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How To Run An Advisory Board Meeting

To run an advisory board meeting effectively, prepare a clear agenda, utilize member expertise, welcome discussion and feedback, while maintaining a focused timeframe and clear communication.

An Advisory Board Meeting is a formal gathering of a group of individuals known as the advisory board, who are chosen by an organization or business for their expertise, insights, and valuable perspectives. These meetings are a mechanism for soliciting advice, addressing challenges, discussing strategies, and making informed decisions to guide the organization towards its goals. Unlike a traditional governing board, advisory board meetings are not about legal responsibilities or fiduciary duties, but rather about sharing wisdom to help the organization improve and grow.

What is the purpose of a Advisory Board Meeting?

The purpose of running an advisory board meeting as a leader is to gather valuable insights and guidance from a diverse group of experts and stakeholders. It provides an opportunity to discuss challenges, receive feedback, and make informed decisions that align with the organization’s goals and strategies. By leveraging the collective knowledge and expertise of the advisory board, leaders can enhance performance, drive innovation, and ensure effective governance.

How To Run An Advisory Board Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Set the Meeting Agenda

Firstly, a precise definition of the topics which the advisory board shall address during the course of the meeting is of prime importance. Upon formalizing these issues, share the agenda with all members in a timely manner. By doing this, they are afforded ample time to prepare thoroughly for the meeting, thus ensuring an effective and productive discussion. This also allows them to gather relevant information and formulate any questions or comments they might have, which ultimately boosts the meeting’s effectiveness.

Our app, ZipDo, revolutionizes meeting preparation by importing calendar appointments into a collaborative platform. This platform supports the development of a shared agenda, accessible for contributions by all team members. Such collaboration results in well-prepared meetings, improving efficiency and simplifying the overall meeting process.

Next Step

Step 2: Meeting Invitation

To ensure every member of the advisory board is properly informed, dispatch formal invitations to them. These official invitations should explicitly mention the exact date and time, physical location (or if it’s a remote meeting, supply the video conference link), and a rundown of the meeting’s agenda. This allows everyone to be well-prepared, know what to expect, and helps to optimize the overall productivity of the anticipated meeting.

Next Step

Step 3: Preparation of Meeting Materials

Ensure preparation of all crucial documents, presentations, and reports, intended for discussion during the meeting. Distribute these materials to all board members prior to the meeting, ensuring sufficient time for thorough review and understanding. This allows for a productive meeting with informed and prepared participants.

Our software, ZipDo, transforms team meeting preparations by centralizing previous sessions’ information. As a meeting lead, this means you have immediate access to past agendas and notes, simplifying your prep work. It’s a foolproof way to ensure all vital topics are covered.


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Next Step

Step 4: Conducting the Meeting

Initiate the meeting punctually as per the scheduled time to respect everyone’s time and commitments. Facilitate a systematic flow of discussions mirroring the prepared agenda to maintain focus and coherence. Stimulate involvement from all advisory board members and foster a respectful dialogue. Ensure each member’s opinion is valued and everyone is given an equal opportunity to express their viewpoints, thereby promoting a comprehensive and collaborative decision-making process.

Next Step

Step 5: Record Keeping

Documenting the deliberations, proposals, resolutions, and action strategies formulated within the meeting is critical. This involves diligently drafting minutes of the meeting. Also, with the appropriate permissions, recording the session through audio or video may be advantageous. This ensures accurate recollection and reference points for future discussions or actions.

Next Step

Step 6: Follow Up

Post-meeting, it’s crucial to circulate a comprehensive summary or minutes to all attendees. This step ensures everyone is up-to-date on the meeting’s events, discussions, decisions, and more importantly, the agreed upon next steps. Ultimately, it fosters accountability and promotes transparency within the team.

Next Step

Step 7: Action Plan Implementation

The key to implementing action plans and decisions made during meetings is clear assignment of tasks. Make sure that each task has a point person responsible for its execution. This person will oversee the task’s progression, ensuring it suits the timeline and standards agreed upon. This strategy creates a sense of responsibility and ownership, ultimately driving the efficient completion of the task and achievement of objectives.

Next Step

Step 8: Evaluation

After a suitable period, consistently assess the results or efficiency of the meeting’s decisions. This evaluation plays a pivotal role in quantifying the productivity of the advisory board meetings. Such process aids in identifying areas of improvement, thus enabling appropriate modifications for forthcoming meetings to enhance their effectiveness.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What are the current challenges and opportunities faced by our organization?
Explanation: This question allows the leader to gain insights into the existing obstacles and potential areas for growth, enabling them to make informed decisions and strategic plans.

2. How can we enhance our product/service to better meet customer needs?
Explanation: By seeking input from the advisory board on product or service improvements, the leader can gather valuable perspectives that may lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Are there any emerging trends or market dynamics that we should be aware of?
Explanation: This question helps the leader stay updated on industry trends, enabling them to stay competitive and make necessary adjustments to their business strategy.

4. What are the potential risks and how can we mitigate them?
Explanation: Understanding the risks involved allows the leader to develop effective risk management strategies and contingency plans, safeguarding the organization’s interests.

5. Are we effectively utilizing our resources and budget?
Explanation: This question helps the leader evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation, enabling them to make improved decisions and ensure optimal utilization.

6. What improvements can we make to our internal processes and workflow?
Explanation: By discussing process improvements, the leader can explore opportunities to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and eliminate any bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

7. How can our organization enhance its corporate social responsibility efforts?
Explanation: Seeking input on CSR initiatives demonstrates a commitment to social and environmental responsibilities and helps the leader identify ways to positively impact the community and environment.

8. What are our competitors doing differently, and how can we leverage that insight?
Explanation: Understanding the strategies and actions of competitors is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. This question helps the leader learn from competitor successes and innovate accordingly.

9. What skills or expertise should we look for when expanding our team?
Explanation: By discussing the required skills and expertise, the leader can ensure that future hiring decisions align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

10. What opportunities exist for collaboration or partnerships that can benefit our organization?
Explanation: This question encourages the advisory board to brainstorm potential collaborations or partnerships, which can lead to increased market reach, shared resources, and mutually beneficial outcomes.

To prepare a successful advisory board meeting agenda as a leader, start by clearly defining the meeting objectives. Identify the key topics or issues to be discussed and prioritize them accordingly. Share the agenda with board members well in advance to allow for preparation and ensure everyone is on the same page.

How To Prepare For A Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

Possible topics for discussion at an advisory board meeting may include strategic planning, market trends, industry challenges and opportunities, financial performance, customer feedback, product development, marketing strategies, risk management, and overall business growth.

See Our Advisory Board Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Advisory Board Meeting

Software tools help leaders efficiently run advisory board meetings by providing a range of features and functionalities. These tools enable leaders to create agendas, schedule meetings, invite participants, collaborate on documents, facilitate discussions, track actions and decisions, and generate meeting minutes. With software, leaders can streamline the entire process, enhance communication, and ensure that meetings are productive and well-managed.

Our Recommendations:


Running an effective advisory board meeting requires careful planning, clear communication, and efficient management of the agenda. From setting clear objectives to sharing concise agendas, to promoting interactive discussions and adhering to time schedules, all play vital roles in leading successful meetings. Moreover, utilizing effective technology platforms can significantly enhance the interactive experience. Ensuring post-meeting follow-ups and applying received advice can also show your board members that their input is respected and valuable. By implementing these strategies, you can maximize the effectiveness of your advisory board meetings, and truly harness the collective wisdom and experience of your board members.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the purpose of an advisory board meeting?

The purpose of an advisory board meeting is to provide strategic advice and insights, network on behalf of the organization, and/or provide access to resources. The advisory board can serve as additional expertise to the organization’s leadership.

Who typically attends an advisory board meeting?

An advisory board meeting is usually attended by the advisory board members, which may include industry experts, business leaders, or professionals in relevant fields. In some cases, key stakeholders of the organization, including senior management or the CEO, may also attend.

How often are advisory board meetings held?

The frequency of advisory board meetings can vary based on the needs of the organization. Typically, they are held quarterly, but some may opt for monthly, bi-annual or annual meetings.

What is the general structure of an advisory board meeting?

An advisory board meeting often starts with a welcome and introductions, followed by a review of previous meeting minutes. This is then followed by discussing key business matters and updates, asking for advice or input on strategic decisions, and the planning of future initiatives. The meeting typically ends with a wrap-up and setting the date for the next meeting.

How are decisions made in an advisory board meeting?

An advisory board is typically not a decision-making body and they provide recommendations rather than making decisions. The final decisions are often made by the organization’s management team or board of directors, taking into account the insights and advice provided by the advisory board.

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