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How To Run An Ad Hoc Meeting

An ad hoc meeting is to be conducted spontaneously and promptly with a specific purpose, involving necessary participants, clear goals, concise discussion, and quick action-oriented decisions.

An Ad Hoc Meeting is unplanned, informal, and usually spur-of-the-moment, organized to address specific, immediate issues that need to be discussed and resolved quickly. They are not scheduled in advance, unlike regular team or departmental meetings, but are convened as the need arises, often involving relevant stakeholders or team members who can contribute to the resolution of the matter at hand. The term ‘Ad Hoc’ is derived from Latin, meaning ‘for this’, underscoring its purpose for specific, immediate needs.

What is the purpose of a Ad Hoc Meeting?

As a leader, running an ad-hoc meeting serves the purpose of addressing urgent and immediate issues that require immediate attention and decision making. It allows for quick communication, problem-solving, and decision-making without the need for formal preparations or agenda. Ad-hoc meetings can help keep the team informed, aligned, and productive in fast-paced environments.

How To Run An Ad Hoc Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Identify the Need for the Ad Hoc Meeting

First, identify and thoroughly analyze any sudden or unexpected issue that has surfaced. Evaluate its urgency, impact, and relevance to the team’s operations. If the matter is of high priority and immediate attention, that’s when an ad hoc meeting becomes necessary.

Next Step

Step 2: Set the Meeting Objective

When planning a meeting, it’s crucial to clearly define what you hope to achieve. Establish SMART objectives – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. This approach ensures that your goals are not only realistic and attainable but also hold relevance, and are constrained within a specified timeline.

Next Step

Step 3: Select a Meeting Time and Location

To ensure effective participation, it’s crucial to choose a suitable time and location for the meeting that aligns with everyone’s schedules. The chosen spot should be easily accessible and the timing should ideally not clash with other commitments of the participants.


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Next Step

Step 4: Create a Participant List

To address the issue effectively during the meeting, it is essential to identify and involve the key stakeholders. These individuals should be those directly impacted by the issue, with firsthand knowledge and understanding. Including them promotes a holistic and problem-specific discussion.

Next Step

Step 5: Develop an Agenda

Despite the spontaneous and informal nature of an ad hoc meeting, it still necessitates a well-structured agenda. This agenda should highlight the key issues to be discussed and the specific order in which they’ll be addressed, ensuring focused and efficient dialogue.

Our application, ZipDo, transforms your calendar by importing meetings into a collaborative environment designed for team interaction. Here, a collective meeting agenda is developed, encouraging input from all team members. This approach fosters better-prepared meetings, enhancing efficiency and easing the burden of meeting preparation and follow-up.

Next Step

Step 6: Notify Participants

Ensure you send an invitation to all participants promptly, containing all essential details about the meeting such as date, location, and time. It should also include a detailed agenda of discussion topics, and make clear mention of what each participant should prepare or bring to the meeting.

Next Step

Step 7: Facilitate the Meeting

It’s crucial to facilitate meetings professionally, steering discussions on the correct path, monitoring time usage efficiently, and promoting active involvement from all attendees. Stay on track with the agenda, avoid diversion from the primary topic, and promote constructive interaction to ensure smooth and effective meeting proceedings.

Next Step

Step 8: Assign Action Items

Ensure that all tasks or decisions resulting from the meeting are assigned to a specific individual or team for execution. This encourages accountability and allows for efficient tracking of progress, thus eliminating potential bottlenecks and ensuring seamless follow-through.

Next Step

Step 9: Record the Meeting Minutes

Documenting important points discussed, key decisions reached, and assignments given during a meeting is crucial for organization and team alignment. It provides a tangible reference point, ensures transparency and helps keep track of progress. This indispensable practice ultimately boosts productivity and facilitates enhanced collaboration.

ZipDo, our tool, makes the creation and dissemination of meeting minutes straightforward. By importing meetings from the calendar into channels, and inviting team members, everyone gains access. Posting minutes in the workspace ensures immediate availability to all members, keeping the team aligned.

Next Step

Step 10: Follow-Up

After the meeting, promptly share the minutes with all attendees and any other relevant stakeholders. This document will serve as a reference point for what was discussed and agreed upon. It is also critical to follow up on the status of the action items. This is important to ensure tasks are being addressed and completed as planned. Thus, providing a continuous loop of communication that aids in the successful implementation of the decisions taken during the meeting.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What is the purpose of this ad-hoc meeting? – This question helps to clarify the objective and ensure that everyone understands why they are gathered.

2. Who needs to be involved in this discussion? – This question helps to identify the key stakeholders who should be present to contribute their knowledge or make decisions.

3. What are the immediate challenges or issues that require attention? – This question focuses the discussion on the most pressing matters that need to be addressed urgently.

4. What potential solutions or options have been considered so far? – This question encourages participants to brainstorm and share ideas or proposals that have already been explored or put forward.

5. What are the pros and cons of each solution being discussed? – This question prompts a critical analysis of the proposed solutions, allowing for a thorough evaluation of their potential strengths and weaknesses.

6. What are the potential risks or obstacles associated with each solution? – This question helps to identify any downsides or potential roadblocks that may arise from implementing each solution, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.

7. How feasible or realistic are the proposed solutions considering available resources and time constraints? – This question encourages participants to consider practicality and resource availability, helping to assess the viability of the proposed solutions.

8. What actions can be taken immediately to address the most urgent matters? – This question focuses on identifying tangible steps that can be taken right away to begin addressing the immediate challenges.

9. What follow-up actions or next steps should be taken after this meeting? – This question ensures that there is a clear plan for what happens next, including assigning responsibilities and setting deadlines.

10. Are there any additional thoughts, concerns, or suggestions that haven’t been discussed yet? – This question gives everyone an opportunity to contribute anything that might have been missed in previous discussions and encourages a thorough examination of all perspectives before concluding the meeting.

To prepare an ad-hoc meeting agenda as a leader, start by identifying the main purpose and desired outcomes of the meeting. Next, list the specific topics or issues that need to be discussed and assign time limits to each. Include any necessary background information or documents for attendees to review beforehand. Lastly, distribute the agenda to all participants in advance to ensure everyone is prepared and aligned for a productive discussion.

How To Prepare For A Ad Hoc Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

Important topics that should be covered in an ad-hoc meeting include urgent issues that require immediate attention, unexpected challenges or changes, upcoming deadlines, and critical updates that need to be communicated to the team.

See Our Ad Hoc Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Ad Hoc Meeting

Software plays a pivotal role in helping leaders run ad-hoc meetings with ease and efficiency. It enables them to quickly schedule meetings, share relevant documents, and collaborate in real-time. Additionally, software enables leaders to track decisions, assign tasks, and follow up on action items, ensuring that meetings are productive and goals are achieved.

Our Recommendations:


Successfully running an ad hoc meeting is a skill that can significantly increase team productivity and spur innovation. By implementing a clear objective, setting an agenda, inviting the relevant people, maintaining communication, and most importantly keeping the meeting focused, you can make your ad hoc meetings more efficient and constructive. Remember, the goal is to maximize input and minimize unproductive time. Treat these ad hoc meetings as essential catalysts for immediate decision-making and problem-solving, rather than as interruptions to your day. With practice and preparation, they can become a powerful tool in your business productivity arsenal. So, it’s time to embrace the spontaneity of the ad hoc meeting, and turn it into a cornerstone of your company’s success.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is an Ad Hoc Meeting?

An Ad Hoc Meeting is a type of meeting that is organized without prior planning or scheduling. It typically happens spontaneously to discuss urgent matters or issues that require immediate attention.

When are Ad Hoc Meetings commonly used?

Ad Hoc Meetings are typically used when an unexpected problem needs a solution, when a decision needs to be made quickly, or when there is an immediate need for information or discussions among group members outside of regular scheduled meetings.

Who usually attends an Ad Hoc Meeting?

The attendees of an Ad Hoc Meeting usually include relevant stakeholders who can contribute to the resolution of the issue at hand. This may include team members, management, or even external parties depending on the nature of the problem.

How are Ad Hoc Meetings structured?

Unlike regular meetings, Ad Hoc Meetings don’t follow a fixed agenda. However, they should still be governed by professionalism, focus, and clarity. The meeting starts with a problem statement, followed by an open discussion, and ends with a developed solution or action plan.

Are Ad Hoc meetings more or less effective than scheduled ones?

Both types of meetings have their place and effectiveness largely depends on how they’re conducted. Ad Hoc meetings can be highly effective for addressing immediate and urgent issues, promoting quick decision-making and problem solving. Regular scheduled meetings, on the other hand, are useful for planning, updates, and more structured discussions. It’s important that both types of meetings be focused, goal-oriented and involve the right people.

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