates, followed by old business (ongoing issues) and new business (new issues to present and discuss). Near the end, the groups usually decide on the date and time for the next meeting, and finally ends with adjournment.

What is the role of the chairperson in a Committee Meeting?

The chairperson presides over the meeting, ensuring that the meeting stays on task and follows the agenda. They guide discussions, make certain that all voices are heard, and that decisions are made in a fair and democratic manner. They also often play a significant role in planning the agenda and ensuring that decisions made during the meeting are executed after.

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