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How To Create A Meeting Charter

” Create a meeting charter by clarifying the meeting’s goals, participants, roles, rules, procedures, and expected outcomes, encapsulating all these aspects into a concise document.

A meeting charter is a document that outlines the purpose, objectives, and desired outcomes of a meeting. It serves as a guide for participants and provides clarity on the agenda, roles and responsibilities, rules of engagement, and expected deliverables. A meeting charter helps ensure that everyone is on the same page, understands the goals and objectives, and facilitates effective and productive discussions during the meeting. It sets the tone for the meeting and helps promote a focused and structured approach towards achieving the desired outcomes.

How To Create A Meeting Charter: Step-By-Step


Step 1: Identify Purpose

The meeting is necessary to facilitate decision-making regarding the implementation of a new marketing strategy. Its goal is to brainstorm ideas, identify potential obstacles, and devise effective solutions to maximize the company’s marketing efforts and achieve desired objectives.

Next Step

Step 2: Choose Participants

Identifying the key individuals or groups who need to be present in the meeting is crucial for effective decision-making. These individuals must possess the necessary expertise and authority to contribute meaningfully and ensure the success of the discussions and eventual decisions.

Next Step

Step 3: Set Objectives

Creating SMART strategic objectives helps the meeting focus on specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. This ensures clarity and effectiveness, enabling the team to stay on track and accomplish desired outcomes within a specific timeframe.


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Next Step

Step 4: Designate a Facilitator

The meeting facilitator will play a crucial role in managing the meeting effectively by guiding the discussion, maintaining focus, and ensuring that the meeting objectives are accomplished.

Next Step

Step 5: Create an Agenda

Develop a comprehensive agenda for the meeting with a well-structured plan of topics to be discussed, their order of occurrence, and appropriate time allocation for each item. Share this agenda with all attendees before the meeting for their review and preparation.

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Step 6: Establish Ground Rules

When setting expectations for participant behavior and interaction, it is important to establish rules regarding punctuality, active participation, respectful communication styles, and agreed-upon decision-making procedures. These guidelines ensure a positive and productive environment for all participants.

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Step 7: Prepare Logistics

As a business expert, it is essential to ensure that the location and meeting tools are properly prepared and available for use, including projectors, video conference systems, and whiteboards. Additionally, it is crucial to create a conducive environment that aligns with the purpose of the meeting.

Next Step

Step 8: Organize Pre-Meeting Notes

In order to ensure effective preparation for the meeting, it is essential to collect and distribute all necessary information or data that participants need to review. This may include previous meeting minutes, reports, or relevant research materials.

Next Step

Step 9: Conduct the Meeting

As a business expert, it is crucial to effectively facilitate meetings by adhering to the agenda and objectives. This involves guiding discussions towards the meeting’s purpose and actively involving all attendees to ensure their engagement and participation.

Next Step

Step 10: Evaluate Progress

Regularly assess meeting progress to ensure timely achievement of objectives. Adjust plan segments as necessary for improved objective alignment.


Creating a meeting charter is a crucial step towards ensuring productive and effective meetings. By establishing clear goals, expectations, and guidelines, a meeting charter helps to foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and collaboration within a team or organization. It enables meeting participants to better understand their roles and responsibilities, encourages active engagement and participation, and minimizes time wastage and confusion during meetings. The process of creating a meeting charter involves careful consideration of various factors, such as defining meeting objectives, determining agenda structures, and establishing norms for communication and decision-making. By consistently using a meeting charter, teams can enhance their meeting effectiveness, drive better outcomes, and ultimately maximize their overall productivity. So, don’t overlook the power of a well-crafted meeting charter – it’s the key to successful and purpose-driven meetings.

Jannik Lindner

I'm Jannik and I write on MeetingFever about the experiences from my career as a founder and team lead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via LinkedIn.

Popular Questions

What is a Meeting Charter?

A Meeting Charter is a document that clearly outlines the purpose, scope, and structure of a meeting. It typically includes details about the meeting’s objectives, participants, roles, agenda, logistics, and any necessary preparations.

Why is a Meeting Charter necessary?

A Meeting Charter is crucial because it helps to keep the meeting on track, set clear expectations for all participants, and ensures that everyone understands their roles and contributions. It also promotes efficiency, as it reduces confusion and miscommunication.

What details typically go into a Meeting Charter?

A Meeting Charter typically includes the purpose of the meeting, who will be attending, the intended outcomes, the roles of the participants, the meeting agenda, and any necessary preparations or pre-meeting work for the attendees.

Who is responsible for creating the Meeting Charter?

The responsibility for creating the Meeting Charter usually falls on the meeting’s leader or organizer. However, in a collaborative environment, this task may be shared or delegated to the team or committee.

How do we make sure the Meeting Charter is followed?

Ensuring adherence to the Meeting Charter requires a collaborative effort from all attendees. The meeting facilitator should reference the charter throughout the meeting and encourage others to do the same. It could also be useful to circulate the charter prior to the meeting for everyone to review, or even begin the meeting by summarizing the key points of the charter.

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