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How To Run A Cab Meeting

Run a CAB (Change Advisory Board) meeting by setting a clear agenda, engaging key stakeholders, discussing and reviewing change requests, implementing agreed decisions, and ensuring all updates and minutes are accurately recorded and communicated.

A Cab Meeting, also known as a Change Advisory Board Meeting, is a gathering of key stakeholders and experts within an organization to discuss, review, and approve proposed changes to a project or system. The primary goal of the meeting is to evaluate the potential impacts and risks associated with the changes, ensuring the change is beneficial, and aligns with the business objectives. The CAB meeting plays a crucial role in change management processes, contributing to the efficient operation, reduced risk, and enhanced service quality of the organization.

What is the purpose of a Cab Meeting?

Running a cab meeting as a leader serves multiple purposes. It enables effective communication and exchange of ideas within the team, promotes transparency and accountability, encourages collaboration and problem-solving, and ensures everyone’s voices are heard. Ultimately, the purpose is to facilitate teamwork, align goals, and drive the success of the organization.

How To Run A Cab Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Agenda Preparation

Before conducting the Change Advisory Board (CAB) meeting, it’s crucial to prepare a comprehensive agenda. This agenda should include generating a discussion list covering aspects like reviewing changes, evaluating potential risks, studying impact analyses, and prioritizing changes. This ensures a structured, efficient meeting, aiming for positive and informed decision-making.

ZipDo, our app, integrates seamlessly with your calendar to consolidate all appointments into a unified collaborative platform. In this space, teams can co-create a shared agenda, allowing every member to contribute their topics. This feature enhances team preparedness and streamlines both meeting preparation and follow-up, leading to more productive meetings.

Next Step

Step 2: Invitations

After finalizing the agenda, extend invites to all essential CAB members, which could consist of the change manager, pertinent stakeholders, IT professionals, business proprietors and others. Giving them access to relevant resources and the meeting agenda ahead of time ensures they are well-prepared and can contribute effectively.

Next Step

Step 3: Pre-Meeting Review

During this preparatory phase, every Change Advisory Board (CAB) member is mandated to meticulously review all submitted changes, requests, and additional agenda items prior to the meeting. This crucial step ensures comprehensive preparedness, fosters informed discussions, reduces misunderstandings, and allows the meeting to progress smoothly, enhancing overall productivity.


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Next Step

Step 4: Conducting the Meeting

The ensuing step involves the execution of a well-structured meeting as per the preset agenda. All slated topics undergo an in-depth discussion, complete comprehension of each modification is guaranteed, potential risks are thoroughly evaluated, and ultimately, informed decisions regarding any proposed changes are made. To facilitate productive discussions, all members should adhere to the agenda, respect others’ inputs, and foster an environment of collaborative decision-making. This aids in clear communication, comprehensive understanding, and strategic choices, ensuring meeting objectives are successfully met.

Next Step

Step 5: Decision Making

The Change Advisory Board (CAB) meeting aims to obtain a consensus on every proposed change, ruling whether it’s approved, denied, or needs additional analysis. An agreed-upon change is slated for implementation. Conversely, a denied proposition is given back to the requester, accompanied by constructive feedback to improve or clarify the request.

Next Step

Step 6: Documentation

Capturing all outcomes of a meeting – decisions made, action points, and future tasks – holds critical importance. This process ensures each participant is held accountable for their responsibilities while assisting in progress evaluation. This serves as a record, facilitating easier review and follow-up in further meetings.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What are the key objectives and goals of our team/meeting today? – This question helps to establish clarity and focus, ensuring everyone is aligned on the purpose and deliverables of the meeting.

2. What challenges or obstacles are hindering our progress? – This question encourages open and honest discussion about any barriers that need to be overcome, allowing the leader to identify and mitigate potential roadblocks.

3. How are we tracking against our targets and milestones? – By asking this question, the leader can gauge the team’s progress and identify any areas needing extra attention or support.

4. What improvements or solutions can we implement to optimize our performance? – This question promotes creative thinking and collaboration, encouraging the team to identify potential enhancements or strategies to achieve better results.

5. Are there any additional resources or support needed to accomplish our objectives? – This question allows the leader to identify any gaps in resources or support, ensuring the team has what they need to succeed.

6. How can we effectively communicate and collaborate better as a team? – By asking this question, the leader fosters a culture of open communication and teamwork, and encourages the team to share ideas on improving collaboration and efficiency.

7. What lessons can we learn from our previous experiences or projects? – This question encourages reflection and learning from past experiences, enabling the team to avoid repeating mistakes or identify successful strategies to replicate.

8. What potential risks or uncertainties should we be mindful of and plan for? – By raising this question, the leader provokes thoughtful consideration of potential challenges or risks, and prompts the team to develop contingency plans or risk mitigation strategies.

9. How can we recognize and celebrate individual/team achievements? – This question emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating individual and collective accomplishments, fostering motivation and a positive team dynamic.

10. What are the next steps and action items following this meeting? – This question ensures clear accountability and direction, enabling the team to know what is expected and what actions they need to take moving forward.

As a leader, it is important to prepare a well-structured agenda for cab-meetings. Begin by identifying the key topics to be discussed, prioritizing them based on urgency and importance. Include specific objectives for each agenda item, allocate time appropriately, and allow for open discussion. Share the agenda in advance to ensure everyone is prepared, enabling efficient and productive meetings.

How To Prepare For A Cab Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

In a cab-meeting, key topics to discuss include upcoming projects and deadlines, client feedback and concerns, team performance and goals, potential business opportunities, and any operational challenges. It is important to create an open and collaborative atmosphere where everyone can contribute and problem-solve together.

See Our Cab Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Cab Meeting

Software plays a crucial role in facilitating effective cab-meetings for leaders. It provides a centralized platform for managing meeting agendas, scheduling, and assigning tasks. Leaders can easily collaborate, share documents, and track progress in real-time. Additionally, software enables leaders to analyze meeting data, generate reports, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately enhancing productivity and ensuring successful outcomes.

Our Recommendations:


In conclusion, running a successful CAB (Change Advisory Board) meeting requires careful planning, clear communication, and effective decision-making mechanisms. It’s about applying the principles of collaboration, transparency and focus on improvement. To guarantee a productive meeting, it is essential to set a clear agenda, maintain a strategic orientation, and encourage active participation from all attendees. Utilization of modern technology tools can further enhance the effectiveness of the meeting, foster collaboration and simplify the decision-making process. A well-run CAB meeting not only guarantees a smooth IT change management process but also contributes to the overall success of the organization. Make your CAB meetings more effective by following these tips and introducing continuous improvement. Remember, the main goal is not just to run a meeting, but to facilitate fruitful discussions and make wise decisions for meaningful IT changes in your organization.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is a 'Cab Meeting'?

A ‘Cab Meeting’ refers to a gathering or conversation that takes place inside a taxi cab. It often involves discussions about business matters where confidentiality is desired.

Why would a 'Cab Meeting' be preferred over a traditional conference room?

Cab Meetings’ offer an informal environment, enabling free-flowing discussions. It’s also a suitable option for individuals who have busy schedules as they can multitask, discussing important matters while commuting.

What are the potential downsides of a 'Cab Meeting'?

Cab Meetings’ can be prone to distractions due to traffic and outside noise. Confidentiality might also be compromised in the presence of the driver unless privacy measures are in place.

Can all types of business meetings be held in a cab?

Not really. While ‘Cab Meetings’ can be suitable for quick catch-ups or informal discussions, they may not be ideal for more in-depth and formal meetings where presentations or a larger group may be involved.

Is it possible to record 'Cab Meetings'?

Yes, as long as everyone involved consents to it. Recording such meetings can provide a reference for later and ensure nothing discussed is forgotten. However, it’s crucial to consider both privacy laws and terms of the taxi cab service.

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