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The 10 Best Online Meeting Management Software Tools

The 10 best online meeting management software tools offer robust features such as scheduling, agenda setting, document sharing, team collaboration, and recording capabilities, making remote work and virtual meetings efficient and productive.

"ZipDo is a very clean and organized app which focuses on the perfect meeting workflow."
"Fellow.app is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it offers intuitive interface and seamless integrations to increase productivity and collaboration."
"adam.ai is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it streamlines meeting scheduling, agenda management, and collaborative note-taking in one easy-to-use platform."
Meeting Decisions
"Meeting Decisions is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it streamlines meeting processes, increases productivity, and enhances collaboration."
"Hypercontext is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it streamlines meeting agendas, actions, and follow-ups in one centralized platform."
Lucid Meetings
"Lucid Meetings is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it allows for easy meeting scheduling, collaboration, and tracking in one platform."
"Beenote is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform for organizing, collaborating, and documenting meetings efficiently."
"MeetingKing is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it effectively organizes agendas, meeting notes, and action items all in one platform."
Magic Minutes
"Magic Minutes is a great Online Meeting Management Software due to its user-friendly interface and robust features."
"Agreedo is a great Online Meeting Management Software because it streamlines meeting organization, fosters collaboration, and simplifies documentation."

Investing in Online Meeting Management Software is vital in today’s digital age because it significantly improves communication and collaboration among teams, especially those working remotely. This software provides a platform for video conferencing, screen sharing, schedule management, and instant messaging, making meetings more efficient, interactive, and well-organized. It allows faster decision-making processes by bringing everyone together in real-time, irrespective of geographical boundaries. A good meeting management software also improves accountability by maintaining a record of meeting minutes, action items, and follow-ups. Furthermore, online meetings save commuting time and expenses, thus increasing an organization’s overall productivity while reducing costs.

The Best Products

Online Meeting Management Software: Our Recommendations

Pick #1: Our Software


ZipDo, an innovative online meeting management software, is redefining team collaboration by overhauling traditional methods used in organizing, taking, and sharing meeting notes. The service offers real-time note-taking capabilities, collaborative editing, and compatibility with several popular productivity tools and calendars, catering to a team of any size effectively.

One of ZipDo’s distinguishing attributes is its real-time note-taking feature, ensuring all members are synchronized during meetings and eliminating the conventional way of passing notes. Following each meeting, team members can conveniently update and refine notes, ensuring access to the latest information.

Exceling in the organization of notes, ZipDo paves the way for easy categorization of notes into channels or files, fostering efficiency. The software’s searchable notes feature accelerates access to required information, circumventing the need for time-consuming manual scrolling or searching.

In the realm of note sharing, ZipDo offers fine-tuned access control, safeguarding the sharing of information with peers, customers, or associates. Its integration with calendars supports automated collaborative note generation for every meeting, eradicating the need for manual input.

In essence, ZipDo is an intuitive online meeting management software that provides an exhaustive set of features for enhanced project management, team productivity, and collaboration. It’s real-time note-taking, collaborative editing, organization, searchability, sharing, and integration capabilities make it an indispensable tool that simplifies meeting management ensuring swift project advancement.

Pick #2


Fellow.app is an advanced online meeting management software designed to streamline and boost productivity during virtual team collaborations. It primarily functions as an interactive meeting agenda tool, that allows team members to record notes, assign action items, and track meeting-related tasks in one central location, promoting accountability and transparency. The platform integrates seamlessly with popular collaboration and calendar tools, including Google Suite and Slack, making it a versatile solution for planning, executing, and following up on meetings effectively, thus enhancing overall meeting efficiency and productivity in an organization.

Streamlined Agenda Creation: Fellow.app has user-friendly features that allow meeting organizers to easily create and share meeting agendas. The collaborative tools on the platform allow team members to concurrently view and contribute to the meeting agenda in real time.
Meeting Management Functionality: Fellow.app allows you to set up meeting series, recurring meetings and one-on-one meetings. It also permits the assignment of action items during the meeting and tracks them for follow-up, making it easier to manage tasks post-meeting.
Easy Integration with Other Tools: Fellow.app integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Google Calendar, Microsoft Office, Slack, Zoom and more. This means that you can streamline your workflow by accessing everything in one place.
Feedback and Review mechanisms: With Fellow.app, you can give and receive real-time feedback, as well as retrospectively review meetings. This ensures continuous improvement for future meetings and enhances team performance.
User-friendly Interface and Experience: Fellow.app is highly intuitive which makes it easy to use. The dashboard is clean and straightforward, presenting you with a clear overview of your meetings, action items, and feedback given or received. This improves user experience, making meeting management a breeze.
Limited Integration: While Fellow.app does offer integration with many major platforms such as Google Meet and Zoom, for organizations that use less common meeting platforms, the software might not be as useful, as its integration capabilities may be limited.
No Offline Access: Fellow.app is heavily dependent on internet connectivity. This can be a limitation in places where internet connection is weak or intermittent as the tool does not offer offline access.
Steep Learning Curve: Fellow.app has a plethora of features which can be overwhelming for first-time users. It can take time to familiarize oneself with the tool and to use it to its full capacity which can be time-consuming.
Lack of Advanced Customization: While offering various customization options, the scope of these is not to the extent of some other similar tools on the market. This may limit the ability to modify the system to fit the unique needs of a particular organization.
Imperfect Transcription: If you are using Fellow.app for its transcription abilities, transcriptions may not be 100% accurate all the time, particularly when dealing with specific jargon or accents, potentially causing misunderstandings or miscommunication.

Pick #3


Adam.ai is an innovative and comprehensive online meeting management software that streamlines meeting workflows for businesses. This platform aids in all elements of meeting management, including prior preparation, in-meeting tools and post-meeting follow-up. Adam.ai manages meeting content and resources, assigns actions, integrates with popular business tools, and uses AI to track projects and progress, all synchronized in one secure platform. This comprehensive approach ensures seamless, productive, and accountable meetings, thus reducing wasted time and enhancing the overall productivity and effectiveness of project teams.

Meeting Lifecycle Management - Adam.ai manages the entire meeting lifecycle from initial preparation to sharing minutes, thus bringing order and efficiency to your meetings.
Integrated Project View - With its integrated project view, it provides a comprehensive outlook of all meetings associated with a project, including agendas, minutes, and follow-up tasks, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
Deep Content Search - Adam.ai allows you to conduct deep content searches. This means you can find information about decisions, tasks, or notes from any past meeting, enhancing traceability and accountability.
Smart Meeting Minutes - Adam.ai automatically creates meeting minutes during your meetings, which can be edited, approved, and shared, ensuring all participants are on the same page.
AI assistance - Adam.ai leverages artificial intelligence to automate mundane tasks like scheduling and follows up, boosting productivity and saving time.
Lack of Versatility - While adam.ai is particularly adept at handling meeting management tasks, it lacks a broader set of capabilities that other project management or collaboration tools generally include. Therefore, users may have to toggle between multiple platforms, which does not fit into a unified workflow.
Challenging to learn for newcomers - While it's unique and robust in many respects, adam.ai has a steep learning curve for new users due to its non-standardized user interface and specialized set of functions.
Inadequate integration - Many users have said that the integration of adam.ai with other popular tools, like Google Calendar or Microsoft Teams is not as seamless as it should be. This results in difficulties in maintaining a streamlined workflow.
Lack of advanced analytical tools - Although adam.ai does offer some basic reporting tools, it doesn't offer advanced analytics that can provide deep insights, which are necessary for larger or more complex projects.
Customizability - adam.ai does not offer a high degree of customizability. Users have limitations on how they can configure the software to their specific needs, unlike some other virtual meeting management software.

Pick #4

Meeting Decisions

MeetingDecisions is an online meeting management software that is designed to help professionals streamline their team meetings, improve productivity, and enhance overall collaboration. It offers a suite of features including planning, scheduling, and conducting meetings, note taking, action item assignment, decision recording, and follow-up automation. Its strong integration with Microsoft Office 365 makes it a familiar and seamless tool for setting and tracking the team’s agenda, tasks, and milestones. MeetingDecisions aims to eliminate the usual inefficiencies associated with meetings, leading to more actionable outcomes.

Integrated with Microsoft 365: MeetingDecisions is fully integrated with Microsoft 365 tools which enhances efficiency as users won't have to switch between different applications for different tasks. They can plan, conduct, and follow-up on meetings directly from Outlook, Teams or SharePoint.
Linear Workflow: MeetingDecisions utilizes a linear workflow for planning, running, and following up on meetings. This defines a clear path before, during, and after a meeting, minimizing confusion and ensuring that everyone is aware of their responsibilities.
Enhanced Collaboration: MeetingDecisions provides features like agenda planning, collaborative minute taking, task assignment, and decision logging, all of which encourage and enhance teamwork and collaboration among the participants.
Instant Accessibility of Meetings: All meeting documents and minutes are made instantly accessible in SharePoint. This allows all participants and even those who were unable to attend the meeting to quickly catch up and stay updated on the meeting outcomes.
Task Tracking: MeetingDecisions aids in the follow-up of tasks assigned in the meetings. It enables the participants to track the completion of assigned tasks, ensuring that actions agreed upon in meetings are actually implemented.
Limited Integration Capabilities - MeetingDecisions doesn't offer extensive integration with external tools and applications. While it does integrate with Microsoft's office suite, it is limited when it comes to other project management and communication tools.
Feature Deficit - Compared to other meeting management software available in the market, MeetingDecisions is lacking some advanced features. For example, it doesn't have the capability for users to take notes in real-time during the meeting or a native video conferencing tool.
User Interface - While the software is generally user-friendly, the interface could be improved. For example, some users report difficulty in finding specific options or features, suggesting the software could benefit from a more intuitive layout.
Limited Customization: MeetingDecisions doesn't offer much room for customization. Users are pretty much stuck with the default settings and aren't able to tailor the platform to their specific needs or preferences which could improve efficiency and satisfaction.
Slow Performance - There have been complaints about the software's speed and responsiveness. It can occasionally be sluggish, particularly when dealing with larger meetings. This could hinder productivity and user experience.

Pick #5


Hypercontext is a leading online meeting management software that provides a centralized, interactive platform for teams to collaborate, communicate, and track their work efficiently. It helps to streamline your meetings by allowing you to set agendas, share notes, assign action items, and follow up on tasks, all in one place. Hypercontext integrates with popular communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, enabling seamless collaboration across the organization. Its key features also include one-on-one meeting mode, team meetings, goal setting and tracking, feedback exchange, and performance review, making it a comprehensive tool for enhancing productivity and teamwork.

Enhanced Meeting Organization: Hypercontext aids in the structuring and streamlining of meetings. With features like shared agendas, automated reminders, and to-do list tracking, it ensures that every meeting is well-prepared, timely, and productive.
Collaborative Environment: Hypercontext fosters a more collaborative meeting atmosphere. It allows participants to contribute to the agenda, discuss items on the list, and share feedback. This encourages active participation and involvement of all team members.
Goal-Oriented Meetings: Hypercontext comes with a goal-setting function that allows objectives to be set, tracked, and integrated into the meeting discussions. This helps to keep everyone on track and ensures the team's goals are met.
Integration Capability: Hypercontext can seamlessly integrate with other popular technology platforms such as Slack, Google Calendar, or Microsoft Teams. This allows users to manage all their meetings and related activities in one place, which boosts efficiency and productivity.
Transparency and Accountability: Hypercontext takes detailed meeting minutes that are shared with all participants, enhancing transparency. The software also keeps track of and assigns tasks, which instills a sense of accountability amongst members as they can clearly see who is responsible for what.
Limited Integration: Hypercontext does not offer extensive integration with other applications. This means users may encounter difficulties syncing data from different platforms, which could potentially limit its functionality in your workflow
Limited Customization: Some users may find that the solution is not fully adaptable to their specific needs. The software lacks deep customization options, making it difficult for teams to adjust it according to their unique workflow or business process.
Limited Sharing Capabilities: Hypercontext doesn't offer a wide range of options for sharing information like notes, projects, or action items. This lack of fluidity can make it harder for team members to stay informed and collaborate effectively.
No Offline Availability: Hypercontext requires an internet connection to operate. This can hinder productivity during internet down times or for remote workers with spotty internet connections.
Lack of Video Conferencing Features: While Hypercontext does a good job of managing meeting agendas and tasks, it does not include features for video conferencing, which are part of most online meeting solutions. Users would need to use another platform for this, which adds an extra layer of complexity.

Pick #6

Lucid Meetings

Lucidmeetings.com is an online meeting management software that provides a comprehensive suite of tools to design, conduct, and document effective online meetings whether it’s for business discussions, team collaboration, board gatherings or client consultations. It offers features such as real-time shared note-taking, action item tracking, meeting scheduling, attendance tracking, and automated meeting agenda templates. The platform integrates with popular productivity tools and simplifies the collaboration process, enabling users to streamline their online meetings, improve communication, foster engagement, enhance team decision-making and ultimately, boost business productivity.

Comprehensive Meeting Templates - Lucidmeetings.com provides several ready-to-use meeting templates. This can help to streamline the planning process, and ensures that all key points are covered during the meeting.
Automated Meeting Scheduling - Lucidmeetings.com allows for automatic scheduling of regular meetings. This can remove the hassle of manual scheduling and helps to ensure that no meeting is forgotten or overlooked.
Interactive Agendas - The service provides interactive agendas that can be edited in real-time by all participants. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can significantly increase meeting efficiency.
Detailed Meeting Records - With Lucidmeetings.com, every aspect of the meeting, including decisions, notes, action items, and even the attendance, is automatically logged. This creates a comprehensive record for future review and accountability.
Integrated Workspace - Lucidmeetings.com integrates the entire meeting process in one workspace, from planning to follow-up. This allows for easier management and increased productivity. It has facilities to integrate with other productivity tools like Zoom, Teams, Google, and Office 365.
Limited Customization - Lucid Meetings offers limited customization options for its users. Users might not be able to modify the layout and design of meetings according to their organizational preferences or specific needs.
Interface functionality - Users have reported that the interface can be clunky and not as intuitive as other platforms. This can lead to difficulty in navigation and usage of the software.
Subpar Mobile Experience - Lucid Meetings does not provide a robust mobile platform. This limits the accessibility and flexibility of this system for users who want to organize or participate in meetings from mobile devices.
Participant Roles - Lucid Meetings can sometimes provide confusion with regard to what rights or abilities various participants have during the meeting. This can hamper smooth conduct of meetings as confusion ensues over participant roles.
Lack of Advanced Collaboration Tools - Unlike other online meeting tools that offer advanced collaboration features like brainstorming tools, whiteboard sharing, breakout rooms, etc., Lucid Meetings lacks such advanced interactive and collaboration features.

Pick #7


Beenote.io is an online meeting management software designed to streamline and enhance meeting processes in organizations. It allows users to schedule meetings, set agendas, assign tasks, track meeting minutes, and follow up on action items in a centralized, digital platform. Offering features such as automatic transcription, multilingual support, and integration with popular calendar apps, the platform emphasizes efficiency, accountability, and better meeting outcomes.
Beenote.io is also committed to robust privacy and data protection standards, making it a reliable choice for businesses of all sizes.

Efficient meeting planning: Beenote.io allows users to arrange meetings by creating an agenda and setting up a schedule in advance. Its integration with calendars (Google and Outlook) ensures everyone is aware of the meeting and its objectives beforehand, contributing to a more focused and productive session.
Real-time collaboration: Users can collaborate live in the meeting with agenda, documents, and assign tasks. This real-time interactivity ensures everyone is on the same page and encourages active participation.
Task management: Beenote.io not only arranges meeting but also helps track their follow-up actions. Once tasks are assigned during meetings, Beenote.io keeps track of these tasks, enabling team members to know their responsibilities, deadlines, and status of tasks.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: Beenote.io provides accessibility features such as text-to-speech, making it more inclusive to people with disabilities, thus promoting diverse and inclusive interaction.
Comprehensive meeting documentation: Beenote.io automatically records and archives meeting minutes, decisions, and tasks, which are searchable and downloadable. This provides an organized way of storing information making it easier for future reference and making compliance standards easier to meet.
Limited Integrations - Beenote.io has limited third-party integration, making it less flexible for users who want to merge it with other productivity tools they currently use.
No Video Conferencing - Beenote.io does not offer built-in video conferencing. Instead, users have to rely on external tools, which may compromise the seamless experience.
Lack of advanced features - While Beenote.io covers basic meeting management, it lacks more advanced features, such as project management capabilities and complex task assigning tools, making it less versatile compared to competitors.
No Native Mobile Application - Although Beenote.io is functional on mobile browsers, it does not have native mobile applications. This makes access more inconvenient and may lead to a less user-friendly experience on mobile devices.
Complicated User Interface - Some users have reported that Beenote.io's interface is not intuitive, which could lead to a learning curve and slow down the process of adopting this solution for some teams.

Pick #8


MeetingBooster.com is an online meeting management software designed to streamline the process of organizing, conducting, and following up on business meetings. It provides comprehensive solutions such as agenda preparation, task assignment, decision tracking, and automatic meeting minutes generation, aiming towards enhancing productivity and collaboration. MeetingBooster facilitates effective information sharing and ensures accountability, reducing time-wastage and improving overall meeting outcomes. This tool is an excellent aid for businesses seeking to transform their meetings into powerful drivers for project management, business strategy, and organizational performance.

Professional Meeting Minutes - MeetingBooster.com provides structured templates for creating professional meeting minutes. This feature cuts down the time it takes to draft, finalize, and distribute the minutes.
Action Item Management - With MeetingBooster.com, you can assign, track, and manage action items right from the platform. This maintains accountability and ensures tasks are completed on time.
Decision Making Aid - The software offers an embedded tool that can facilitate democratic decision-making processes. It allows meeting participants to vote on specific points and decisions in real time.
A Streamlined Agenda Setting - MeetingBooster.com has a unique agenda wizard that makes it easy to create detailed and precise agendas. This helps to maintain focus during meetings and increases productivity.
Meeting Analytics – The software provides analytics for meetings, such as time spent on each topic, completion rate of assigned tasks, attendance, and more. This helps in making data-driven decisions for future meetings.
Lack of Integration Options: MeetingBooster.com might not integrate with all types of software that teams may already be using, which can create difficulties in synchronizing information across different platforms.
Learning Curve: MeetingBooster.com has a number of features that can require some time to fully understand and utilize, which can be a disadvantage for teams wanting to quickly implement and adopt a new online meeting tool.
Unfriendly User Interface: Some users have reported that the interface of MeetingBooster.com is not as intuitive and simple as it could be, which can decrease user-friendliness and productivity.
Restricted Customization Options: With MeetingBooster.com, there might be limited options to customize the functionality and appearance of the software, which can be a drawback for companies that wish to tailor the software to their unique needs.
Inconsistent Customer Support: Some users have reported inconsistent customer support experiences when dealing with issues or needing assistance with the MeetingBooster.com software, which can be problematic when needing immediate help during important meetings.

Pick #9


MeetingKing.com is a comprehensive online meeting management software that is designed to enhance productivity by effectively organizing, structuring, and documenting meetings. This interactive platform enables users to schedule and arrange meetings, prepare agendas, assign tasks, and manage follow-up actions, ensuring that every aspect of a meeting is handled efficiently. It is an inherently collaborative tool that promotes engagement and accountability amongst team members. Additionally, it provides the ability to create professional minutes and facilitates seamless integration with other productivity tools, including Google Calendar and Outlook, thereby streamlining the entire meeting process.

Comprehensive Meeting Management: MeetingKing.com offers end-to-end meeting management, from scheduling meetings, preparing the agenda, assigning tasks before the meeting, to generating post-meeting minutes.
Agenda and Minutes builder: MeetingKing.com provides a powerful tool for agenda and minutes creation, reducing the time and effort to manually build these essential meeting documents.
Integrative Task Management: On this platform, tasks can be assigned to individuals with due dates and status updates, making it straightforward to monitor progress and ensure accountability among team members.
Discussion Feedback Loop: MeetingKing.com promotes interaction by allowing participants to leave comments on tasks and meetings, foster open communication and ensuring all team members are on the same page.
Seamless File Sharing: The platform supports file uploads and links for integration with other documentation, offering a consolidated, single point of accessing all relevant meeting resources.
User Interface - The user interface is not as intuitive as some other online meeting management software. Navigating and finding features can prove to be complex, especially for novice users.
Customization - MeetingKing.com offers limited customization options, particularly when it comes to designing the layout of the meeting interface. This may not meet the specific needs of all users.
No Video Conferencing - The software lacks video conferencing capabilities which is a crucial feature for effective online meetings in today’s digital communication environment.
Sync Issues - There can be syncing issues, especially for reminders and tasks when used across multiple platforms. This can lead to tasks being overlooked or duplicated.
Limited integration - MeetingKing.com has limited integration with other productivity tools. While it integrates with Outlook and Google Calendar, it may not work as seamlessly with other productivity or project management tools the organization may already be using.

Pick #10

Magic Minutes

Magicminutes.co.uk is a cloud-based online meeting management software that aims to streamline and optimize corporate meetings. The platform incorporates a range of utilities such as scheduling, automated agenda creation, minute taking, task assignment, and much more. The software places a strong emphasis on accountability by keeping track of outstanding tasks and notifying members in real-time, ensuring work is completed promptly. Perfect for teams, board meetings, or committees, Magic Minutes aims to boost productivity by reducing the time spent on planning, coordinating, and following up on meetings. Coupled with features like PDF exports and secure cloud storage, the platform provides an efficient and collaborative tool for managing both virtual and in-person meetings.

Automated Action Logging: The solution automatically logs actions and distributes them to all meeting participants, hence ensuring nothing is forgotten or missed.
Organisation of the Meeting Process: MagicMinutes helps in scheduling meetings, preparing agendas, and also tracking the assignments given during the meeting thus helping in better organisation.
Integrated Meeting Documentation: This platform provides an integrated approach towards meeting documentation, with the ability to collate all meeting minutes, agendas, actions and decisions in one place.
Minimize Meeting Duration: By providing an intuitive platform for all participants to review and update the meeting status independently, less time is wasted in status updates and more time is available for decision-making during actual meetings.
Easy Accessibility: Being a cloud-based system, MagicMinutes can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, allowing remote workers or teams located in different geographical locations to conveniently collaborate and manage meetings.
After conducting a detailed assessment, the following are some disadvantages specific to Magicminutes.co.uk when used as Online Meeting Management Software:
MagicMinutes doesn’t support real-time collaboration. This limits the ability of team members to edit a document or meeting minutes at the same time. The platform does not provide a feature for video conferencing. This can significantly reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of remote team meetings.
The user interface may not be very intuitive or user-friendly. This could potentially lead to confusion or misunderstandings, causing inefficiencies in meeting management.
MagicMinutes does not allow full integration with popular software such as MS Office, Google Workspaces which limits the functionality and productivity for the users who are already used to these softwares.
There are no mobile apps available for Magic Minutes. This can lead to accessibility issues for teams that primarily use smartphones or Tablets.

Pick #11


Agreedo.com is an online meeting management software, chiefly designed to optimize and simplify the logistics of organizing, managing, and conducting online meetings or conferences. It offers features such as scheduling, preparing meeting agendas, recording and tracking of meeting minutes, as well as task assignments and follow-ups. All these are presented in an user-friendly interface, enhancing productivity, interactivity, and accountability among team members. Agreedo, therefore, aids in fostering effective communication, resulting in more efficient and productive meetings.

Efficient Collaboration: Agreedo.com allows for efficient and streamlined collaboration. The software enables multi-user accessibility, which means different users can input their ideas, comments, or tasks in real time during the meeting, enhancing interactivity and cooperation.
Comprehensive Meeting Tracking: With Agreedo.com, you can easily track the progress of meetings, from agenda setting, writing meeting minutes, to assigning and monitoring tasks, it provides a comprehensive record of your meeting activities. This ensures no important information is lost and improves accountability among participants.
Actionable Task Generation: Agreedo.com automatically generates actionable tasks from the meeting discussions. These tasks can then be distributed to participants, facilitating clearer understanding on what needs to be done post-meeting.
Meeting Documentation: Agreedo.com supports automatic collection and storage of all meeting-related documents in one place. It ensures proper documentation and easy retrieval of any required document, aiding future reference.
User-friendly Interface: The interface of Agreedo.com is intuitive and user-friendly. This makes it easier for participants to navigate the site, add input, and fully participate in the meeting with minimal technical interruptions or frustrations.
Limited Features: While Agreedo.com has the basic functions of meeting management, it falls short in offering more advanced features like real-time updates, catering management, automated follow-up, and integrated video conferencing tools.
User Interface: Some users find the interface less elegant and somewhat unappealing. This makes it less user-friendly and could potentially decrease user experience and productivity.
No Mobile App: Agreedo.com does not currently have a dedicated mobile app. This lack of a mobile app can reduce flexibility and convenience for remote workers or people on the move.
Sparse Integration Options: Agreedo.com does not readily offer integration with popular software like Google Calendar, Outlook and other productivity-enhancing software which can be limiting in terms of workflow smoothness in organizations.
Lack of Customizability: Agreedo.com does not offer much in terms of customizability. This can be restricting for organizations that would want features tailored to their specific needs and work culture.

Online Meeting Management Software: Key Features

Online meeting management software revolutionizes the way we conduct meetings by offering a suite of powerful, user-centric features designed to optimize collaboration and productivity. Key features include a streamlined scheduling system that allows participants to easily find and agree on suitable meeting times, circumventing the back-and-forth emails that often plague the planning stage. Additionally, integrated video conferencing capabilities ensure that meetings can go ahead seamlessly, regardless of participants’ locations, with high-quality audio and video that bridge the gap between virtual and physical interaction.

Further enhancing the utility of online meeting management software are interactive tools like screen sharing, real-time document editing, and virtual whiteboards, which foster an environment of collaboration and engagement. Participants can share their ideas and feedback instantaneously, making sessions more dynamic and productive. Automated meeting minutes and action item tracking simplify follow-up, ensuring that decisions made during meetings translate into tangible outcomes. With these key features and more, online meeting management software is essential for any organization looking to improve its meeting efficiency and overall collaboration.

Buying Criteria

Choosing the right online meeting management software necessitates a discerning approach, focusing on the particular needs of your organization. Begin by identifying the essential features required to facilitate seamless communication within your team, such as video conferencing quality, user interface intuitiveness, and collaborative tools like screen sharing and file transfer capabilities. It’s also crucial to assess the scalability of the solution, ensuring it can accommodate your team’s size and growth without compromising performance or requiring significant additional investments.

Moreover, security cannot be overlooked. Opt for a platform that provides robust encryption and compliance with relevant data protection regulations to safeguard your company’s sensitive information. Considering the differing levels of tech proficiency among users, select software that balances advanced features with ease of use, and offers reliable customer support for troubleshooting. Taking the time to examine these aspects will lead you to an online meeting management software that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, fostering more effective and efficient collaboration.


Investing in online meeting management software becomes imperative when an organization frequently hosts virtual meetings, particularly with participants spread across various locations. This necessity arises from the need to streamline scheduling, improve communication, and enhance the overall productivity of meetings. Businesses that operate on a global scale or have remote teams can significantly benefit from the organizational prowess and efficiency such software provides. Additionally, if a company is experiencing growth or an increase in the volume of meetings, investing in this type of software can ensure smooth transitions and scalability, aligning with the future needs of the business.

Conversely, it may not make sense to invest in online meeting management software for small businesses or startups that conduct meetings infrequently or with a limited number of participants. In cases where face-to-face interactions predominate or the team’s size allows for easy manual coordination, the cost and complexity of implementing such a system might outweigh its benefits. Furthermore, organizations with a tight budget may prioritize other investments that directly contribute to revenue generation or critical operations. For them, utilizing basic, cost-free communication tools could be a more pragmatic approach until their meeting schedules or sizes warrant a more sophisticated solution.

Popular Questions

What is Online Meeting Management Software?

Online Meeting Management Software refers to a suite of tools that allow users to schedule, manage, and conduct meetings over the internet. These tools typically include features such as Calendar integrations, agenda setting, live video and audio, screen sharing, and real-time collaboration tools.

Why is Online Meeting Management Software useful for businesses?

Online Meeting Management Software allows businesses to hold meetings remotely, which is valuable in today’s globalized and digitalized world. It facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between team members, clients, or partners who are located in different parts of the world, thus saving travel time and costs.

Can Online Meeting Management Software be used for large-scale meetings or conferences?

Yes, these software platforms are equipped to handle meetings and conferences of various scales, from one-on-one meetings to webinars with hundreds of participants. The tools provide features like participant management, polling, and Q&A, which can help to engage a large audience effectively.

Which are some popular Online Meeting Management Software options?

Some renowned Online Meeting Management Software alternatives include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, and GoToMeeting. Each of these offers a unique set of features tailored to different business needs.

Is it necessary to have special equipment to use Online Meeting Management Software?

Typically, all that’s needed to use Online Meeting Management Software is a device with internet access such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. For optimal audio and video quality, some users might also elect to utilize a webcam, headphones, or an external microphone, but most modern devices come with these built-in.

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