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How Do You Ask For The Topic Of A Meeting

You ask for the topic of a meeting by respectfully inquiring about the main agenda or issues to be discussed during the meeting.

A meeting topic refers to the subject or focus of a meeting. It determines the purpose, agenda, and discussion points of the gathering. Meeting topics could encompass a wide range of areas, including project updates, problem-solving sessions, decision-making discussions, training workshops, brainstorming, and team-building exercises. The choice of meeting topics is crucial to ensure that the objectives of the meeting are met, and participants are engaged and productive.

How Do You Ask For The Topic Of A Meeting: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Introduction

During the meeting’s opening, the moderator warmly greets all attendees, reiterates the meeting’s objective, and establishes the necessary guidelines and expectations for the smooth flow and effective participation of each member.

Next Step

Step 2: Previous Meeting Minutes

In this step, a concise summary of the previous meeting’s minutes, if applicable, is shared to update attendees about previous discussions or decisions made. This ensures everyone is up to speed before moving forward.

Next Step

Step 3: Progress Reports

During this reporting opportunity, individual team members or departments provide updates on the progress they have achieved with their respective tasks since the previous meeting, allowing for effective communication and accountability within the organization.


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Next Step

Step 4: Agenda Points

The meeting’s key discussion topics are introduced, and the moderator provides detailed explanations for each point before inviting participants to engage in a discussion.

Next Step

Step 5: Open Discussion

Following the presentation of key points, an open discussion takes place, allowing team members to actively participate by sharing their opinions, posing questions, and proposing potential solutions.

Next Step

Step 6: Idea Generation

During problem-solving or brainstorming meetings, this step encourages all participants to contribute their ideas and tap into their creativity to generate potential solutions.

Next Step

Step 7: Decision Making

During this step, decisions on the discussed topics are made either through a voting process, where each participant has a say, or through consensus where everyone agrees on a particular course of action.

Next Step

Step 8: Action Items

Based on the discussion and decisions, an outline of the action items or next steps are put forth, along with the people responsible for them. This ensures clarity and accountability within the team, facilitating efficient execution of the agreed-upon tasks.

Next Step

Step 9: Schedule Next Meeting

To ensure that all action items and ongoing projects are appropriately tracked and accounted for, it is essential to schedule the next meeting. This will facilitate follow-up and ensure everyone remains accountable for their tasks.

Next Step

Step 10: Feedback Session

Attendees have the opportunity to offer feedback on the meeting process, decisions made, or any other relevant topics they wish to discuss, ensuring constructive input and continuous improvement.


In the end, asking for the topic of a meeting may seem like a simple task, but it plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient and productive discussions. By clarifying the purpose and expectations beforehand, you can set the stage for a focused and meaningful meeting. Whether you choose to inquire directly or use alternative approaches like providing an outline or agenda, remember that clear communication is key. By being proactive and asking for the topic of a meeting, you demonstrate professionalism and respect for everyone’s time. So, don’t hesitate to speak up and seek clarity, as it will lead to more effective and successful meetings for all involved.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is a meeting topic?

A meeting topic is the main subject, issue, or idea that is to be discussed during a meeting. It serves as the focal point of the dialogue and assists in keeping the gathering focused and productive.

How do you decide on a meeting topic?

A meeting topic is typically decided based on the primary goal of the meeting. It could be a pressing issue, a project update, a strategy discussion, or a brainstorming session. The topic should be relevant to all participants to ensure their active involvement.

Can a meeting have multiple topics?

Yes, a meeting can have multiple topics. However, it’s essential to keep the number of topics manageable. Having too many topics in one meeting can lead to a lack of focus and inefficiency. The agenda should also allow enough time for discussing each topic adequately.

How are the meeting topics communicated to the participants?

Meeting topics are typically communicated to participants through a meeting agenda. The agenda provides all necessary information about the meeting, including the date, time, location, and topics to be discussed. The agenda should be shared well in advance before the meeting.

Is it possible to change the meeting topic during the meeting?

Depending on the nature of the meeting, the topic, in some cases, can be modified during the meeting. However, it’s considered best practice to stick to the planned agenda to keep the meeting on track. If a new critical issue arises, it should ideally be scheduled for a future meeting unless it’s urgent.

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