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How To Run A Weekly Team Meeting

Conduct a weekly team meeting by preparing an agenda, encouraging participation and feedback, documenting key points, assigning tasks, ensuring clear communication, tracking progress, and following up on action items.

A Weekly Team Meeting is a regularly scheduled gathering of a company’s team members or employees, typically held once a week, where attendees discuss ongoing projects, set objectives, update one another on their individual progress, and strategize about upcoming tasks. This type of meeting aims to improve communication, foster collaboration, and provide clear direction, ensuring that teams are aligned and well-informed about the collective mission and goals. Additionally, by facilitating open dialogue, they aid in identifying potential challenges earlier and in celebrating team achievements, thereby enhancing motivation and cohesion within the team.

What is the purpose of a Weekly Team Meeting?

Running a weekly team meeting as a leader serves multiple purposes. It helps foster clearer communication, ensures everyone is on the same page, and allows for the identification and resolution of any issues or challenges. It also promotes team collaboration, strengthens relationships, and motivates the team towards achieving common goals.

How To Run A Weekly Team Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Planning the Agenda

This preparatory step is core to meeting planning, involving the decision on which key topics to discuss during the meeting. The agenda, listing all the critical subjects for discussion, should be prepared and disseminated to all participants adequately in advance. This enables them to have ample time to prepare, ensuring a productive, efficient meeting where all vital issues are comprehensively addressed.

Our tool, ZipDo, seamlessly transitions meetings from your calendar to a dedicated collaborative workspace. This space allows for the creation of a communal agenda, with space for input from all team members. By facilitating better preparation, ZipDo not only makes meetings more efficient but also streamlines the entire process surrounding meetings.

Next Step

Step 2: Scheduling the Meeting

This process involves setting an appropriate date and time for the meeting by taking into account the availability of all team members. It’s crucial to choose a time that is not only suitable for everyone but also conducive to productivity. Utilizing online calendars or advanced scheduling tools can help minimize scheduling conflicts and ensure that the meeting doesn’t overlap with other important events. Arranging a meeting is more than pinpointing a date; it’s about identifying the perfect harmony between everyone’s schedules.

Next Step

Step 3: Sending the Invitation

Draft a clear, succinct meeting invitation encompassing key details – the date, time, and for online gatherings, specify the platform used, like Zoom or Teams. The invitation should also include a brief agenda, informing participants what to expect. Ensure this invitation reaches all appropriate team members.


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Next Step

Step 4: Conducting the Meeting

Commence the meeting promptly, and adroitly adhere to the proposed agenda. To foster an engaging and productive meeting environment, stimulate participation from all members for each agenda item. As a proficient meeting expert, it’s crucial to assure that everyone’s viewpoints are not only heard but duly deliberated on, ensuring equitable dialogue and decision-making.

Next Step

Step 5: Note Taking

Allocate a specific individual with the responsibility of meticulously documenting all elements of the meeting. This should encompass discussion points, resultant decisions, task allocation, and any consequential actions to be taken post-meeting. These comprehensive notes will act as a vital reference and permanent record of the meeting proceedings.

With ZipDo, our software, your calendar meetings are seamlessly integrated into a dedicated collaborative environment. This space allows for the addition of meeting notes by any team member, enhancing the efficiency of meeting prep and follow-up, and bolstering team accountability.

Next Step

Step 6: Ending the Meeting

Ending a meeting effectively involves summarizing all the key decisions that were made during the discussion, ensuring all participants are clear on these verdicts. Additionally, it is crucial to provide a well-defined outline of the subsequent steps that need to be followed. This helps in guaranteeing that everyone is aligned on the tasks and responsibilities post-meeting. This uniform understanding helps in efficient execution of plans and minimizes misunderstandings or confusion.

Next Step

Step 7: Distributing the Minutes

After concluding the meeting, promptly distribute the notes or minutes to all participants. This timely action ensures that everyone is on the same page about the discussion and outcomes, providing a clear understanding of their individual tasks, duties, and any follow-up activities they are responsible for.

ZipDo, our tool, makes the creation and dissemination of meeting minutes straightforward. By importing meetings from the calendar into channels, and inviting team members, everyone gains access. Posting minutes in the workspace ensures immediate availability to all members, keeping the team aligned.

Next Step

Step 8: Follow up

Follow-up is a pivotal aspect of team meetings, encompassing the verification that everyone is accomplishing their assigned tasks, resolving misunderstandings, and documenting the team’s advances since the last meeting. This process bolsters meeting effectiveness by promoting accountability, encouraging communication, and tracking team efficiencies, fostering a productive team environment.

Questions to ask as the leader of the meeting

1. What progress have you made toward your goals this week? – This question allows the leader to gauge the team’s productivity and adherence to set objectives.

2. Are there any challenges or roadblocks preventing you from reaching your goals? – This question helps the leader identify potential obstacles that may be impeding the team’s progress and allows for problem-solving efforts.

3. What did you learn this week that you think others should know? – This question encourages knowledge sharing and fosters a culture of continuous learning and development within the team.

4. Do you require any additional resources or support to accomplish your tasks? – This question ensures that the team has the necessary tools and assistance to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.

5. How can we improve our processes or workflows? – This question enables the leader to identify areas that need optimization and potential bottlenecks within the team’s operations.

6. Are there any upcoming deadlines or critical priorities we need to be aware of? – This question ensures that everyone is cognizant of impending deadlines or urgent tasks that require immediate attention.

7. What successes or achievements can we celebrate this week? – This question highlights and acknowledges individual and team accomplishments, fostering motivation, and team morale.

8. Is there anything we can do to enhance collaboration and communication within the team? – This question prompts the team to reflect on their communication dynamics and proactively address any gaps or improvement areas.

9. What feedback do you have for me as a leader? – This question encourages open and honest feedback, empowering the team members to voice their concerns or suggestions for the leader’s improvement.

10. What actions or initiatives can we implement to align our team’s efforts with our long-term vision? – This question drives strategic thinking and ensures that the team’s work is aligned with the overall objectives of the organization.

As a leader, preparing a weekly team meeting agenda is crucial for keeping everyone focused and on track. Start by outlining the main goals and objectives to be discussed, then include specific items that need attention or decision-making. Allocate time for updates, team feedback, and any other important announcements. Keep the agenda concise and share it with the team in advance to ensure a productive and efficient meeting.

How To Prepare For A Weekly Team Meeting
Meeting Preparation Icon

During weekly team meetings, it is essential to discuss project updates, challenges, and milestones achieved. It’s also essential to address any upcoming deadlines, prioritize tasks, and allocate resources accordingly. Teams should brainstorm new ideas, share insights, and provide constructive feedback. Additionally, meetings should include discussions on team collaboration, training opportunities, and ways to improve overall productivity and communication.

See Our Weekly Team Meeting Template
Meeting Template Icon

Software tools to facilitate a Weekly Team Meeting

Software helps leaders run weekly team meetings more efficiently and effectively. It allows them to easily create and share meeting agendas, track action items, and provide updates. With features like video conferencing, collaboration tools, and real-time note-taking, software helps leaders foster better communication, increased productivity, and seamless coordination among team members.

Our Recommendations:


Running an effective and streamlined weekly team meeting is not an uphill battle if proper strategies are implemented and adhered to. By setting clear goals, keeping a structured agenda, engaging team members in constructive dialogues, using technology to your advantage, and summarizing key decisions and tasks, you can cultivate a focused and dynamic team meeting environment. Remember: the goal of these meetings is to foster collaboration, boost team morale, and drive productivity. It is all about leading your team towards achieving the company’s mission. Make your weekly team meeting a platform for effective communication, problem-solving, and creative brainstorming. With time, you’ll realize the transformation it brings in your team dynamics and overall team performance.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is the primary purpose of the Weekly Team Meeting?

The primary purpose of the Weekly Team Meeting is to align the team on current projects, to discuss progress and challenges, and to facilitate better communication and collaboration.

Who are the regular participants of the Weekly Team Meeting?

Regular participants of the Weekly Team Meeting are usually the team members working on current projects, the team lead, and occasionally, external stakeholders or department heads relevant to the subject matter.

What topics are typically discussed during the Weekly Team Meeting?

Topics during the Weekly Team Meeting typically include updates on current projects, team member workloads, upcoming deadlines, new initiatives, problem solving, decision making, and occasionally, team team-building activities.

How long do Weekly Team Meetings usually last?

The duration of a Weekly Team Meeting can vary depending on the size of the team and the complexity of the topics at hand. However, these meetings are typically held for an hour to ensure everyone has a chance to speak and contribute.

When should action items from the Weekly Team Meeting be tracked or followed up on?

Action items discussed during the Weekly Team Meeting should be tracked or followed up on immediately after the meeting, typically in the form of meeting minutes that are circulated to all attendees. The tasks and follow-up items should be added to project management tools or individual to-do lists to ensure accountability and timely accomplishment.

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